

21 Jun


Hope you're all having a great day.

Just uploaded v0.8.5.0 to the beta branch.

This version is, I think, pretty cool as it adds a lot to the survival aspects of the game. That being said, it also might be the least stable in terms of loading saves. I've added a few things but also changed up some previous functionality so I'm not 100% certain everything will load perfectly. I didn't have any issues with the several old saves I loaded but you never know.

So what's new in this patch?

First up is age. I've completely changed how settlers treat age. Before it was based on seasons and children were treated as a profession. Them being a profession doesn't really makes sense especially when looking at elders. Elders shouldn't be stripped of their profession just because they get old. As well, who knows, I may want a child who's a super warrior to show up and I don't want to limit that because child is a profession.

Wow, wow, wow. Wh... Read more
    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Heh. Good find!

20 Jun

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hmmm, somehow you've disabled the settler select lock while placing jobs. It's a button on the bottom toolbar that looks like a lock. Turn it back on to keep that from happening.

19 Jun

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I hear ya. I'm in the works of adding one. :)

14 Jun

Happy Friday everyone.

Today's Production build (v0.8.4.2) has been uploaded.

Besides the Beta changes from a few days ago (Beta patch notes), it includes:
-Fixed a bug where the custom zones inventory panel would get stuck open.
-Added an option to delete gear sets from the gear set list on the uniforms screen... Read more
    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
If you update to v0.8.4.2, that should be fixed.
    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Ok, thanks for bringing this up. I'll test it out to try to figure out the issue. Cheers.

12 Jun

Hey super fam,

I've uploaded the latest version,, with the newest feature, settler Uniforms, to the beta branch.

*There are new tutorial steps for this feature. You can reset the tutorial from the settings menu if you'd like the game to explain it as you go.

What is this new Uniforms thang?
A lot of people have expressed that equipping settlers is tedious. The Uniform feature is a way around the micromanagement and monotony of going through each settler, one-by-one to equip items and gear.

Here are the important terms to know:
Gear Set - a loadout of items that Uniforms use to determine what settlers should auto-equip. Many Uniforms can use the same Gear Set.
Uniform - a preset which determines the items settlers need to equip based on Gear Set and prerequisites. There are three prerequisite categories: profession, selection group, and individual.
Profession Uniforms - settlers will equip items from this U... Read more

10 Jun

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Oh, I see. You have a good point. I'll make that change. Thanks!

07 Jun

Hey friends,

Just wanted to let you know I won't be putting out an update today as I'm still working on the new uniforms feature. It's actually very close to being complete but, as you'd expect with something with so many complexities, there are a lot of edge cases and UI feedback tasks for me to tackle first.

Here's a breakdown of the feature:

The Uniforms window is a brand new overlay where you'll be able to create gear loadouts for professions, control groups, and individual settlers.

Uniforms Window[]

Settlers that fulfill the requirements of a uniform will automatically equip the items that are a part of the uniform's gear set. For example, you can create a gear set for your Miners which has them automatically equipping pickaxes. As well, within these uniforms, there is a priority... Read more

06 Jun

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Thanks, Benata. This is fixed in the next patch. :)

30 May


This is a small update to fix a memory leak which was occurring with UI text. Though, it may not be the fix for every mem leak in the game, this one is huge and should help with a lot of crashes.


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I've added the desiccated wood trunk to desert biomes for you to log. This is a very small resource, though, and you'll have to rely on wandering merchants to get more wood. That's just the trade off for settling in the desert.
    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Love it! That's something we have brainstormed before so it's definitely on the table. :)
    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
You can make sand clods from stone chunks at the work shop.

29 May


Today's update focuses on our trusty companion, the tooltip. I've also updated some other UI elements such as the workstation window to communicate things a bit better. This patch also includes the changes from the beta branch version

Here are the notes:
-Fixed incorrect seed/item inline icons for cherry corn, chaga fruit, plant fiber, sweet root, stoneleaf, and skyberries.
-Stoneleaf will now drop husks when harvested rather than when cut.
-Fixed a bug where workstation blueprints would have 1 frame of showing incorrect default info.
-Updated blueprint, prop, plant, tree, block, item tooltips to show:
-Item yields for deconstructing/harvesting/cutting/logging/mining,
-Rooms that may require the blueprint object,
-Permitted seasons (planting),
-Hours to maturity (planting),
-Season yield (i.e., apple trees).
-Decay rates.
-Container permitted items ... Read more
    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
All good! A lot of stuff isn't communicated very well yet, so it's understandable that you could miss something. That's on me, not you. :)

Also, for rooms, people with the respective skill should automatically take ownership so that you don't have to manually assign them. Hopefully that's what you're seeing? It's not immediate, but settlers will progressively do this.

28 May

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Does the campfire room have any owners?

Also, if you send me your save file, I'd be happy to check it out. :)

Here's how to: Read more
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It's likely not your mouse, I'm just covering all the bases. Thanks for all your help. :)
    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Ohhh, I see. Yea, settlers can fall into pits/canyons if they are digging/deconstructing a platform above. Possibly that happened?