

08 Feb

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This has been removed from the patch notes, as it is not accurate to our version at launch; apologies for the misinformation

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Automatic refunds are no longer available as of today, but you may be able to resolve this by opening a ticket with Steam support. Please be aware that once the game is out, this may be more difficult, as Steam doesn’t typically offer refunds on “DLC” as they cannot revoke in0game items.

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  • El marcador en el mapa de la misión principal «Camino de bandidos» de la colina de Saland está oculto tras el icono de una misión secundaria. Para progresar, los usuarios deben llegar a «Gus», en la zona sur de la colina.


  • A veces, los objetos de los jugadores se muestran de forma inesperada y pueden moverse de forma errática.

Interfaz de usuario

  • Las ventanas emergentes del tutorial del artillero de lanza se muestran de forma repetida.
  • A veces, en combates JcJ el panel del panel de chat de voz no se muestra en la parte izquierda de la pantalla.
  • Si pulsar para hablar por el chat de voz está activado, el icono del micrófono siempre aparecerá silenciado, aunque se haya pulsado la tecla correcta para activarlo.
  • Al cambiar de mando a teclado y ratón en una sesión de juego, las indicaciones del chat de texto seguirán mostrando los...
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  • Le marqueur pour la quête de l’histoire principale La route des bandits à la colline de Saland est caché derrière une icône de quête secondaire sur la carte. Les utilisateurs devront progresser jusqu’à “Gus”, qui se trouve dans la région sud de la colline de Saland, pour progresser.


  • Parfois, pendant les cinématiques, les objets tenus par le joueur s’affichent de manière inattendue ou bougent de manière erratique.

Interface utilisateur

  • Les pop-ups du tutoriel pour la classe pistolancier s’affichent de manière répétée à l’écran.
  • Parfois, pendant les matchs JcJ, le panneau d’interface utilisateur de la discussion vocale ne s’affiche pas sur le côté gauche de l’écran.
  • Lorsque la fonction “Appuyer pour parler” est activée dans la discussion vocale, l’icône du micro dans le panneau de discussion vocale apparaît comme coupé, même si vou...
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  • Der Marker für die Hauptquest der Straße der Banditen in Saland Hill ist hinter einem Symbol für eine Nebenquest auf der Karte versteckt. Um voranzukommen, muss der Spieler zu „Gus“ in der südlichen Region von Saland Hill gehen.


  • Manchmal werden während der Zwischensequenzen vom Spieler gehaltene Gegenstände unerwartet angezeigt oder bewegen sich unregelmäßig.


  • Tutorial-Pop-ups für die Pistolenlanzer-Klasse werden wiederholt auf dem Bildschirm angezeigt
  • Während PVP-Kämpfen wird das Sprachchat-Bedienfeld manchmal nicht auf der linken Seite des Bildschirms angezeigt.
  • Wenn Push to Talk im Voice Chat aktiviert ist, wird das Mikrofon-Symbol im Voice Chat-Panel immer stummgeschaltet angezeigt, selbst wenn die richtige Taste gedrückt wird, um das Mikrofon zu aktivieren.
  • Nach der Verwendung eines Controller...
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Crown Channel is now giving away the Founder’s Packs during the shows to those in chat who enter a drawing by typing in a select phrase.

While you are free to share your opinions about the giveaway, please keep in mind that Crown Channel is not the same organization as Amazon Games; I can get clarification where necessary, but am not a CM for their group like I am for the game itself.

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Héroes de Arkesia: Hemos preparado una lista completa de los cambios que hemos hecho desde la beta cerrada para quienes ya habéis tenido la oportunidad de probar el juego. Hemos actualizado varios aspectos: tenemos novedades de mecánicas y contenido, ajustes para adaptar la tienda a Occidente y cambios en la moderación. Si buscáis las horas clave y otros detalles no relacionados con la versión del juego, id al artículo de información del lanzamiento.



