

16 May

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I would expect full notes to come in fairly close to the patch as there is a LOT of ground to cover and LOADS of information coming in, but the patch will happen at the standard downtime of Thursday at 12 AM PT / 7 AM UTC / 9 AM CEST

13 May

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We’re all wishing him the best, too; I know I’m extremely thankful for everything he did for this wonderful game that we’re lucky to get to be a part of. We’re still looking forward to building the future of Lost Ark and continuing to work closely with the rest of the team Smilegate RPG on this very special project. :two_hearts:

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Appreciate the good vibes, but we aren’t taking this as a 100% solution either; we’re going to keep actioning against bots, doing banwaves, etc to fight in the battles, but when it comes to winning the war improving tooling is going to be the long term solution. We’ll keep up doing both as we work on these long term improvements!

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Gonna use this as an opportunity to bump our recent post – Regarding Bots in Lost Ark

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i’m coming thirain

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We’ve been cranking out ban waves, but we aren’t calling this an end all be all solution – they will kick back, but we won’t stop in the meantime. Lots more work to do

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Héros d’Archésia !

Nous sommes conscients de la frustration que causent les bots au sein de la communauté, et nous la ressentons également. Ces derniers mois, nous avons apporté différents changements à Lost Ark pour tenter d’y apporter une réponse. Il reste certes du chemin à parcourir, mais nous souhaitons tout de même vous expliquer notre approche face à ce problème récurrent dans le but d’offrir une meilleure expérience aux joueurs et aux joueuses de Lost Ark.

Depuis le lancement de Lost Ark, nous menons une guerre contre les bots qui s’infiltrent en Archésia. Il peut être particulièrement difficile de les combattre dans les jeux gratuits car il est très facile de créer un compte et d’entrer dans le jeu. C’est pourquoi nous combattons sur plusieurs fronts. Voici une liste non exhaustive de mesures qui ont déjà été mises en place :

  • Bannissements permanents de plusieurs millions de comptes dont les activités s’apparentaient à c...
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¡Héroes de Arkesia!

Sabemos que los bots están resultando muy frustrantes para la comunidad, y compartimos esa misma sensación. Durante los últimos meses, hemos realizado una serie de cambios en Lost Ark para poder luchar contra ellos. Somos conscientes de que aún queda trabajo por hacer, pero queremos compartir algunos detalles sobre cómo estamos abordando este problema persistente para que los jugadores de Lost Ark puedan disfrutar de una mejor experiencia.

Llevamos librando una guerra contra los bots que se infiltran en Arkesia desde el lanzamiento de Lost Ark. Solucionar el problema de los bots puede resultar especialmente complicado en los juegos gratuitos, ya que es muy fácil crear una cuenta y acceder al juego, pero estamos trabajando en varios frentes para ocuparnos de ellos. Estas son algunas de las medidas que hemos tomado hasta el momento:

  • Hemos expulsado permanentemente a varios millones de cuentas que utilizaban bots...
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Helden von Arkesia!

Wir wissen, dass Bots für Frustration in der Community sorgen. Und das tun sie auch bei uns. In den letzten Monaten haben wir eine Reihe von Änderungen in Lost Ark vorgenommen, um Bots zu bekämpfen. Wir wissen aber, dass wir noch einiges an Arbeit vor uns haben, und wollen euch hier näher darüber informieren, wie wir gegen dieses Problem vorgehen, um die Spielerfahrung in Lost Ark zu verbessern.

Seit dem Start von Lost Ark kämpfen wir gegen die Bots, die Arkesia heimsuchen. In kostenlos spielbaren Spielen ist das besonders schwierig, da es so einfach ist, ein Konto zu erstellen und ins Spiel einzusteigen. Wir gehen aber gleich an mehreren Fronten gegen Bots vor. Hier sind einige der Maßnahmen, die wir bereits getroffen haben:

  • Dauerhafte Sperre von mehreren Millionen Konten, die sich am Einsatz von Bots, Hacking oder Goldverkäufen beteiligt haben.
  • Mindeststufe für den Gebietschat, damit brandneue Konte...
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    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Heroes of Arkesia!

We know that bots have been causing frustration within the community, and we share in that frustration. Over the past few months we’ve made a number of changes to Lost Ark in order to combat bots. We know that there’s still work to do, and we want to share some detail on how we’re approaching this ongoing issue so we can give Lost Ark players a better experience.

Since Lost Ark launched, we’ve been fighting a war against the bots infiltrating Arkesia. Addressing bots can be especially challenging in free-to-play games because it’s so easy to create an account and enter the game, but we’re working on multiple fronts to fight them. Here are some of the measures we’ve taken so far:

  • Permanently banned several million accounts that participated in botting, hacking, or gold selling.
  • Level-gated area chat to keep brand-new accounts from spamming gold-selling advertisements.
  • Actively updated the game’...
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Oh I am sure I will be judged deeply hehe. But I will be very excited to participate in whatever “share your skin” thread pops up!!

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It’s not that exact one!!! But that was a pretty good guess :joy:

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personally I am a fan of the set that is coming… :eyes: but that’s just based on my taste

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Fair – I will say, when you’re pushing something out at end of day and getting it translated as quickly as possible, we tend to go short and sweet. But I hear ya on wanting the extra details, can always endeavor to spread them wider and not just in replies

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We banwaved between yesterday and today – it’s an ongoing bot bash, we don’t consider the problem solved with these waves alone (which is why we aren’t doing broader announcements, since they always slither back), but we’ll keep on doing them while we keep on fighting the larger fight

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Not sure what the conflicting information is – the build came in very hot, and contained infrastructure updates that needed to be deployed ahead of next week, as both quoted messages state. Considering that the May update is just a few days away and the weight of things like infrastructure/backend changes, it was important to deploy this with enough time to fully implement and monitor vs sending it right before the update in case of anything going sideways.

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I understand unplanned and off-schedule maintenances can be inconvenient, and we strive to keep these from happening as much as possible, but unfortunately they will happen on occasion with live service game at scale. This particular maintenance came in extremely hot, and we let players know about it as quickly as we could. Unfortunately because of it’s necessity, there wasn’t a timeframe we could leave open to use to let players know days in advance; as stated in the notes, infrastructure adjustments needed to be made ahead of our update next week, which meant doing this as quickly to prep and monitor was a requirement.

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Habrá una desconexión de todos los servidores y regiones de Lost Ark para realizar un mantenimiento el 13 de mayo a las 9 AM CEST. Prevemos que la desconexión durará unas 5 horas aproximadamente. Este parche incluye mejoras necesarias para la actualización de contenido de mayo, que llegará la semana que viene.

Gracias por vuestra paciencia. ¡Nos vemos pronto en Arkesia!

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Tous les serveurs et régions de Lost Ark seront mis hors ligne pour un correctif le 13 mai à 9h00 (CEST). Les serveurs seront indisponibles pendant environ 5 heures. Ce correctif comprend des optimisations de l’infrastructure nécessaires au déploiement de la mise à jour de contenu de mai prévue la semaine prochaine.

Merci de votre patience et à bientôt en Archésia !

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Alle Lost Ark-Server und -Regionen werden am 13. Mai um 9:00 Uhr für einen Hotfix heruntergefahren. Die voraussichtliche Wartungspause beträgt ca. 5 Stunden, in denen wir notwendige Verbesserungen für das Mai - Inhaltsupdate vornehmen, welches nächste Woche erscheint.

Danke für eure Geduld. Wir sehen uns in Arkesia!