

22 Dec


Sorry for the trouble! Looking at the code I wonder: Is it a LAN server with the +LANServer launch option?

12 Nov


It's awesome that you're still progressing on this!

12 Jul


This gets a big facepalm so I decided to write what happened.

For the Pride Month event and the Firefighter Plushie launch there were supposed to be banners on the main menu. Nobody noticed they were missing because only I knew they were setup, and I didn’t notice them missing because the “live config” settings were being loaded locally. Fortunately this came to light before too long when Molt pointed out WeslieG’s arena event banner wasn’t working. Here’s how they were supposed to appear:

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This gets a big facepalm so I decided to write what happened.

For the Pride Month event and the Firefighter Plushie launch there were supposed to be banners on the main menu. Nobody noticed they were missing because only I knew they were setup, and I didn’t notice them missing because the “live config” settings were being loaded locally. Fortunately this came to light before too long when Molt pointed out WeslieG’s arena event banner wasn’t working. Here’s how they were supposed to appear:

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08 Jul


All of the changelogs from the 8th anniversary (2022-07-07) through the 9th (2023-07-07) merged in one place!

I thought it might be interesting to see all of the updates in one place, albeit slightly difficult to read. The Added and Changed sections in particular may contain some useful features that were easy to miss unless you scoured every single news post. I removed a few redundant changes like Unity versions that were reverted.

There are some behind-the-scenes changes that never got mentioned because they’re irrelevant to anyone except me, for example cosmetics fully use GUIDs rather than legacy IDs now. GUID support is still the limiting factor on new vanilla content, but progress steadily ticks away there.

I think a big turning point will be when/if I rewrite the inventory/item features. I avoid API-breaking changes as much as possible, but there was a suggestion earlier this year...

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All of the changelogs from the 8th anniversary (2022-07-07) through the 9th (2023-07-07) merged in one place!

I thought it might be interesting to see all of the updates in one place, albeit slightly difficult to read. The Added and Changed sections in particular may contain some useful features that were easy to miss unless you scoured every single news post. I removed a few redundant changes like Unity versions that were reverted.

There are some behind-the-scenes changes that never got mentioned because they’re irrelevant to anyone except me, for example cosmetics fully use GUIDs rather than legacy IDs now. GUID support is still the limiting factor on new vanilla content, but progress steadily ticks away there.

I think a big turning point will be when/if I rewrite the inventory/item features. I avoid API-breaking changes as much as possible, but there was a suggestion earlier this year...

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12 Jun


This post isn’t about Unturned (II, 3, or 4.0). This post is focused on my mental health, and the follow-up to my Unturned II Development Paused post from a bit over a year ago.

I’ve tried a few different therapists in the interim, but finding the right match has proven challenging. I’d hoped by now that I’d feel comfortable sharing more for the sake of mental health aw...

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This post isn’t about Unturned (II, 3, or 4.0). This post is focused on my mental health, and the follow-up to my Unturned II Development Paused post from a bit over a year ago.

I’ve tried a few different therapists in the interim, but finding the right match has proven challenging. I’d hoped by now that I’d feel comfortable sharing more for the sake of mental health aw...

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10 Jun


Thanks for your longtime support! I'm honored that Unturned is one of the games your grew up with. Best wishes to you in college!

29 May


Originally posted by No_Base9939

Am I dreaming?? Is that you really ??!! First of all I want to thank you for that wonderful game really many thanks mate you deserve all the love of this world your game accompanied me since I was 14 and now I showed it to my wife and we were editing Russia together mate many thanks <3 and no I did duplicate the file into unturned directory but actually it merged i don’t know how or why with the actual Russia folder Unfortunately I didn’t want to upload it till i finished it completely I actually try to get some older versions into the temp files but no luck so far … Sorry for my broken english Sincerely, The #1 Unturned Enjoyer in France 🇫🇷 / Morocco 🇲🇦

Thanks for your kind words and longtime support! I always feel honored to hear when players have grown up with Unturned.

That is bizarre it would lose the object changes like that. Unfortunately without knowing why it did that I don't have any suggestions, but for what it's worth going forward I would suggest either:

  1. (more work, but more powerful) Using version control with your map, for example Git (free). I use Git for Unturned's versioning. It lets you undo/redo changes and keep a history of all your work on a project.
  2. Copying the map folder from Unturned/Maps into a separate backup location each day that you work on the map.

Sorry not to have an answer why the object changes were lost.

26 May


Were you editing the Russia map directly? That is to say, not editing a copy with a different file name? :(

You mention no backups, but did you upload it to the workshop at any point?

04 Apr


I've received some concerned requests about this, so to clarify for anyone else reading:

There's no need to worry. Servers can specify a thumbnail image URL for the in-game server browser to display. In this case likely a player in China hosting a server used a Chinese image hosting website for their image URL, and this player's anti-virus classified that Chinese domain as a threat. It's the same as if you used an English website like imgur to host your own server's thumbnail and a Chinese anti-virus classified it as malware.

17 Dec


Sorry about the bug! Could you email me ([[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])) your log file after this happens again please?

  1. Right-click Unturned in your Steam Library

  2. Select Properties... > Local Files > Browse...

  3. Open the Logs folder

  4. Attach the Client.log file to your email


Sorry about this! I do sympathize that it is annoying. For what it's worth, as Molt mentioned: I do intend to add an achievement management panel to the main menu at some point so that you can clear your achievements to hide it from your profile. The main thing on my to-do before some UI QoL improvements that needs doing first is upgrading the underlying UI system.

07 Nov


Sorry about this! I investigated this bug a few months ago and it seemed the Steam client incorrectly thinks you own the Gold Upgrade, but I could not figure out why. As a workaround you can use this command-line option:

  1. Right-click Unturned in your Steam Library
  2. 2. Select Properties... > General
  3. 3. Find the Launch Options field
  4. 4. Type "-NoGoldUpgrade" without quotes

06 Oct


Originally posted by throwaayayakfkrkdkfb

Don't worry about it Nelson, I've been an Unturned player and a supporter of yours pretty much since day 1 of release on steam back in like 2014. When Unturned 3.0 came out I was doing the same thing I was doing now pretty much, every Friday on the steam page checking what was updated. 1.6k hours in U3.0 and 10 hours in u2 already even with the lack of content lol. I think you're doing a fine job, but I also think the general consensus among most people is that they'd rather see something is happening regarding active development of the game, even if it's something you think is boring like the day night cycle (which is very cool, btw).

I personally really enjoy the posts where you go over the specific challenges and hurdles you encounter while developing, or how you're working on the backend to make it more efficient and performance than unturned 3.0. Stuff like the denizen rig saga was really interesting imo lol

Is there anything you'd be willing to share ...

Thanks for your longtime support! I am happy to hear you enjoyed those kinds of behind-the-scenes posts - I like those posts from other devs as well. If there is a definitive "the game is going well and will be actually released" then I would go back to those posts.

For what it's worth I will say that I did a few days work on II this past week, but I do not want to get anyone's hopes up. Unturned will also be improved further.

04 Oct


Sorry to disappoint. :(

I sympathize - there are lots of game devblogs I check weekly and it is disheartening when there is a long quiet period, not to mention the Unturned II quiet period has been *very* long.

To avoid unduly raising anyone's hopes I have been trying to be better about "show don't tell" and "actions speak louder than words". I do not want to waste anyone's time. The next time there is news about Unturned II it should ideally be "here is a fun beta worth playing" and iterate upon that, rather than "the boring beta has a physically correct day/night cycle".

31 Jul


Anecdotes from the past month of gamedev.


There was an Unturned update with some features for future maps, and Yarrrr retired from the commu...

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