

13 May

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All Lost Ark servers and regions will be coming down for a hotfix tonight, on May 13th at 12 AM PT / 7 AM UTC / 9 AM CEST. Expected downtime is approximately 5 hours. This hotfix includes infrastructure improvements that are necessary to deploy ahead of next week’s May Content Update.

Thank you for your patience, and we’ll see you in Arkesia soon!

12 May

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

The third party DPS meter is not something that will be approved for use – any app that modifies the game and/or interacts with it in a way that provides information that is otherwise not available to players goes against our game rules. SGR is also not open to the use of this tool by players.

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

We are actively rolling out banwaves, but it is an ongoing fight for sure.

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

At this point in time, it is staying in place. Unfortunately VPNs have been against our Terms of Service since the game came out; we have seen some impact on bots with these blocks (though it is hard to see considering the scope of the problem) and beyond that they are in place in regions we do not have the rights to publish the game in, which is a separate issue

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Appreciate the feedback – this is something we’re exploring doing in the future.

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there – it isn’t in the May Update unfortunately, and I don’t have an exact arrival date quite yet

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

It does not look to be in the build for the May Content Update

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The SGR stuff is super cute – it would be awesome if it was more accessible to Western players, but unfortunately we don’t have any of the rights to sell merch for Lost Ark currently

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The dev team is aware of this, and the last update I have gotten is that they are exploring different paths for the servers on Europe West to improve issues with population. I do not yet have information on what exactly that decision will be or when it will happen, but I know it is being worked on

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Will try to re-present this to the team, as I definitely hear that feedback, but cannot guarantee any changes to this plan or policy at this time.

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The amount of active players that are ready to access Valtan on day 1 is a number we are happy with.It is a significantly higher percent than what we saw with the Argos release. On top of that, active players are progressing there more quickly (we still have a week until launch, and even after launch that increased rate of progress will continue).

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hell mode is something that will come to Legion Raids in the future, but it’s more for guts and glory than gaining actual mats

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Unfortunately I cannot confirm it, as it’s not slated, but I am eagerly awaiting its release with the rest of you

11 May

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Incentive for bot catching is something we’ve floated, but the OP is right – botting definitely is out of control right now, and because of that our focus needs to be on finding a scalable solution to handle the problem instead of pushing any of that responsibility onto players. That said, botting will likely be a long, ongoing battle to fight, so once things are under control maybe this is something we can explore for helping report and catch the stragglers.

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

This was triple checked by the dev team – there has been no change between patches

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Héroes de Arkesia:

Va a haber una desconexión de todos los servidores y regiones a las 9 AM CEST para el mantenimiento y actualización semanal. Prevemos que la desconexión durará unas 4 horas y se centrará principalmente en mejoras en el backend. Este parche incluirá el siguiente arreglo:

  • Se ha arreglado un error que impedía que los marcadores de PvP se cargaran en varios servidores.

Como información adicional, la actualización de contenido de mayo tendrá lugar en la próxima desconexión, el jueves 19 de mayo, tal y como estaba previsto inicialmente. La semana que viene compartiremos todos los detalles y las notas completas del parche. Mientras tanto, podéis echar un primer vistazo al nuevo contenido en nuestro ...

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Héros d’Archésia,

Tous les serveurs et régions de Lost Ark seront mis hors ligne le 12 mai à 9h00 CEST pour la maintenance et mise à jour hebdomadaires habituelles. Le temps d’indisponibilité des serveurs est estimé à 4 heures maximum et la mise à jour se concentrera principalement sur l’amélioration de la structure interne du jeu. Cette mise à jour comprendra également le correctif suivant :

  • Correction d’un problème qui empêchait le chargement des classements JcJ sur plusieurs serveurs.

En outre, notre mise à jour de contenu de mai aura lieu à notre prochaine maintenance, le jeudi 19 mai, comme prévu initialement. Nous vous communiquerons tous les détails et les notes de mise à jour la semaine prochaine mais en attendant, vous pouvez avoir un premier aperçu du contenu à venir dans notre ...

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Helden von Arkesia,

Am 12. Mai werden alle Lost Ark Server und Regionen für die regelmäßig angesetzte Wartung und für ein Update offline genommen. Die Wartungspause fokussiert sich hauptsächlich aufs Backend und wird ca. 4 Stunden dauern.

  • Das Problem, durch das die PvP-Ranglisten auf verschiedenen Servern nicht geladen werden konnten, wurde behoben.

Außerdem wird unser Mai-Inhaltsupdate wie bereits geplant, während unserer nächsten Ausfallzeit am Donnerstag, den 19.05. stattfinden. Wir werden nächste Woche alle Details und Patchnotes für das Update bekannt geben. In der Zwischenzeit könnt ihr schon mal einen Blick auf die neuen Inhalte in unserem ...

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