

05 Apr


The suggestion has already been passed to the devs. But the F-104G is in an entirely different position and actually already top of its BR for performance as it is. Being the only F-104 to have countermeasures and some of the best CAS loadouts, its not the same case as the F-4F. There also is not as much source material supporting it (eg manuals and weapons manuals) like then F-4F has.

So as with all things, its been passed for consideration, but as we have also previously explained, each aircraft is taken on a case by case basis. In the case of the F-4F, without them, it becomes


Except the manual of your car not only confirms it can take those tyres, so does the tyre catalogue and it turns out, your car had already mounted them when it was in the country of manufacture when it was undergoing its tests and driver training

Its different for the PFM because not only could the F-4F mount those missiles, as per the F-4F Pilots manual and F-4F weapons manual, but the aircraft actually did in the USA for training.

The Soviet PFM not only cannot mount R-13M. But there is no manual even suggesting it could in theory. The export model


Nope, sorry. Turns out Ever Given was full of essential supplies of server hamster food so we needed to get it freed up and moving again.

It was a good forward operating base for Harriers though ))


We don't delete posts for being critical

People can post constructive criticism as much as they like and most people seem to have no issues in doing so, because they remain constructive.

We do however have the rules which you and everyone else agreed to when creating your account. Its not about moderators or anyone else having "thick skin". A rule breach is a rule breach and none of them have anything to do with being critical.

If you breach them, it means you are doing something serious and unnecessary at all for feedback of any kind.


You do not "keep loosing money" with a premium account and premium plane if you actually play it properly.

You can loose money with any vehicle in game no matter if its premium or not and no matter you account status if you play it incorrectly.

Nowhere is it said that premium account + a premium plane is a guaranteed profit if you are not actually using the vehicle to its advantages and how it is intended to be played.

Thats not just for the Harrier GR.1, but all premiums.

They grant increased SL and RP earnings, but only if you are actually ma


Again, ammo selections are ultimately down to the developers.

Suggestions are welcome and forwarded too them, but there was never a promise they would be implemented. The decision is with them. But at the same time, it does not mean your report was simply discarded.


No feedback has been dismissed here. Questions were asked why the ammo is what it currently is and they were answered.

All ammunition is based on historical sources in terms of what can fire what and what had what. But the selection a tank has is down to developer decision and balance.


Please check the context of the answer and not detaching it from the rest of the response.

The same standard for ammo selection (developer decision) based on what a tank can fire is the same for all tanks.

Not that export tanks only are done this way.


Lets at least be clear here please, nowhere is it advertised that the Harrier makes "2x more SL playing this plane".

Premiums are very clearly advertised:

All of the above factors are correct for the GR.1.

If you play any vehicle poorly and die, naturally you are going to earn a loss because you are not doing anything to earn SL. No premium vehicle in game has ever been advertised to make you a profit even when played incorrectly or poorly.


Its all entirely subjective in reality as to who would have brought it, how they choose to deploy it, who they had connections or contracts with etc etc

These factors dont apply in game. Its purely down to the developers.


The tank was intended for export


We are aware of this thanks, but its a compatible round with the tank and one of the likely export rounds.

Round selection has and always been down to the developers decision. Never has it been solely reliant on the tank(s) real arsenal. This is the same standard for all tanks.

04 Apr


Firstly, we haven't deleted any comments of the War Thunder page that are just critiquing the event.

Secondly, please check the terms of the event and make sure you meet all the criteria:

Its also worth restarting the client entirely after you check.

Beyond that, you will need to provide some evidence of what you are using in battle and the lack of drops for us to be able to action anything further should there be an issue. Just saying "im not getting materials" is not giving us anything to go on.


Its possible some may change and the role might develop / change over time.

If aircraft were left off, it was deliberate based on the fact they generally more focused on air target kills than ground kills. But suggestions are always welcome.


Very simple, because Yuri Gagarin was not only famously the first man in space (a major technological development of aerospace technology), but also a pilot of many aircraft in game. One of which has his skin featured also in game:

He was a veteran pilot as well as hugely famous in Russia for his achievements in space. So therefor its only fitting he be represented historically for his most famous achievements.


The radar matter has already been reported and our consultants confirmed it. It just needs to be actioned.


Unlike a major update, those vehicles were already ready and the blogs were pretty much almost ready to go. Possible somewhere someone had a slight slipup, but hardly even in the same league as major update "leak lists". Ether that or dumb luck. We said a German Phantom was coming soon and I even said something "Spooky" in the day before blog comments, the XM-8 had elements in the files for some time and the Yugure well who knows ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Things can happen a few days in advance when you have to translate things into many languages and go through many people.