

21 May


Last time I checked, French players were more than happy to claim the SK 105 because it had either French components or French licenced parts.

This vehicle has even more than that, with the whole weapons platform being French. So it more than meets the exact same criteria that lead to the SK 105 being introduced in the French tree too.


We have no plans for this as the M113 is no closer to a domestic system than the currently planned one. Not to mention, it literally does the exact same thing in game. It server no benefit or purpose to change the model when neither are fully domestic, because a fully domestic French one does not exist.


Germany has it because it was planned to receive it and there is material on that. Its German domestic platform so makes sense for Germany.

Meanwhile there is no French domestic platform that can search, lock, guide and fire all at


Some nations have more jet aircraft to add over time than Sweden and Italy.

Italy is also getting a new jet this Patch and Sweden had several medications of its SAAB 105/Sk-60 family recently.

There are more plans ahead for both nations.


We have no plans to cancel a perfectly valid weapons platform that has no issues. Again, there are no French domestic platforms capable of searching, guiding and firing the VT-1 Crotale all in a singular vehicle.


French players specifically wanted a Crotale VT-1. This is the best self contained platform for that and makes the most sense as it can be shared with the Finish tree. The other platforms such as M113 and others are not any more domestic or relevant to France than this.


F-5A and C were able to be retrospectively fitted with them. Unlike any French domestic SPAAG with VT-1 which was physically incapable of searching, firing and guiding the missiles with a single vehicle.

Other than towed units, there is nothing French that could do it in a single platform.


This isn't French either, so again. The Crotale NG is just the same.

This is incorrect. None of the domestic French Crotale VT-1 units were a fully self contained unit capable of searching, firing and guiding the VT-1 in the same way all other SPAAGs do in game. They required separate vehicle platforms:


Again, neither of these vehicles are French domestic. So the Crotale NG is just as valid here.


None of those domestic chassis that are not a towed trailer have the full means of firing and guiding the weaponry without a secondary support vehicle. Hence why they were not introduced.


This is an M113. Its not French. Its just yet another platform it could be mounted on.


This vehicle does not have a searching radar and cant use the weapons system by itself. Hence why it was not added.


Because you already asked and we answered 5 hours ago:


There is no self contained French domestic air defence system , that does not require a separate guidance machine/vehicle/equipment and would use the VT-1 whilst being completely French.

There are towed trailers or other vehicles that depended on separate vehicles and equipment for guidance to use the VT-1.

All other French vehicles required separate vehicles in order to use these systems, such as the AMX-30 chassis, that required two vehicles:

As such, the Crotale NG we have added for France and Sweden makes the most sense as a self contained unit.


The developers have said its planned for the British Phantoms (FGR.2 and FG.1) to receive AIM-9G by the release of Red Skies.


Again? They just got the F8U with Ixwa Strike.


Not now. USA has F-5C & F-5E this patch.


We have already said Finland is with Sweden mostly. So it's appropriate for them to get it.

20 May


Something everyone can appreciate