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Héros d’Archésia, Pour les fans actuels de Lost Ark et les participants à notre bêta test fermé, nous avons voulu compiler une liste complète des changements et des mises à jour que nous avons effectués depuis la dernière fois que vous avez pu jouer au bêta test fermé. Nous avons procédé à de nombreuses mises à jour, depuis les nouveaux contenus de jeu, nouvelles fonctionnalités et ajustements de la boutique jusqu’aux ajustements de l’occidentalisation et changements à la modération. Pour connaître les horaires clés et autres détails du lancement non liés à la mise à jour, consultez notre a...

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Helden von Arkesia, Für bestehende Fans von Lost Ark und Teilnehmer unseres geschlossenen Beta-Tests wollten wir eine vollständige Liste der Änderungen und Aktualisierungen zusammenstellen, die wir seit dem letzten Mal vorgenommen haben, als ihr am geschlossenen Beta-Test teilgenommen habt. Wir haben eine Vielzahl von Aktualisierungen vorgenommen, von neuen Spielinhalten, neuen Funktionen und Shop-Anpassungen bis hin zu Änderungen bei der Anpassung an den westlichen Markt und Moderation. Die wichtigsten Zeitpunkte und andere Details zum Start, die nichts mit dem Update zu tun haben, findest du in unserem Artikel über den Start.


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You actually don’t need to watch them at ALL now

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Patch notes were just updated, actually

There are two ways a Power Pass will be provided to Adventurers:

  • When the player completes the Main Quest (Ealyn’s Gift) from North Vern, a single Vern Power Pass Token will be provided via in-game mail.
  • After using the first Power Pass, a second Power Pass will be granted to players via in-game mail.
  • After two Power Passes are received, you will not be able to earn a third Power Pass this way.

07 Feb

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Heroes of Arkesia,

Here’s a little bit of what you can expect when the in-game shop opens up in Arkesia.

In-game store items will include cosmetic items such as unique skins, pets, mounts, and Stronghold decorations, as well as services such as guild and character name changes, appearance changes, and character slot unlocks. There will also be a limited number of consumable convenience items.

Another part of the in-game store, called “Mari’s Secret Store” offers consumables and materials. Its contents rotate every 6 hours. Players will be able to go back to previous offerings as far as the past 72 hours. Some products in the in-game store that are bought with Royal Crystals or Crystals contain random items.

Royal Crystal pricing is as follows:

Royal Crystal Pack (1,000) - $9.99
Royal Crystal Pack (2,200) - $19.99
Royal Crystal Pack (5,750) - $49.99
Royal Crystal Pack (12,000) - $99.99

While listed in USD in this post, these pr...

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Greetings, heroes of Arkesia! Here is a list of known issues that you may encounter in our launch build of the game.


  • The marker for the Bandit Road main story quest in Saland Hill is hidden behind a side quest icon on the map. Users will need to progress to “Gus” found in the southern region of Saland Hill to progress


  • Sometimes during cutscenes, player held items will display unexpectedly or be seen to move erratically

User Interface

  • Tutorial pop-ups for the Gunlancer class display repeatedly on-screen
  • Sometimes during PVP matches, the Voice Chat UI panel will not display on the left-hand side of the screen
  • When Push to Talk is enabled in Voice Chat, the mic icon in the Voice Chat panel will always display a muted icon even when pushing the correct key to enable the microphone
  • After using a controller and then switch...
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Heroes of Arkesia,

For existing fans of Lost Ark and participants in our Closed Beta test, we wanted to compile a full list of changes and updates we’ve made since the last time you were able play. We’ve made a variety of updates, from new game content, new features, and store adjustments to westernization and moderation changes. For key timings and other non-update related launch details, check out our Launch Details Article.


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Haha, I suppose it’s obvious, but I just wanted to be clear!!

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They are being spun up! We were making sure we had the right support staff on board before opening them :slight_smile:

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can I tell you a secret? my first character ever was a summoner, so I eagerly await that day, too :smiling_face_with_tear:

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Can always be passed on, but with head start tomorrow it won’t be on the table for launch of course

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Refunds were automatic any time prior to February 7th – you may be able to resolve this by communicating with Valve support. I would definitely recommend opening this ticket today, as after the game unlocks tomorrow you won’t be able to get refunds since Valve can’t revoke our in-game items once they are delivered

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Yup, make any purchases before servers open – so they will go away at approximately 9 AM PT on 2/11