

29 Apr

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Is the game paused? The effect shows up best when running at 1x speed.
    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey there! Follow these instructions and you should get a key:

Let me know if that works for ya. :)
    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Just one bock high. You can also hover over a plant to see how much light it's getting. 15 is the best and will grow the fastest.

28 Apr

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
An Ancient who owns the room will go there and activate it once and a while. When the beacon is active, it will light up void based blocks underground with a pink sparkle effect.

26 Apr

Hey folks!

The Ancients race is now playable alongside the Humes on version

The Ancients - Their gameplay mechanics are quite different from Humans where they rely on finding Void Shards/Crystals to construct most of their rooms. They also don't require food to survive but instead need to rest at the Immortality tomb to replenish energy. When they are out of energy and have no tomb, they will get Void Sickness and slowly die. Additional Ancients can be found by finding Stasis Crystals underground. These crystals hold sleeping Ancients within and can be looted to free them. Ancients can only be one of the four new magic professions, but they can summon minions to do all the most basic tasks while they focus on more important things. >:)

Aside from the big Ancients addition, I've changed up how blueprints are discovered. Before, you would only discover a blueprint if you had the items. Now, basic blueprints that are essential to surviving will be disco... Read more

20 Apr

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Oh, I'll try to fix this. Must have borked something recently. Thanks for letting me know.
    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I'm hoping to give them some of their own personality and goals. May take a while to get there, but that's the intention.

19 Apr


There won't be a patch today as I'm currently working on the new playable race, the Ancients. I'm almost done with them, but I still have a few more minor changes to do before they are ready. They will definitely be ready to play by next week. :)

I will give a more detailed breakdown of the race next week when the patch is released, but here are some teasers:

Race Unlocked[]
New Game Modes[]
New Rooms[]
... Read more
    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey Tom! Thank you for the nice words. :)

We have plans to add kingdoms and city states to the world map as well as the ability siege and trade with them.

Hope that answers your question!

16 Apr

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey there.

To build the foundry, you need a furnace, cabinet, and stool inside the room. The furnace requires 3 stone chunks to be built.

15 Apr

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I'll take a look. Thank you for bringing this to my attention. Sorry for the issue!

14 Apr

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Ok. Thank you! Will fix asap.
    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Oh, good find! I'll take a looksy. Thanks!

12 Apr

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
You right! xD

I think you were trying to tame Traeliks. I'll take a look at them to make sure they are working properly with taming.

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Ok! Thank you for the feedback. :) Really helps!

11 Apr

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
The 'loot' job should get rid of that bag.

There are many events that will happen unrelated to underground stuff. Largely dependent on the area you settle, though.
Hail and well met,

Version is up! It includes changes from Beta:
Version Post

This last week I also added some fun things. Here are the patch notes for this version:
-Fixed a bug where settlers... Read more

07 Apr

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Yep! I'm currently adding more font options (in for next patch). These new fonts are the same pixel size as the current one, so I'm not 100% sure they will be more legible. I want to see if my original font was poorly executed or if the scale is the issue. I also have a plan to add a higher res font (at the cost of not being the same pixel size as the rest of the game) in order to make things easier to read. Though, I need to outsource this work to an actual font artist as I'm not the best person to do this. So, that's going to take a bit more time. Changing the scale (to make it a different resolution) breaks a bunch of stuff I have tied to the font system. As a result it's going to be a lot more work and dedicated time to add that and is why I haven't done so already. Anywho, thanks for being patient and for the feedback. :)

05 Apr

Hey folks!

Just uploaded the (v0.7.0.15) overworld migration changes to the BETA branch.

This update fleshes out the UI and functionality for overworld travel. This stuff will be used for raids and trading when I add those.

Here's a breakdown for how travel on the overworld map works:
1. With the overworld map open, click 'migrate'.
2. Select which settlers you'd like to take with you.
3. Select which items you'd like to bring with you. Anything that is not cooked/raw food will be considered a resource.
4. Select a location on the map to migrate to.
5. Click 'start migration'.

As a party moves across the overworld map, they'll use resources and food to survive. Each settler will use 1 food item each tile. If no food is available, they'll start to eat animals. If no animals are available, they will start to starve to death. Additionally, there are events that may occur as the settlers go across the map. These range f... Read more

29 Mar

Hey folks!

I'm still working away on the overworld map and new features so I won't be able to put out an update today. Next week it will be in a good place to start getting used.

Here's where it's at:
You can choose a party and items to migrate to other tiles. Along the way, events will occur. This is dependent on the tile you're going through. i.e., a settler falling off your boat and drowning crossing the ocean, a bandit ambush in forests, freezing to death crossing the tundra, finding items on the path in the desert, etc. I'm going to add as many of these as I can to make it super varied. Food and supplies are used up as you journey across the map as well. If you run out of food, your settlers will start eating animals that are brought along. If there's nothing to eat, settlers will start to die. All of these things will determine the starting conditions for your new settlement.

Here's what I'll be working on going forward:
There's still a lot of ... Read more