

20 Apr


That's because we have answered those questions millions of times. We always try to have new questions and not repeat ourselves.

19 Apr


Guys, whilst a bit of joking in these fake leak lists is generally ok, impersonating Gaijin staff in any way such forging statements as "I was informed by a Gaijin staff member" is pushing the limits of the forum rules.

Jokes are one thing. False claims with fake credibility claiming we said something is something else.

If it was official or came from staff it would be posted properly for everyone to see. Not via a PM or random message somewhere in someone's inbox, discord or anything otherwise.

Please do not do it.

18 Apr


I mean, its entirely fake, so if people want to spread that its down to them ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

17 Apr


Nah its more fun to watch you guys go round in circles for weeks finding scraps of a mention or hanging off a single unrelated comment )))


You misunderstood the point of my post. I was referring to the fact it contains the weaponry from its service both in the Royal Navy and RAF with the gunpod being the key example. Its entire service lifes worth of weaponry is open for it. I did not say they are all in game, but the point being it has the most meaningful weapons from its whole service. We have already answered about AIM-9G.

I was not referring to the weapons it could have that are already reported as suggestions. If there are more for other aircraft you wish to suggest feel free.

As for some of the weap

16 Apr


We don't tie weaponry directly to dated configurations like that when future variants are in consideration.

Weaponry is entirely separate. Thats why the Naval FG.1 has access to its entire service life weaponry, because we don't plan future variants as they were all just FG.1s.

We have a GR.1 in game representing the early GR.1 airframe. We have plans for a later GR.1A in some form, so in order to keep differences between them we are not going to give the GR.1 all its entire service life worth of upgrades that basically bring it closer to a GR.1A. It has sidewinders b


Not since January 2020 )))

Museums are only just starting to open now in the UK.


The sidewinder upgrade is possible for any Jaguar GR.1. Its not tied to the engine upgrade.


The developers have plans for a GR.1A variant in some form in the future. As such, the aim is to keep some reasonable differences between them to make them more distinct whilst also representing the different stages of the aircraft. The Jaguar GR.1 how we have it now is entirely correct for an early version. Indeed aircraft are generally implemented with their best possible configurations, but also with considerations to future additions. In this case, the GR.1A.


The developers have reviewed the sources provided and currently, they are insufficient to provide enough credible information for a change.

The value we currently have is based on active footage of the tank firing showing 6 seconds for the reload.

In order to override this, better sources would need to be provided.


Not that close no. But whats coming is cool ))



We do not have the GR.1A in game. We have the GR.1.

Jaguar GR.1 could carry sidewinders without being an upgraded GR.1A.

Since these flares are for a GR.1A and not featured on GR.1, this is not an issue.



This is not an error.

The Jaguar we have in game is an Jaguar GR.1, not a GR.1A.

GR.1s underwent trials and tests carrying active Sidewinders in Germany before they were upgraded with the Adour 104 and to GR.1A standard.

As such, its not incorrect for a GR.1 to have Sidewinders without being a GR.1A.


- Reports merged -

Thank you for your reports.

These issues are already known and were previously forwarded to the developers.



These issues are already known and have previously been reported.

Thank you for your report.