

23 Aug


The aircraft is still in development and not even fully out of testing yet. I have already forwarded the point about Sidewinders, but baring in mind its Pylons and stores are non functional at the moment.


Wikpedia is not a valid source for anything like this.

If you have proper source material, please submit a report here:


If the bug reports have been filled for all the issues you mentioned, the please send them to me and I can raise them again.

You mean the Lynxs that technically have more weaponry than they ever fielded in reality with the Army and have things they were only tested with?

Lynx was given a very long and wide list of weaponry far beyond what it operationally had. We were extremely lenient with it.


Servers should be now all back up to normal. We had some downtime but you have 48 hours for each task.


As soon as we have some more information, we will share it with everyone


The developers are aware of this issue and there should be a hot fix tomorrow. Sadly its too late in the day on Sunday now to correct it.


There was no dev blog promised this weekend. I said stay tuned to the news and you would have seen the dev server.

As for the cat, it comes when its ready to come.


The British Phantoms have AIM-7 so they are not left behind at all.


Vehicles being in the files does not mean they are coming. Thats been said many, many times.

You asked this just last week and as I said, we cant give ETAs on the reports. HSTV is one vehicle out of 1500+. Its not an exception to everything else.


No. SU-7BLK is the top Soviet this patch.


Era of of a vehicle, particularly in Naval does not necessarily dictate what it costs or where it is. In some cases a WW2 ship may be superior to a post war ship. Thus we take each vehilce on a case by case basis, not just "oh its postwar so it MUST go after X".

But we will pass the feedback along.


Its far too early for Viggen and SK 60 will come later. B17BS is for this update.

22 Aug


China will be getting the Q-5 and CM-25 this update.


MiG-23 is not coming, I was sure we already said that.

AIM-7 is indeed bugged and we are working on those issues.


We have reminded them all again and waiting for news.

At this point im just going to post a Pic of my cat soon since hes a British short hair so it TECHNICALLY counts because people cant wait for that blog.


There is no new Type 74 coming this update, we can say that much.


XP-38G wont be available for purcahse after YP-38 comes out.


XP-38G technically is not a historical aircraft. YP-38 is its historical replacement. So we dont plan to keep XP-38G available except for those that have it.


No. Im afraid it was lost in translation. Those that have XP-38G will keep it and wont be taken from them. But it will be a rare premium that wont ever return.

YP-38 will be a totally new aircraft available for purcahse for everyone separate from the XP-38G.


For clarification on the XP-38G. Developers have now confirmed the following. Unfortunately it was lost in translation

If you own XP-38G you keep it. It will be removed from availability from the next update and the YP-38 will be introduced from that point as a new aircraft available for purchase.