

04 Apr


There is nothing to confirm because there was no leak.

According to some people / youtubers, they claimed this plane and others were "ready" / "in progress" / "missing textures" or [insert other fake status to make it sound reputable here] for well over a year now.

Those people have no clue how development works and also have no idea whats coming and when. Every patch, they just pick a list of vehicles not in game, that could theoretically be added and sure enough, they might guess 1-2 right. Suddenly they are a "trusted source".

Some people also claim to ha


Happy Easter to all our players!

Have a safe and fun holidays.

The War Thunder Team

03 Apr


The skin is irrelevant. Its a Luftwaffe owned and operated Phantom as now confirmed by source material.

The Phantom does not have some mystical device that means it can only load AIM-9J when its physically present in the USA. It had the capability to mount and fire them, did so in exercises and also has it confirmed by its manual that it could indeed so so in fully fledged operation.

None of that exists for the PFM in its current configuration.

No threats were made. A warning

You are on a forum that has very clear rules. You do no


We also had confirmation these aircraft remained with the Luftwaffe but were legally required to have US markings whilst in operation out there. But remain both the property and service of the Luftwaffe whilst attached to a US squadron

So its not even just theory.


All aircraft in game that have source material showing they could in fact use something, is open for consideration to the devs.

In the case of the PFM, it cannot carry K-13M in its current configuration as proven by sources. Its that simple.

It has never been done based purely on service, but also its configuration. A Soviet configured and service PFM cannot fire K-13M. It simply does not have that ability to carry them. The same case with R-3R because it does not have the radar to guide it. It so happens that the version used in Soviet service was also a uni


The criteria hasn't changed.

1) The F-4F has sources supporting its ability to carry the missile.

2) The PFM does not have sources showing it can carry the missile and even if we went with the hypothetical route (which references my old post) we then have sources that confirm it cannot even theoretically carry it in its Soviet version.

The process has not changed, there simply is no evidence the PFM could carry them in its current configuration, even theoretically.

Its been forwarded to the consultants. They will now need to review all the s


This is incorrect. Our criteria is very clear. Source material needs to be present linking the weapon to the aircraft and then its for the developers to decide. The Soviet PFM was not even able to theortically carry the K-13M as originally suggested here after further review.

The German F-4F has historical primary sources showing it can mount the AIM-9J:

1) GAF TO 1F-4F-1 Flight Manual, 15 October 1975, revised 15 July 1976,

2) GAF TO 1F-4F-34-1 Weapons Delivery Manual, 15 September 1976.

Meanwhile, on the contrary to the PFM, our consultants investigated t


You need to have claimed the first reward to start counting the second.


I see you have not experienced many April 1sts and know what the day means )))))

Unless this post itself is a joke too, in which case touché.


Thats a real historical event and Gagarin was also a pilot. Again, its about the context of the game with history in a realistic based setting.


All aircraft in game have a dynamic BR that changes based on how well the aircraft performs. The Harrier currently performs well at 10.0 and was far above average at 9.7. On top of this, the majority of community feedback was to raise its BR to 10.0.

Right now, its showing no signs of being an issue for the aircraft and it continues to perform well at its BR.

02 Apr


Its made clear in the news article that they are going to be changed after the event. Its being advertised for exactly what it is and what they change too after the event ends:

The TailSpin event itself is an April Fools fun mode. The Profile icon rewards you can unlock are unique to the event and will remain unique, but will be changed to something more fitting of War Thunders context, whilst keeping the overall style of the pilots. They will however be the unique reward and obtainable in this event only.


No bugs have thus far been reported to the devs so there are no planed fixes coming right now.



As explained in the event news, the crafting event drops do not occur in Enduring Confrontation. It is only random battles and the April Fools events:


As I have already said, the developers are preparing some news elements regarding the armour for Modern tanks in general and the Type 90 falls into that.

We do not have an ETA as they are very busy at the moment. When we have it and can, we will post it.

The report changes are spesifically on modern tank armour and linked to this, hence why we have not published them as they are dependent on this item the Devs are working on.

It's not the whole system. As we said, if was spesifically on modern tank armour and sources and dependant on this new sour

01 Apr


Its apricated thanks. A separate topic already exists for that purpose and it has been answered several times. So there is no reason or justification for the same discussion here yet again when the answer is already available to those seeking it.


We have no sources for the F-104S showing AIM-9J.

Indeed and all of the manuals that confirm that, those aircraft have it in game.

First and foremost, this is a topic on the XM-8. You were seeking answers on that vehicle, and receive them. However its very clear now, you were not interested in that, but solely to use twist my responses to redirect the discussion to the F-104S yet again.

When you can present any F-104S source that directly links it to the AIM-9J, as we have already explained, we would welcome the suggestion. So far that


The same sources we already used on the VFM5 (that was already in game) and XM-8 family. This shell is a possible round for this family of vehicles and as such, is its current top round.

Arguing about the sources is meaningless here as the devs are already aware of the sources presented in this topic. They already had them.

Its not about finding a source to add the shell. Its down to their decision as I have already explained based on the balance of the vehicle.


USA has already had 2 top tier event vehicles in the last year: - F-111F - Merkava Mk 3

Not everyone can get a top tier every event.

Again, the comparison of the F-4F is not going to help this situation if that is what you are actually trying to achieve.

So lets please try to stick with the subject matter on the XM-8.