

12 Sep


There are enough reasonable differences between the Su-25 variants whereas there is little between GR.7 and 5. This will also be the UKs first jet with AGMs (the main reason for it being added). USSR also already has the MiG-27M/K and Su-17M4/Su-22M3 for other top CAS. The Su-25 early also suits the Rank VI gap in the tree where intended. The situations don't compare.


Why would there be news at this time?


Not currently, as the aircraft beyond what I have answered today is still not final.


Sniper is already known, but not planned to come right now.


Report closed. Configuration was not final on the dev server. BOL pylons have since been added.


Report closed. AGM-65B was a placeholder on the dev server. AGM-65D will be included.


Report closed. Loadouts were incomplete on the dev server. Phimat has been included on the loadouts.


Report closed. ADEN 25mm guns will be included. The textures were incomplete on the dev server.


No news to share on the matter.


We don't have any specific news to share on that front. But generally we are always aiming for new graphical improvements over time.


It's still being worked on unfortunately. No final news just yet.


Unless I'm mistaken, everything so far has shown there are 6 stations available to possible mount a sidewinder on. Not that all 6 can be used at once.


Another dev server currently isn't planned. If that changes, we will announce it via the forum news section.

We essentially had the equivalent of two Dev servers with the extended opening and updating of the server when it was up.


It's is indeed "smack". If someone on discord tells you something and can't link to a changelog or something credible, it's probably fake.


We don't talk about / announce vehciles or our plans for them outside of the current manor update generally. I was responding on the Harrier as it's to do with this patch (GR.7) and that other variants are planned.

11 Sep


Reactions are pretty meaningless and don't mean anything at all to be honest with regards to how posts are viewed / treated as feedback. They are often used by organised trolling or just people that hold a grudge and spam it on any post that's made by certain users. CM staff can see who reacts to what and its generally the same individuals doing the same set of reactions.

Wouldnt look too deep into it, the only one that has any impact on your score is the upvote


More a case of really the GR.5 had little point being added as the next tree version. GR.5 was a mostly a halfway house and the GR.7 had more to offer being after the Jaguar GR.1A.

09 Sep


The aircraft is still under development and its loadouts have not been fully configured yet.


On the matter of its 25mm ADEN Gunpods, we have had confirmation they are planned to come. The textures of the pylon simply were not ready at the time the first rendition of the model was seen. Unlike the GR.1 / 3, the gunpods are separately modelled.


The current vehicle itself is still WIP and hasn't arrived yet. Once is actually here, then we welcome further suggestions on other confutations.