

19 Sep


Originally posted by AnataBakka

yea, ok, fixing a bug without reproduction i agree. But i don't agree with the low % stuff.

If bugs with high % got fixed i would agree, but since even those don't get fixed

Yeah, what you've saying does make sense. Quite reasonable presented too. Cheers


Originally posted by AnataBakka

I just thought about your answer, and i hate to say this, but that's not an excuse.

how many players use unflinching? If i tell you that there's a bug affecting 100% of its users (supposing there's at least one enemy champion that slows), will it get fixed?

You may say "yes". Too bad it's still not fixed since release.

The worst bugs are those when they happen each game you have an item on. For example spellthief on Illaoi or deadman's on Mordekaiser. If you put that condition the bug happens 100% of their games.

ps: I told you this, even though i know you may not even be the one that should fix those bugs, but as a general riot behaviour i don't think the % of players getting affected by the issue impacts having the bug fixed or not

It absolutely has to factor in, though. If I take a work day to hunt down a bug that we don't have a reproducible set of instructions for, I could have spent that day fixing 10 other bugs.

Oh and those other bugs could easily affect 1000 times as many players.

18 Sep


Originally posted by GOOCHSNIFFER1

Now this... this is a refreshing piece of honesty, I hate seeing all the "riot plz" comments on this subreddit and the fact of the matter is that you need to juggle demand for a fix as well as the type of issue and who it's affecting. Keep up the good work

I like you. You can stay. 😁

17 Sep


Originally posted by AnataBakka

xD lol

it's fine. I just wanted to update the wiki with the rhaast default info, but i couldn't understand the "tie" condition.

I think i'll put what i said above. "If Kayn hits both range types at the same time as his last hit then the trasformation will default to Rhaast."

Gah, you're going to have me check the script files now... 😆


Originally posted by AnataBakka

wait, no, i was confused.

There's no longer 500 points for each range type.

There're only 500 points where both types are included, no? They no longer have separate bars. There's only one.

So i'm having trouble understanding this.

where both forms have exactly 1000 orb points when the last orb hits Kayn

The trasformation is only decided based on damage dealt no? Amount of orbs gathered has nothing to do with it

This conversation isn't going to get us anywhere since I can't remember what the script says. 😁


Originally posted by AnataBakka

1000 orb points? wasn't 500 the maximum for each form?


It's just so close that there's no clear winner, so we pick the one that makes sense.

What do you mean by the one that makes sense?

I can't recall the exact orb count needed. Been months! The one that makes sense is the last type you damaged, like you mentioned earlier.


Originally posted by AnataBakka

The tie can only result if kayn's last hit hit both a ranged and melee type, right?

Since i think there was the rule that said if the range types' damage are within 8% of each other, the last range type hit will determine the trasformation.

Yep! This is still true, but it's not a tie in that instance. It's just so close that there's no clear winner, so we pick the one that makes sense. If there's an ACTUAL tie (where both forms have exactly 1000 orb points when the last orb hits Kayn), then the script picks the winner.

I'll revisit this logic if I can but it's very busy right now.


Originally posted by Asura-Knight

Wait!.... What do you mean by "Enemy picking Trundle and you losing that way!"? Does that mean, that once the game started, our Nexus will automatically fall? Or is there some Game Breaking bug at Trundle?

No, it's a joke. Trundle generally dumpsters Kayn.


Originally posted by leofravega

And if this happens in ranked? I mean, Kayn without his transformations is like half of a champ.

I know, it's sh*tty. But, there's a less than 0.1% chance this can happen to you (could be lower, but we don't track values lower than 0.1% in our data). There's a higher % chance of the enemy picking Trundle and you losing that way!


Originally posted by TangyOhio

Does that mean you haven't figured out what's causing it yet?

Yep. No clue. It affects less than 0.1% of Kayn games so it's just not a priority. It f*cking sucks, I know it does, but there's only so much time in the day and we have to focus our efforts elsewhere.

This could just be a bug in the UI for all we know, meaning I personally couldn't even fix it alone. I'd probably need an engineer.


Originally posted by Trade-Prince

This has been in the game for a while, considering how big of a bug it is I'm surprised it hasn't been fixed yet

It's a nasty bug for sure, but affects less than 0.1% of Kayn games.


Originally posted by Orantar

You had equal red and blue orbs, issue has been there since passive rework.

A lesson to not assume random shit.

This isn't the case I'm afraid. There a statement in there that says in a tie, always pick Rhaast.

It's the first thing I checked.

28 Aug


Originally posted by ZedWuJanna

I remember there were some threads a few patches ago mentioning that the designer behind Malphite changes wasn't even high elo. No source for the claims though. If I'm mistaken, feel free to correct me. I'm loving the changes though and the current Malphite is his best iteration so far.

Ah I looked the designer up and it's not who I thought it was (Jatt!). Jatt just played him a lot during the testing phase in our playtests. Glad you like him!


Thanks for the post, OP. I suspect that some of the replies are not QUITE in the spirit of the thread, though. 😉


Originally posted by ZedWuJanna

Recent Malphite changes, they finally made this champion fun to play and the aa cancel on W is amazing. Kinda funny that some silver/bronze rioter who didn't even play malph was behind these changes.

Edit: He's actually gold IV and hasn't played too many rankeds this season. And also based on he's been mostly spamming new Malphite recently on normals, but hasn't played the old one that much. His profile. Not sure where the downvote came from nor do I care, but I'm just providing some proof for nonbelievers.

Where'd you get that information from? 😊


Originally posted by Swifty6

renekton is the OP

Oof! Sorry! I mean, she put the traps out... 😊


Not sure where luck came into it! That looked incredibly well played.

24 Aug


Originally posted by zekeismydaddy

I can assure you there's a HUGE amount of work that go into the unique Eternals. Ideation, scripting, balance, working out the progression time, testing and localisation.

This only tells how pathetic of a company Riot truly became IF you really had to work that hard just to create a simple KDA tracker. Don't even act like there's something really standing out in those missions, most of them are KDA, only one mission slightly changes, if you have the dignity to call them a change though. But yeah coming up with "/allchat ?" must've been really hard. L M f**king A O

I was referring to the unique ones for each champion, not the kill based ones.


Originally posted by [deleted]


I can assure you there's a HUGE amount of work that go into the unique Eternals. Ideation, scripting, balance, working out the progression time, testing and localisation.

You can obviously still have the opinion that Eternals are not worth the price (as is a right every consumer has about every luxury product), but it's just incorrect that a system like this is not complicated to implement.

I mean, there'll be over 420 uniques if there's 3 for each champion in the game. That's an insane amount of work.

10 Aug