

03 Nov


Originally posted by Gsantos52012

Hi! Not really a big bug, but is it normal for ash to be before seer in the character roaster when u join the match? I thought it was made in order of release, as all the other characters do.

Bug. Already fixed internally.


Originally posted by bpgodinho

I got my trail and badge but no gun charm

Scroll UP. the S10 charms are in the "wrong" spot. Above the others.


Originally posted by bobofatt

Hi Robot!

Myself and several others had redeemed Monster Energy Battle Pass codes already. While they redeem successfully in the menu, they don't actually level up the Battle Pass this season. Help!

I know there have been questions about this. I think one thing that's a possible source of confusion is that you redeem the code on the monster site for different code that you then redeem in game. But I've seen a bunch of questions flying around on this (but couldn't get a clear sense if there's an actual issue here or just a misunderstanding about the two-step code code flow). If you're doing the double code flow (getting the code from monster and redeeming THAT in game) and still having issues, lemme know so I can follow up with the folks who work with the Monster team.


Originally posted by sonhalo

u/RobotHavGunz sir, anyone, please look at this. or this post

I'll bring it up with Gameplay team (which is not me, but I do work in settings and other UIUX areas and understand the actual tech concerns here). I can also assure you that it's not because we don't care about controller players. We have a huge number of controller players on the design team (I'm a controller player, as is John Larson, our resident Apex Predator). And among the most skilled players internally it's a pretty even split between controller/MKB. So there's definitely no "input favoritism." MKB is just way, way easier to design around. The revive problem one is simpler than the door problem - there are definitely times when you want to prioritize shutting a door - but there are just complexities when you have limited inputs. I personally agree that reload should take always take priority if the magazine isn't full. I've died to this as well (though I die a lot, so it's probably less frustrating for me than for higher skill players). And I thin...

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Originally posted by SmokePuddingEveryday

First off I wanted to say that I appreciate all the work you're doing in this thread to help users.

I understand this is pretty nitpicky and definitely not a priority but I recall the patch notes saying that Wattson now travels at full speed when readying her Tactical. However, ingame she appears to be about 2 units slower than the average run speed(297.57 vs 299). It's an incredibly subtle thing but I just found it interesting.

Additionally, there's a weird bug with Ash's tactical where you can still hear it spinning after you put it away by equipping Unarmed.

Thank you for the hard work.

I will pass along both to the Legends team. I am impressed with the calculation of run speed units!

02 Nov


Originally posted by EbnyCrm

I feel like it should animate since there were no splits and it was the first season of Arena. Could we get this fixed?

Yup. We already have this fixed locally. Will take some time to get it out though.


Originally posted by rthesoccerproj2

hey robot, I have another question related to the one spork asked. for those who still have the diamond trails from season 8 and 9? will we be able to keep them for longer than 1 season? if yes, how long are we really allowed to keep them?

So this is the "bug" we were trying to fix. They are meant to only be for one season. So to fix the bug of not getting grants - a more major bug - we turned them back on for previous seasons. But we will be disabling them in a future update as the patch notes stated. This is except for folks who have the grandfathered ones. The designer who handles ranked can chime in with more details. Let me ping him.


Originally posted by spatpat

Before you are out of bugs to forward, I just got my first kill this season with a peacekeeper and it somehow still counted as care package weapon kill. No other bugs to report, thank you and the team for this smooth season!

I just got my first kill this season with a peacekeeper and it somehow still counted as care package weapon kill. No other bugs to report, thank you and the team for this smooth season!

Will address with Weapons team. Thx.


Originally posted by kace91

If you could that would be awesome! I was playing around in the firing range and it did feel a bit off so now I'm really curious to see if it's just placebo effect or if there's a difference.

Have raised the issue with people who can actually tell if anything has changed. Me, I'd be like, "well, I'm missing targets... but then again, I always miss targets..."


Originally posted by stonehearthed

u/RobotHavGunz linking just to notify the devs

reported internally. thx.


Originally posted by Spork-in-Your-Rye

Quick question. Are the ranked arenas badges supposed to be animated?

Yes. Bugged currently, which we realized thanks to another poster here. Broken currently because they are looking for a split, but S10 didn't have one. We'll get it fixed, but needs a full update so not for a bit. But we WILL fix.


Originally posted by kace91

Hi there! some people are reporting that their aim on console is somewhat off (there's a thread in /r/apexuncovered for example). Could you confirm if there's been any changes to either aim settings or aim assist?

Nothing I'm aware of, but I can field it with the gameplay team.


Originally posted by RobotHavGunz

Yeah, I remembered that as I wrote that. We're looking now to see if we set the badges up to be looking for a split which, as you rightly reminded me, doesn't exist.

Yup. Confirmed that's the bug. It was looking for a split where none existed. We're fixing, but it will need to be a proper patch before we can fix it. Thanks for raising the issue. We'll get this sorted! u/luclky


Originally posted by DapperMudkip

Is the third person Easter egg in firing range going to be possible again? It was my favorite way of appreciating skins and animations :(

Speaking entirely theoretically as I have no knowledge of non-official things like this, someone who was absolutely and definitely not me might have possibly addressed this issue. Not that I'd know because it definitely wasn't me who worked on fixing this very non-official non-feature.

Seriously, though, thanks. We turned this off because of the issues in 10.1 after we had to move to despawning players (because of other bugs) and forgot to turn it back on. We'll get it re-enabled. Hypothetically or something...


Originally posted by Realseetras

There were no visible splits in this first ranked arenas season though. Perhaps an oversight here?

Yeah, I remembered that as I wrote that. We're looking now to see if we set the badges up to be looking for a split which, as you rightly reminded me, doesn't exist.


Originally posted by RobotHavGunz

Not sure. Asking.

Arena predator badge SHOULD animate if you held rank both splits, same as BR.


Originally posted by RobotHavGunz

Sent to level team to ask.

Yup. It's a bug. They are looking into it. Thank you.


Originally posted by AbhorrentChonk

I have a problem to report, there is a hole in the map at barometer.

Pictures -

I’d appreciate if you could let me know that you see this or if you’ve already seen this, otherwise I might end up making a solo post about it. Thank you

Sent to level team to ask.


Originally posted by luclky

Question is arena predator not going to get an animated badge? You had to hold the rank for the whole season don’t see why we wouldn’t get it?

Not sure. Asking.


Originally posted by Iacu_Ane

Hello, I still didn't get the rewards

Should self-correct next time you hit the lobby. If your client is having connectivity issues with Marketplace, it may take a bit of time as it needs to connect to a separate service (unrelated to gameplay). But as soon as that happens, it should self correct. No one was getting rewards, and everyone I've spoken to since has gotten them (and the root cause was clear). Marketplace sees a big spike in traffic on patch days, which might be why it's delayed. Message me directly if it doesn't correct within the next day or so.