

27 May

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1. No reason. The custom loadout needs to be updated and I just keep forgetting to do so. I'll write this down. to make sure it's added. Thanks!

2. Great idea!

3. I'm just about done updating tooltips to have more info for tons of things. So, things like rot, mature time, what rooms props get used in, what the health/toughness of an item is, will all be shown on the tooltip. :)

4. We have plans to let you choose where your settlers start on the map. This should fix the unfortunate cases where the random spawner puts settlers into holes or on small islands.

5. I think point 3 covers this too as the tooltips will show which seasons they can be planted. As for keeping them from growing, that makes sense for when you're using the farm. For manual placement, I think I could add a helper text to the tooltip.

6. Yes! Agreed. We have plans to allow you to select which factions can go through locked doors. That should help with the animal issue... Read more
    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Ok. Do you have a second mouse to test that with? It could very well be a hardware issue. I'll look into it regardless.

25 May

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Thanks. Means a lot. :)

24 May

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Hmmm, good point! That makes way more sense. I'll change that asap. Thanks for the feedback.
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Capslock will toggle an overlay which shows stack counts. Holding shift toggles between changing camera layer and camera zoom. Also, there seems to be a bug where holding shift and then switching to another application will lock the toggle. Though, I don't think this is the case for you.

23 May

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Are you holding shift?
Hey folks!

It's me, I survived my travels and am back to provide you with that sweet, sweet Odd Realm goodness.

This update has a new priority utility option which has been requested for many moons. Here's a rundown of how it works:

-There are four states for a job priority: 0, 1, 2, 3.
-States 1 - 3 simply determine the order in which a job will be completed, where 3 is the most important and 1 is the natural default for all jobs. 0 on the other hand, will never be completed and is useful for planning.
-Job priority setting works in concert with all skills. So, if you set the priority for a mining job to 3, your laborer will focus on that over the harvest job they may have been planning on starting.
-There are two methods of setting priority: through the utility options menu or as you set the job. When placing jobs, you'll notice four colored boxes right above the tool bar. These determine the current priority for the job you are placing. Whereas... Read more
    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Interesting. What resolution are you running the game? Is it also windowed?
    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Is the furniture in a room? There's a temporary hack for work in rooms where they do the work on the furniture and it damages them to finish off an item they are building.

19 May

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Can you send me your save file? There's a how-to here:

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Thanks, Bwapple! I'm juuuust about to look into this. Currently finishing up a job priority tool. Will jump onto this bug asap.

Cheers! :)

02 May

Hey all!

Just uploaded today's build, v0.8.1.0. This one is comprised of mostly just new things to make at the smithy, distillery, and kitchen.

Here are the notes:
-Fixed a bug where doors weren't showing their open/close state.
-Tuned the relaxing state to be much shorter as people were getting confused as to why their settlers would 'idle' for so long.
-New items/blueprints for beverages: Coconut Brew, Elderberry Wine, Blackberry Wine, Pumpkin Ale, Vodka, Mushroom Wine, Whiskey, Apple Cider, Pineapple Brew, Skyberry Wine, Sweet Root Brew, and Sake.
-New items/blueprints for meals: Apple Pie, Pumpkin Pie, Sausage, Burger, Meat Pie, Omelette, Sleipnir Special, Chicken and Waffles, Fish and Chips, Tomek Fries, Fish Bowl, Potato Bread, Meat Bowl, Plant Fiber Broth, Toasted Xan, Minami's Squeakenbabs, Potato Flour.
-New items/blueprints for weapons: Iron 1h Kite Shield, Iron 1h Sword, Iron 2h Sword, Iron 1h Dagger.

Also, I will be away for th... Read more
    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Huh. I'll try to repro this issue. Thanks for letting me know.
    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hmmm, strange issue. As a temp way to play, you can use the middle mouse to drag-pan around. I'd suggest also clicking the 'reset hotkeys to default' button in the control settings if you have not already.

Send me your save file if you like. Some instructions on how to do so here:
... Read more

01 May

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Ah, ok. Thanks for letting me know. Glad you got your key.

30 Apr

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Oh, good! What was the solution? Did they email you back?
    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Did the Ancient own the room? They only auto join rooms that are empty or have their companion. (Or you can manually force them to use the same room.)

29 Apr

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They will use it when they get void sickness.
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Ya, I'm going to do another pass on the visuals for it. 100% agree on them being too subtle.
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When you say nothing happened, you mean they continued to take damage? There's no visual success feedback for commands going through. Also, try typing that in all lower case.