

15 Apr


May I suggest not coming into the topic with posts such as this then:

As coming to a topic with such a post is actively going to provoke people and potentially lead to flame wars of your own creation.

Everyone has personal views on what vehicles they want to see. Everyone has a personal wish list and a want list. Everyone has an idea of what they think is best for the game.

Nobody is incorrect to have an opinion. What is not needed however is after every dev blog that is not something someone personally want to see is another post of "omg not XYZ"


This isn't a Leclerc topic and this has no relation to the subject matter.

If a report has been forwarded and we have not responded about it since, it means it remains open for investigation.

If you want to discuss the Leclerc further, please do it in an appropriate topic.


Leclerc was already one of the top MBTs in game even before the S2 was introduced. The main reason for the introduction of the S2 was to provide a backup for top French lineups. Even now, both remain some of the highest performing MBTs in game. Very far from being bottom of the pile.

It also does not really compare to Germany. Germany for example as several Leopard variants and upgrades whilst France is much more finite in terms of future possibilities with the Leclerc. A new shell(s) and upgrade packages are some of the only remaining outlets in the future to be considered. So ad


Ammunition selection has never been a 1:1 reflection of a tanks actual inventory. It's based on what the tank could have, could fire and could use with consideration to the vehicle and it's position.

As for you asking me somewhere else. Please don't assume if I don't answer a ping it's because I'm "notj nothing". I as well as all the other CMs get pinned tons of times daily all over often for spam, trolling or just genera chit chat. We can't answer all of them as it's just impossible.

Nope. Please read again.

The 2A6 was a new tank and a progression of t


It's not a bug to be "fixed".

Ammunition choice is a developer balancing tool. A vehicles shells are distributed based in balance. If a tank is performing poorly, then new shells are possible considerations. However it may also be the case that if a new shell has not been issued, it may well be being saved for a future addition to the tree later down the line as was the case with L27 and Challenger 2F.

14 Apr


If they have already been forwarded then they are already open on our tracker pending developer investigation. Thats not what im talking about here.

You listed them yourself I believe that you have already submitted, so I dont see why I need to repost them. They will be reviewed by Technical Moderators when possible and forwarded for review.


Artillery is a know mater. We have a report under review for the Mobility / Gear ratio.


Resolved. Will be deployed in a future minor update


An update to the situation, it will be restored in an upcoming minor update.


If its a different picture thats not this one that I quoted above in this topic, then that's possible.

The picture here however was the BAE expeditionary tank which is not our XM-8. But a later version.


The LD/SD modes offered by the pulse doppler radars if implemented entirely would allow for even more aggressive lock angles than currently possible right now. As the developer explained, we don't have the true LD/SD pulse dopplers modelled right now. They just have a slightly larger lock capability.


The vehicle is an improved version of the XM-8 and not the variant we have in game. As such, the current version wont be receiving this updated package.

The developers are already aware of the modification, but it wont be present on the XM-8 in game.

Nobody is disputing if you take an XM-8 and constantly improve it such modifications are possible, but the same is true for many vehicles in game and they are separate vehicles.

I would recommend submitting a suggestion for the BAE Systems Expeditionary Light Tank ADV if you want to see these upgrades.


This is not incorrect. The image here is of a later and more recent BAE modification.

Its not the XM-8 we have in game and not incorrect in this regard:

13 Apr


The F-4F launch limit was a simple configuration code bug that should not have even occurred in the first place. The AIM-9D reported matters require historical investigation by consultants.

The two issues dont compare.


Just to clarify, this is incorrect. We never had 250,000-500,000 players. The highest peak was also not 2015, but actually just last week.

The highest active live player count until last week was last year in 2020 with 121,784:

Last week, we hit a new all time record of just over 130,000.

So no, the game is in fact not dying, but actually making new records


The T-2k as a training aircaft was also equipped with training missiles as was the F-104J in the photos we used to enable it to have 4 Sidewinders. Both were capable of mounting and firing the live missile as was the F-4F.

Training missiles are used as to fire the real thing in training is a waste

This picture is also absolutely relivant because the F-4F in the picture is a German F-4F owned and piloted by Germany In the USA for training.
72-1116 (37 + 06), the same aircraft several years later:

It shows very clearly that the F-4F early wa


We have over 1800 vehicles in game and the F-104S is just one of them. Actual gameplay bugs are far more important.

Feel free to make bug reports with your evidence then if you believe an aircaft is incorrect when tested in simulator under full real conditions, but we are now entirely off topic and this has no meaning or purpose here.

We always aim for the most accurate vehicle performance possible inside of the game with all factors taken account for that this is actually a game. Yes indeed we are not a 1:1 sim

Again however, you can take this


Please link me to where I said this, because as as explained above it's not what I said.

All we have said on the F-104S is:

1) The singular magazine photo that supposedly shows an AIM-9L is all we currently have to go on. That needs further verification.

2) We don't have all aspect missiles in game for any jets.

It has nothing to do with "too few" F-104S using them and that's never been stated as the reason.

There is a range of aircraft and tanks that have weaponry and shells they never had "in service" in reality. The F-4F is no exceptio