

15 Jul


Repair costs are not calculated based on a comparison of X or Y variant. They are calculated on the individual economics of that particular aircraft and how it earns / losses in game.


Before any discussion, handling or bug reports are even made, proof of this documents declassification will be required as well as where it was sourced form. If it is declassified, it should be available to the public.

Last time such a document was shared that was claimed to be "unclassified" it was in fact still classified and was confirmed that it should never have been shared.

We make it very clear that we will not handle any source material unless it is publically available and fully declassified with the rights to prove that.

13 Jul


Reports have already been accepted on the existing variants.

08 Jul


Both the Strv 122s remain some of the highest performing vehicles at 11.0.

The developers currently have no evidence to suggest they need even better ammunition, let alone M/95 when they are in the very top of their BR. New shells may be considered as the situation changes, but M/95 remains out of the question for the time being.


Tables updated.

Just to clarify the Leopard 2K and Jpz 4-5 will remain at their current BR based on feedback. We will revise the shell loadouts (detailed in the table) and keep them at their current BR.

Challenger Mk 3 and Vickers Mk 7 will receive L26 at their new BR also based on feedback.


Hi guys

All feedback has been forwarded to the Devs and we expect the table to be updated soon.

The thread will be locked in the meantime.

05 Jul


As I said above, when the report has been reviewed we will have an answer we can share.


No artificial buff has been applied to the MIG-21. As I said as far as it is possible to model afterburners (using the highest stage) we have done so.

The report will be reviewed by the developers first to see if the data is correct.

04 Jul


The Harrier is correct in regular flight modes. Only VTOL has additional takeoff power for gameplay purposes to allow the aircraft to take off in VTOL with payloads.

As such the Harrier is correct outside of VTOL mode and the matter here does not apply there as its regular flight performance is correct.


The primary focus of the topic and question at hand was on Fighters. Not so much attackers. But to answer your questions:

The primary issue with most of these is a lack of information. Not necessarily applying to every single one. But consider full 360 degree images / photos / drawings including all markings are generally needed for the 3D model, including the interior for the c*ckpit and then sufficient documentation on all performance, characteristics and payloads.

Whilst we don't fully rule out the possibility of any of (if sufficient information can be located)

02 Jul


The answer above came directly from the FM developers. Just because something appears easy does not mean it is possible with the current implementation of certain mechanics. Datamines do not mean everything. Currently its not possible. That may change in the future, but right now its not the case.


Due to the current game mechanics, we cannot model separate stages of afterburner. So all aircaft with multiple stages only use their maximum.

30 Jun


Where possible, some models may be corrected to the correct shape if a full 3D model rework is not in any immediate plans.


Outsourced modeling is indeed included in the process. But that doesn't suddenly mean more resources / time is available and also factoring in that bomber c*ckpits would be directly taking away from other areas of model development with a large impact.

So again. Given we already put this question to the community and we also monitor how many people use bombers and c*ckpits, it's not a good use of what is extensive development resources.

29 Jun


Repair costs have nothing to do with comparisons between X and Y plane. They are done specifically on the economics of that singular vehicle in question.

In the future, not necessarily this year, but wait and see. We are working on new French aircraft across the ranks.


Please double check:

There are indeed some aircraft to add, but none are really going to be better fighters at ranks III-IV than their American counterparts already in the French Tree.

We have more to come for domestic French. But the topic and question and hand was more about why are the American designed French aircaft superior to the French domestic ones at Ranks III-IV. Historically this is a known black hole for France due to the situation. Once you reach Rank V and certainly by VI-VII France begins to expand greatly with many Domestic designs.


28 Jun


During the ranks you are mentioning, France was occupied and unable to develop/produce many of their own domestic fighter projects. As such, from Ranks III-IV you can for sure expect to see lend-lease and other foreign nations designs present that will naturally be better. Whilst there are still some aircraft to add over these ranks, there really isn't any truly "French" fighters possible.

We cannot really invent French planes better than US ones in places where they did not exist. At higher ranks however its a different question entirely and there will be more and more domestic Fr

27 Jun


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In this episode:

Pages of History: the British Octane War

Round Study: the T-80BVM Endurance Test

... and Metal Beasts: the Italian Nailgun

The War Thunder Team


Nothing new to add outside of what has already been said in developer Q and As.

26 Jun


To answer your question, bugs and issues within the game (including those from the bug report system) are fixed on a weekly basis and always have been.

We have recently even started a whole weekly series dedicated to showing some of the major fixes of that week. The most recent of which can be found here:

You can find a list of all the changelogs which are published almost every day here: