They are handled the same way camoflauge trophies are done, so all the same considerations are made.
They are handled the same way camoflauge trophies are done, so all the same considerations are made.
We are generally always expanding our player icons and have added a few female icons recently, but we will keep forwarding the feedback that more are always appreciated
Missiles are added with consideration to balance. The developers are aware the F-4E, like many other existing aircraft in game, could carry AIM-9L. However at this time, its not considered necessary to add before monitoring the situation with the current top rank jets.
Missiles are added with consideration to balance. The developers are aware the F-4F, like many other existing aircraft in game, could carry AIM-9L. However at this time, its not considered necessary to add before monitoring the situation with the current top rank jets.
If its not realistic, you can submit whatever sources you have to make that claim here:
We can then forward the report to the developers for review. However making a random negative statement without any backing isn't going to change anything unfortunately.
Thank you for the report.
This has been forwarded to the developers for their consideration.
Because it was a long expected addition that we had made clear for some time that it was a priority for the developers.
We don't confirm or deny any future additions ahead of time. We announce them via dev blogs, news or Q & As.
They are for two completely different matters. One also provides a direct figure on the issue in question allowing clear confirmation, the other provides a rather loose statement on a different missile of the same family.
The Tech Team still handles the bug tracker, but developers from time to time pass on there too. Again what they choose to do is not down to my decision or control. I can only go by what we have been told by development lead and legal.
We haven't denied any reports with any manuals. We have said that if they are to be used, proof of declassification is required for us on the forum to be able to accept it. Providing it can be proven to be declassified, it can be used
I am responsible for the Technical Moderators and have guidelines set by developers and our legal team that we have been asked to follow. I am not responsible for what developers choose to do.
Its also worth noting even the sources you submitted didn't fully agree, as one stated 7600 not 7400. So its not "every single source" out there.
The issue is not that its a manual, the issue is that its not conclusive and not for the relevant missile at hand. Thus its not as authorative this way.
It appears to have reported and currently pending further investigation.
One of the developers has confirmed the correct weight also in the link I posted in the response. It's 7850.
Empty weight in files is not real empty weight, it includes ammo for the internal weaponry.
The meta has changed, but the planes performance statistically has generally held solid for its current BR rating. As I also said above, there wasn't any drop off in the number of players using it despite the recent additions and meta additions. Seeing as it cannot fight 11.3s, it also doesn't face and isn't effected by most of those newer top jets from the previous few updates anyway.
You are free to believe anything you wish, I'm just here to provide the facts for those that want them. Using data from a period over a year ago doesn't serve any purpose to us. Any and all changes to economics or BRs are done via up to date stats and current figures.
The repair cost is reflective of what the aircraft is actually making.
Even if we look at for example the last week or so since the patch release until now, its still played significantly more than the average aircraft between 9.7 - 10.3 by a considerable margin. Even with that, it remains in a good position for its BR without any direct need to go up or down, which is where vehicles generally tend to settle well at. There hasn't been a significant player drop really since its BR was last changed, even with all the new additions since.
We have already explained why the F-5C and A has its countermeasure pod, as its well documented they could be retrofitted. We appear to be going in circles here and whataboutism isn't going to change anything for the Harrier.
As I said, we welcome new sources on any Harrier countermeasures to be passed for consideration. But rehashing already well documented and explained examples is not going to progress the matter any further.
Data is always reviewed with the current up to date stats. We dont use previous old stats from a previous BR to define where it is now.
RWR has had a full report raised and forwarded. Radar getting "stuck" in some positions, we have had some clips that have been forwarded, but a full report on the community tracker site would also be useful for everyone to also benifit:
Ive updated it with the contents of the comment.