

13 Sep


I would love to be able to put Conan Exiles stuff up on a store. That’d be so neat!!! No idea what that would involve though. >_> And you are more than welcome to buy the sorcerer outfit and “steal my look” on Amazon :laughing:

26 May


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Credit to Liderpina for the background images used for this contest!

We asked for your best outfits to show off on the runway, and we’ve been :sparkles:...

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19 May


Absolutely! Sorry, I’ll make sure to mention this in the future. But you are more than welcome to give the DLC key away to family, friends, or giveaways or whatever. The winners will simply just be given a key to do with as they wish :slight_smile:

10 May


Just do the best you can! If you know the mods you used but don’t know what mods are used for which pieces, just make a list of the mods. If we need those specific details, we can get those later. :slight_smile:

08 May


@Azazane I think JUST to be on the safe side and cause potential controversy, I’d say don’t use any mods for an entry to the unmodded category. :slight_smile: Thanks for asking!

Also, sorry for the confusion. I edited the post to be more clear but we’re looking for ONE outfit per person. Indeed, otherwise I’m sure we’d get a lot of beautiful submissions from a single person. I’m sorry about that, I should have been more clear.

I also added the list of mods used for the characters in the images used in this post.

06 May


We can pretty much send anywhere besides Russia, and like, Antarctica. We’ll do our best to get the prizes to the winners!

@Sera67 Nudity is fine since it’s in the game. :slight_smile: But yeah, if an entry wins that wouldn’t be appropriate for, say, Facebook or something we would have to censor some parts to make sure we don’t get yelled at.


You are not annoying AT ALL! I’d rather you ask questions than be unsure. :slight_smile: I welcome them!

  1. Yup, if you’re a console player (or PC player that doesn’t use mods) you can send in your entry in the unmodded category.
  2. As far as I’m aware we don’t sell the Funcom merch, but just from the hour this contest has been up I’ve gotten a lot of requests so maybe that’s something we can do in the future??? I don’t know but it’d be pretty cool.
  3. Yup Greece is no problem. :slight_smile:

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Screenshots taken by the incredible Liderpina!

Whether it’s for practicality, role playing, or simply wanting to look badass, what you wear makes the barbarian. Styling your character and making it unique is a large part of Conan Exiles, and throughout the 4 years, we’ve see...

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24 Feb


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Who knew toughing it out in the harsh and unforgiving world that is the Exiled Lands did nothing to harden your sweet loving hearts, awww. We received beautifully written entries, some dripping with cheese and some that gave us a hearty chuckle.

Check out the winning entries here and comment if you’re one of them! And if not, feel free to share it here too!

Winners will be contacted by email later today.

Physical Category Win...

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16 Feb


Honestly we’re not going to be strict with this so if you want to make something that has a message for someone on it that isn’t exactly a card, that’s fine too. Like if you dump a shaleback’s head onto someone’s doorstep with a love message carved into it, we’d accept it. ;D

15 Feb


You can do this. But if we show it on social media we may need to censor…parts. :b It doesn’t have to be a screenshot on a card, drawings are great!


As long as it’s a card or message that looks like something you would give someone, that’s fine. I don’t know what you would construct but make sure it’s some semblance of a card! And it’s fine to get help from others. I mentioned it in the rules, but you can get help making it!

08 Feb


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Nothing goes more hand in hand than love and blood in the Exiled Lands. :heart: Want to impress your crush in the hut next door? Gift them the fresh heart of beast. Date night? Start a brawl with the local Black Hand pirates. After all, a couple that slays together stays together.

In this contest, we want to see your confession of love whether it’s as fresh as new kindling or a smoldering pit of Yog. Create a card to whomever (or whatever) your heart desires and send it to us to review it. It’s okay, they don’t have to know. :wink:...

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16 Aug


I’m all open for more building challenges. They’re really fun to do and with the amazing things I’ve seen everyone build, it’d be cool to see it more. Can’t promise anything now, but I’ll talk with the team and see if it’s something we can do!

13 Aug


There were a good number of Crom entries, and it was REALLY cool to see how people interpreted the temples.

12 Aug


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Welcome to the winners list! I’ll begin by saying this was by far the most difficult contest to judge. You all clearly put so much love, energy, time, and passion into your temples. Our judges over all Funcom offices debated all week, but we’ve finally declared the winners. Even if your temple isn’t listed here, we are giving you a huge round of applause and thank you for participating in this. We’ll be posting some of your temples on our social media accounts so keep an eye out there!

If you don’t see your entry here, PLEASE share it with us! Reply to this thread with your gorgeous buildings or link to a thread if you’ve already posted it. Some winners that were chosen don’t h...

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04 Aug


That’s fine! If it’s before the deadline, and just be sure to mention in the new email that you want us to disregard the previous one.


Oh whaaaat, that’s so weird. Well, glad to hear it worked out for ya’ll.

03 Aug


Heya @CodeMage, the search issue is now fixed. :slight_smile: \o/

02 Aug


All that is fine since they’re featured in the base game. Just has to adhere to the terms of service and such. :slight_smile: But yeah exactly as Sera67 said.