

21 Dec


Please see my above comment. The devs will monitor the aircraft and its situation, making any necessary changes from there once a sufficient data sample is present.

The GR.1 has its correct engines and performance for those engines. Its not incorrect for it to have the 101.

Its using the offical manual speeds.

Not sure what issue you are referring too here, but I cant find a submitted report for it.

Invisible fuel tank bug on console has been fixed, its just pending deployment on the respective platforms.

No reports have been submitted yet on the FM. We will review and pass them as and when they come in.


Its too early for any clear or representative picture. Its only just been a single full day and many people rush to play specific vehicles along with content creators. The devs are monitoring the aircraft, but at least a reasonable sample review is required.


Reports are marked fixed when the internal report has been fixed and pending deployment. Consoles receive slightly separate deployments of hotfixes due to how the update system works on those platforms.


If they have been properly reported then we can confirm if they have been acknowledged. If you can link me to the individual reports, I can check there status.

20 Dec


Its under consideration, but for the time being, received the following comment:

So whilst it will remain open, its probably more something for the longer term when such a system joints the game (however that may be).


So far you have not provided any valid material to show any evidence of any performance difference. A couple of video testimonies (that we don't accept as sources) saying it had "a better radar" is pretty meaningless. If you want to provide specific source material showing what's wrong, by how much or what its lacking, that would be something we can then use or take further.

I would also advise that being overly sarcastic and argumentative in every post isn't actually going to achieve anything or progress this matter faster or further. If you want to bring valid evidence, then we can pass that along and get that sorted.


Video testimonies have never been accepted. So I'm not sure why you would assume this would be an exception.

As I have already mentioned, the renaming of the radar has already been reported and is under review. Other than that, I'm not sure what else you are suggesting is incorrect.

Valid source material we can use can be found here:


If you have any evidence as to the specifics of exactly what is missing that should be present, then the place to report that would be here:

This video is not sufficient evidence to be used for anything. A report is already open on the renaming of the radar to the correct variant. But it has not been confirmed yet.

















F-4J upgraded to use VTAS are after BuNo 158355, but the UK used F-4J earlier than BuNo 158355.


A photo or recording of some kind would be appreciated please. The report appears empty.


British F-4J(UK)s did not retain the helmet and reverted to British helmets. F-4J upgraded to use VTAS are after BuNo 158355, but the UK used F-4J earlier than BuNo 158355.

In future, please use the PM feature to ask a simple question like this, or use an existing topic rather than starting random addtional topics for a single matter.


Might be a console only issue. A report would be appreciated thanks so we can get it to the devs

Im really not sure what this has to do with the Tornado?


Any more details please?

Seem to be ok for me:


Drop tanks will be expanded upon in future patches too. Other variants of vehicles that just received them may also be in line to.


Contains fabricated loadouts.


So what can we do about that?

We use the best material possible that's publicly available. Claiming somethings wrong but then being unable to provide any evidence for it because "its secret" means we cant do much with that.

If people wish to report valid issues with avalable material, we will always act on that. But we can do nothing with vague statements.


Its not going to change rank. Its at its intended rank. As always with BRs, they can change depending on how the vehicle performs in game. Not by asking me.


Hi guys.

This matter has since been resolved. It was erroneously added as a separate upgrade module but has since been fixed. If you have not yet received a refund of any GE spent on it, please contact support:


So far there's one report and nothing evidence / source wise being posted in this thread to show much is wrong.

We fully appriecate there may be issues, but so far nothing has been provided to show anything is massively wrong and nowhere near the "30/40" reports you claim that are wrong with the machine.

Any reports will be dealt with, but lets please keep things realistic and not blown out of proportion when talking about things. It doesn't help anyone.