No I just don't want to crush too many dreams in a single day ))
No I just don't want to crush too many dreams in a single day ))
Weren't you also someone who said you wanted to know more ahead of time?
Well this is a bit of a contradiction ))
Now you see why we don't do it.
Just an FYI, Just because you may or may not have seen something(s) in the next major be that by accident or whatever, doesn't mean we are canceling its blog, posting another one or changing plans.
Just because the people of this topic and maybe Reddit have seen it, doesn't mean the whole WT community have.
We will post what we have to post when we have planned to post them.
"wE aLrEAdY sAw tHis" or "I dOnT CoUnT tHis aS a bLoG" doesn't mean anything.
It is quite amusing people seriously think it's an F-14 or something like that after we have already said no way. But hey.
Its ok guys I can community manage our way out of this and answer all your questions with a single meme.
Good morning everyone, hope you had a good weeken....
Oh...oh no.
Aggressor skins or particularly those that look similar to the infamous "MiG-28" were a popular player request. Obviously the MiG-28 is a fictional aircraft, but there were real life examples of such camos and we often tend to do unique and exclusive camos for pre-order aircraft or event aircraft that don't necessarily have to be the exact same variant because they are only going to be limited to the pre-order and not widely available after that for the foreseeable future.
Thunderskill only takes its stats snapshot from the players that use its service. Its statistics are not accurate or reliable for balancing suggestions.
When we have a BR update proposal, please feel free to post your suggestions in that topic and we can forward all suggestions on.
Allow me to instantly put that fire out.
This is the reality some nations will face. Some nations will have gaps where they simply had nothing in reality or very long service usage of a single type. We of course will plug those gaps wherever possible, but its unrealistic to expect them to ever have the same amount of aircraft as other nations.
There simply is not enough aircraft from these nations to match the likes of USA, USSR, UK and others in terms of jets.
You mean another addition of "lets just list everything not yet in game, claim its a leak and hope to get lucky" lists.
No, this isn't a leak. Its fake. Please do not post such things in here as they are just created to troll people.
Thats correct.
Quick update on the Su-7BKM from the devs. As grom already said earlier It will have S-24 rockets and also a Ballistic Computer too.
You can call them whatever you wish. The facts are they are both individual variants we dont currently have in game. Both required development and are also pre-orders. So naturally they are worth blogs.
And since then, people have asked for as many dev blogs as possible. It also makes sense with these two aircraft for a number of reasons, including that they are ready to show.
Why is it odd? They are pre-order bundles and we haven't had any of those for some time. It makes sense to lead with them so people have a longer time to consider them and have a chance to pre-order.
We are two Dev blogs in and you come to this conclusion?
The planes default skin is the Egyptian camo. The Indian scheme is the pre-order bonus.