It doesn’t? It’s about stopping people’s accounts getting hacked and stripped.
It doesn’t? It’s about stopping people’s accounts getting hacked and stripped.
I see you’re using a computer.
Good thing you trust it. And all the software running on it, from a wide variety of developers.
well, posting here might be a problem for you then. Being https and all.
Read one up.
You don’t have to change anything.
An options has been added to make life easier for people with multiple accounts. (That’s the shared 2FA key. basicly, rather than having one code per account, you can share it between multiple accounts. Not as secure over all, but better than no 2FA at all)
CCP have also arranged for a free 6 month trial of a service to store all your passwords for you, if you desire to use it. You don’t have to.
Also, CCP check your password against a large list of passwords which have been stolen from other sites, and warns you if you’re using one which has been used elsewhere. (by you, or someone else.) This is done in a secure fashion, with CCP never giving your password to someone else. You don’t have to do anything (unless your password is compromised, at which point they’ll tell you when you use it)
The rest is all behind the scenes stuff, tightening up security. You don’t have to do anything.
Pretty much why I badgered people to consider it
Took a while, but you want people to consider things carefully before implementing, wrt security.
Yes, and no.
No, there’s no specific acl for fleet membership.
Yes, you could simulate it, as long as you either A: trust everyone in fleet not to share the link (then just have a public one. you still need the link to get into it) b: are willing to add everyone to the ACL
Speak for yourself.
I know a bunch of people who would be very very pleased to get this kind of thing.
Wheee! Looking forward to this.
First time in Canada, and they’re giving me axes to throw. What could possibly go wrong?
uh… what? You know Canada isn’t part of the USA, right?
You really haven’t been paying attention then.
The link works for some people, but not others. Probably a caching issue.
(works fine from my phone, and not from my work)
Do you know what would help with that? Look at the non-bloc candidates who are running, and get people to vote for them.
The only way to break the power of a bloc vote, is to dilute it.
And good news! the CSM elections using a Wright STV system, which means if the first candidate you vote for doesn’t get enough votes to survive an elimination round, your entire vote moves to your next candidate (who hasn’t been eliminated) So you don’t even need to agree on the order of votes, as long as you put them all down.