no maidens?
no maidens?
Appreciate you sharing this! Definitely sending staff to look into your claims
We are definitely planning on sharing update news farther ahead of time – and for what it’s worth, Legion Raids are lookin’ good so far.
This is a great tip – we will indeed be getting the reworked version of Destroyer, so unfortunately a lot of older guides won’t be relevant anymore!
Unfortunately at this time we do not have plans to regionalize pricing as it can be highly exploitable. I do apologize for this news!
There will be more skins coming in the May update
Not entirely sure what you mean in the case of this thread about server issues – the issue was reported, escalated to ops which I shared so players could know they were heard, changes were made, and now players are reporting the issue has improved. I am not sure how I am expected to resolve things without letting the team know, and I would prefer to let players know we are aware while we are working on the resolution instead of waiting until it is fixed and waiting to share any info. We will make additional improvements in an upcoming maintenance, so I am letting players know what to expect looking ahead.
In terms of “fixing what is convenient for you,” I think there is a misunderstanding. Different branches of game development/publishing and the processes and requirements to make changes. For example, for something like server issues, we have a live ops team on deck that can make real time adjustments, changes or restarts to help improve these things quickly. For something l...
Read moreDefinitely can be – much appreciated
Thank you!
Which particular server?
Definitely let me know how it goes – all info is helpful!!
Some slight tweaks have been made in the backend to help improve loading and experience. You may experience some queues, and but we are working towards a more sizeable maintenance to better address the issue.
Some slight tweaks have been made in the backend to help improve loading and experience. You may experience some queues, and but we are working towards a more sizeable maintenance to better address the issue.
Some slight tweaks have been made in the backend to help improve loading and experience. You may experience some queues, and but we are working towards a more sizeable maintenance to better address the issue.
Appreciate the reports, teams are looking into this across affected servers
Have replied in some other threads, but we are aware of the issue in all 4 affected regions. We have staff looking into the issue as I type this
Thanks for the reports, this has been flagged with the team. Will share an update when I have one
Una seems to have been hit the hardest, but Enviska has been reported as well
Assuming this is on the Una server, we’ve been seeing this issue this morning unfortunately. The team is looking into it and I’ll share an update when I have one!
This is something that has been reported to the team for investigation. Appreciate the reports.