15 Sep


Originally posted by Former-Cauliflower57

So I have received the founders items that I had purchased back when the game was first released but. What about the items I had purchased before the release of echoes update? I had spent a good bit of money on items and skins and such, what happens with those. 

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You can read all about the changes including the conversion of Runesilver to founder’s coins and their usage.


Wayfinder was not removed from GeForce Now. I am running it as I type this.

14 Sep

    SOLIDAge on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Stornholio: Hey guys,

trying to run in 4k, but whenever i try to go there, everything scales up and doesnt fit the screen anymore. It's not a Screen-Issue, everything else runs perfectly fine in 4k. Does this game have issues with Multi-Screen setups?
Can you post your DXDIAG? I run the game in 4k and my other monitor is 2k and have no issues.
    SOLIDAge on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Gynosaur: Yeah, that's my big thing too.

Solid, I love the game and the direction you guys have taken since the big shift has been great to see. But I also think character nerfs are confusing and unfun in a non-competitive and primarily single payer game. Specifically, the recent Niss changes have been a terrible disappointment for me. She's my favorite character by a mile and she's so different now that it feels like she's bugged. Umbral Aura isn't firing consistently even when the screen is full of enemies. Was a cooldown added? Her ability damage is also so much weaker now that something like Wingrave's Righteous Strike (which recharges super-fast and heals lol) seems to hit harder even with around 30% less AP...
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I’m 6’7” and have been on RRR. It sucks though bc the back wasn’t high enough for my head and I got jostled around.


Originally posted by Routine_Unit9220

In with you on that bud. This game has so much potential and the fact I'm able to enjoy it coming off playing wukong and spacemarine 2 kinda shows how good this game is. Not that they are comparable games in terms of what kind of games they are but as pure enjoyment goes this might actually be more enjoyable for me and I bloody loved both those other games. Fingers crossed wayfinder does well!!

Thanks for the kind words. Tell your friends to check us out and leave us a review! They really do help.

13 Sep

    SOLIDAge on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
We are deploying a patch to fix issues on PlayStation.

There are no changes in this patch for Steam players. This is simply to keep the build between PlayStation and Steam the same.
    SOLIDAge on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I’m locking this thread… and nothing of value will be lost.

Originally posted by Adventurous_Dress834

I just finished the main game and can't wait for more updates, would love to see more dungeon layouts and some more abilities for each character to add more combat variety

Now it’s time for mythics!

    SOLIDAge on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Thanks for the compliment. Don’t forget to leave us a review.
    SOLIDAge on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by TheReayning: Love the artstyle and weighty combat, hopefully they add a bit more complexity to the system. For the gear, besides Awakening, is there any way to enhance or is it just by finding new gear? Echoes is a very cool system too. Great Job Devs on the turnaround.
Appreciate the kind words. Don’t forget to leave us a review once you feel you’ve played enough. They really do help.

12 Sep

    SOLIDAge on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Usually this happens when the game can not create a save folder in :

Please check your permissions or go ahead and make this folder yourself and see if that helps.
    SOLIDAge on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Cross Play will be introduced in 1.0 on October 21st.

Originally posted by gibifernand

Hello Solid

Thanks for adding crossplay, this will add so much QoL to the game. Matchmaking would be the cherry on top if you guys can get it implemented. My question is, will Cross-Save capabilities be possible between the three platforms?


No. It will not.


While you may be able to start the game, that GPU is below the minimum spec and will result in a very poor performance mainly due to 4gb of VRAM. Would recommend checking us out on GeForce Now thought!

    SOLIDAge on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I'm closing this as conversation is not moving forward in a productive way.