

06 Jul


All 140 or so champions are within 15% win rate of each other. I'd call that quite incredible tbh.

03 Jul


Originally posted by UNINHIBIT_THE_RIBBIT

riot's revenue went down by 700 billion dollars in one year.

They made the choice to murder LoL a long time ago, I was a beta tester for the game in 2009, and I think things started to go downhill very quickly pretty much as soon as Morello stopped being the lead designer. Also, the forum they had (the old forum, nobody here probably knows about it) was the most popular forum on the entire internet, they decided to shut it down and no one uses their boards. this thread would have been relevant some years ago. the game has been dead for a long f**king time, it's just the rito cocksuckers won't admit it.

$700 billion?!

28 Jun


Originally posted by thejimes

As a vlad otp, I cant stand seeing the massive blue number every 5-6 seconds. I feel like they made it too big and obnoxious.

The magical 'crit' is bigger than intended. Shall be smaller next patch.

26 Jun


Originally posted by I_am_Lauch

Idk where Riot's priorities are. Why cant they add the simplest things like honoring enemies or the f**king dots in the champion masteries points, but keep adding or changing features that literally nobody asked for.

Different teams work on different content is the short answer.


Originally posted by Hookshu

I honestly think crits are too big, how is hiding character animations behind huge damage numbers a good idea? I want to be able to turn it off.

Imagine if you crit a cassio and now ur screwed if you're trying to see her ult windup for example

Hey there! Designer who implemented the new crit animation here.

TLDR: I actually agree with you on too big, and implemented a change to reduce their initial and ending size by a decent amount. This will be in place for next patch.

Longer answer: There are two factors that decide the scale size of damage text in League: 1) How large the designer wanted the text to be compared to other damage sources (so, we generally wanted crit to be 25%-50% larger than non-crits). 2) The magnitude of the actual damage dealt compared to a standard number for each player level. Eg: we have a standard damage magnitude of say 70 for level 1, if you deal damage of 140 due to a special attack or ability, this damage text will scale up to be significantly larger than other damage text.

However, there's a 'worst case scenario', probably shown in that screenshot, where the player is low level, has high AD and an infinity edge. What this means is that they'll deal significantly m...

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18 Jun


Originally posted by cespinar

You have Chromas and other skins, you can mod skins to add a crown or new weapon model. This seems like a lazy response.

Whatever criticism you want to put to the TFT team, I can tell you that lazy could not be further from the truth. I have personally never seen such a passionate and dedicated bunch of developers in the last 12 years of game dev.

Watching them work is inspiring.