

08 May


We will announce any vehciles coming in the update via blogs or the Dev stream / server. Not beforehand.

We haven't confirmed what the new type of munitions will be yet, and we are not going to comment on rumors for the time being. Please stay tuned for official news.

As previously mentioned, we are aware of all vehicles that can. For now, it's exclusively for the MFG Tornado.

No news to speak of right now.


We never said anything about ARMs, Su-27 or F-15 coming anytime soon. So why this is being asked I'm not sure.

Entirely off topic.

07 May


*Hello Nigel?

Yeah I'm going to need two fully loaded Tornados please my dude.*


It's fine, we get that the breaks between blogs can seem long. But ultimately your just going to create your own disappointment if you hype up these sort of things this way.

Really just trying to save you and others from feeling disappointed is all

I went to museums but just for personal trips. Believe it or not we are not robots and do sometimes just need a break


I'm going back to my beers ))


Have you considered that not everything is a conspiracy and I didn't actually expect you would spend multiple posts dissecting everything I said?

I'm actually just in Czech for a break for a few days until Tuesday.

I understand you (and others) are waiting for more news, but please dial it back a bit and be patient. This is not the best way to go about things. You will just be fueling your own disappointment at this rate.

Entirely fake just to save the speculation time.

06 May


Not today.

No more blogs for today.

I will be enjoying some Czech beer to celebrate

05 May



You can find all the details about which packs are on sale currently in the news article:

As for future sales, we will announce the details of those as/when they happen. Unfortunately we cant detail which packs will be this far ahead of time. Only those in the current sale.



At this time we don't have any news of any promotions to share on this. But its possible there may be some in the future.


Yep, you can use your Gaijin login, but please note it's a seperate game, so your progress in one is not connected to the other.

Yes that's all for today as far as I'm aware. Monday/Tuesday may also be quieter than normal so keep that in mind regarding blogs next week. Of course some might be possible, but just to avoid any disappointment.

It's possible there may be a blog tomorrow or if not on one of those days next week


The sales is the larger news today, so it takes priority yes.


Highly possible there will be a blog today about the major. Subject to change ofc.

04 May


We haven't ever released our stats publicly and I (or any of the other CMs) do not have the ability to show that to you for that reason (they are not public). So its not an option available. All we can do is relay the general situation as it is.

For the last time however I'm going to please ask that any further continuation of balance discussions please be taken either to the relevant vehicle thread or the more applicable topic:

Any further posts from this point that continue to ignore the multiple warnings now will be removed.


I cant change what people wish to believe sadly, only pass on the news / information as it is.

I would however ask that this once again be kept in the more appropriate topics please. This isn't a balance discussion thread:


My personal thought/opinion on any matter is a bit irrelevant as I am just one person and player myself and my personal opinion is no more important or significant than any other person or player. Its not my job and also not really relevant to post my personal opinion on any matter. I'm only here to provide answers and information where its possible to do so

Pantsir is a new top tier vehicle that naturally a lot of people will flock too and a lot of attention will be drawn to it. Content creators will cover and use it a lot and of course competitive players will use it a lot, meaning more players will also have to fight against it / see it more so than perhaps other top SPAAGs. Increasing the chances its going to be fighting against you and cause a perception to be formed. From a statistical perspective, its inline currently with other top rank SPAAGs in efficiency and we will continue to monitor this should it massively deviate in any way from the others. But as of...

Read more

Guys, as a general reminder, if you wish to discuss game balance or specific vehicles, there are dedicated sections and topics for that. It has nothing to do with this topic, so please take the discussions there.


Not to the main game. They are just for WT Mobile for the foreseeable future.


As it's only been 1 blog for the major since you last asked, yes it is.

Please wait until later once we have shown more of the patch before asking these types of questions.

It's far too early to be answering spesifics.