

11 Aug








I have no idea what this means or is referring to.

We are at a solid Soon™


The situation was very much taken into account at the time. However even factoring in the BR increase, the repair cost was nowhere near where it should have been given the statistics of the vehicle and its economical performance. Changes such as this are indeed factored in, however in this case, as was also the case of the R2Y2 you mentioned, there was a clear and sufficient indication that both changes were warranted. After some time at their new levels, further analysis can be conducted to see if those changes need additional adjustment.

Thunderskill is a very poor reso


We have no plans to release the specific statistics used as these are both open to misinterpretation and exploitation as we have explained in the past.


Time is needed to monitor the statistical situation of vehicles before changes can be made to their economics too. Even at 8.3 for example, the Sagittario 2 remains as efficient for its rank as it did at 8.0. So therefor 8.7 is indeed necessary. At the same time, after it has been monitored at its new rank, its repair cost can then be properly adjusted if required in the next economical update. But right now at least, its performance is still very high despite the changes.


Where possible, we always try to answer the key concerns / most discussed feedback items left in BR topics. The issue however comes when each and every player leaves a different request, vehicle and a plethora of additional suggestions that they want to see. The developers simply do not have the time to answer or comment on every single discussed item in every BR or Economic update.

As for the case of the 76 Jumbo you mention here, its the most efficient heavy tank at rank III and IV among non-premium units actually coming ahead of the T26E1-1 and seeing a lot of use at the same

10 Aug


The current model in game (GR.1) never had any form of countermeasures.


The aircraft is already performing well enough to indicate a change is needed. The countermeasures will also come for the aircraft to bolster its position.


Jaguar A will also receive its countermeasures in a future upcoming update. This coupled with the performance of the Magic missiles means its a very competent overall aircraft

09 Aug


I was referring to the further changes introduced in Server Update 29.07.2021 after this topic was created to address many of the concerns raised here about rewards in game modes with multiple respawns (Ground RB, AB)

This was after the main economy update.

08 Aug


Closing the thread would just fuel the already incorrect assumptions that we moved it to "suppress opinion" or anything of such. When the reality is, this topic does not apply to SB as there are already several more specific and direct topics open there on the matter and have largely been about RB games. Indeed AB has been present here too and we have made no effort to remove that or stop that. Thats also fully fine too. We have no reason to close this topic or stop the discussions taking place.

But we already have offical feedback topics in the General Game area that apply to all


We have been approving all on topic posts. We have mod approval for the very reason that people just decide to spam a lot of off topic / rule breaking content. Which directly contradicts the reason for a constructive feedback topic. Both topics are up to date with approvals.


This is the subject of another topic entirely, not this one:


Feedback on the economy changes updates should be left in the offical feedback threads for those specific updates. Its where we mostly collect from to forward to the developers, as well also from topics such as this which we already have done. Which resulted in the further changes in Server Update 29.07.2021.

These changes were directly introduced based on feedback from the offical topics and here and further feedback to that should be left in the relevant feedback topics.

We also already have multiple topics open in the SB section on this too. So the need fo


We just had an expansion to 11.0 in the previous major update. Very unlikely we will see a further one anytime soon.


You mean this exact topic you made yourself which hasn't been shut down at all and that I haven't even commented in, let alone shut down?

Or the other topics here?

Or even here?

Plenty of non shut down topics there and no reason at all to discuss it entirely off topic here. Lets stop derailing this one please.


Off topic cleaned out.

Plenty of sections and topics on this forum to discuss matters of your opinion and what you want to see. This isn't one of them and no, making up a random rumour is not on topic.


We add maps in almost each and every single update. As has already been pointed out here by Razielkaine, the developers that work on maps are not at all the same team that works on vehicle content. Whilst new maps are indeed a great part of major updates, those alone would not support enough interest from the player base as a whole to be justifiable as the only "content" of the patch. Equally features, interface changes and every other area of development is also separate to vehicle content. So in reality, it has no impact on the introduction of new vehicles or the reverse at all. People alway


This is Squiers personal stream. He is responding to how he plays the game.

It has nothing at all to do with a response this topic (which we have already given with the Q and A directly from the developers clarifying their thoughts) and should not be viewed as such.

To be clear, CMs opinions are not involved with the passing or collection of feedback. When forwarding feedback / thoughts / suggestions / ideas from the community, our personal opinion is not involved at all. As I have already clarified several times to you and others here. Our personal opinions