

31 Aug


I came here for the droids and got 70% worth of trooper footage, I'd still give this an 8/10 for the droids though.


Not something that we are currently aiming to do I believe, but nothing is ever off the table - I do keep reading feedback around reinforcement/hero first-person views and not just for the base classes like it is currently. I'll continue to share feedback/requests through as I come across them.


Hey /u/AJ-Styles,

Our EA Support team will never reach out to you and issue a 'warning/strike violation' like this via a third party platform. If we had any need to contact you, we would do it via your email address that is linked to your EA Account, not via PlayStation messages. I would advise that you report and block anything you feel may be suspicious to let the platform know of it and as always - stay safe online, don't issue out any personal details to anyone.

30 Aug


Originally posted by STOP_NOTICING_THINGS

Leia's Princess skin is the only one I missed (was out of country), and it appeared as the background of the challenges screen. I was stoked and thought it returned, but I see no way of acquiring it. Is it not coming back this weekend? If not, could you please just add it to the event in a hot-patch? I was really hoping it would be brought back, and now it's not even on Leia's skin list.

This was not a part of the Summer Community Quests and as a result likely will not be making a return this weekend. I will forward the sentiment through however.


Logging into the game will now give these rewards automatically, jump on in and go collect them! :)


There was an issue with the rollout of this which has now been corrected. Logging into the game throughout the duration of this weekend will activate all the previous Community Quest rewards, you can access them in your collections tab.


Fine, if you must really ask me for my word...

Roger. Roger.


Originally posted by Arvinhadji

I just got them for free without doing any challenges. Is this normal?

Yes, if you log into the game throughout the duration of this weekend - those rewards will automatically unlock.


Will forward this through to the team, thanks for putting this together.

27 Aug

24 Aug


This is absolutely stunning and that caption is awesome. Welldone with this, keep on being awesome!

23 Aug


Did I see one of my droids running away from a battle there? :O

I approve of your work /u/TopazBeast, welldone.


Okay, I've got to say it; The video is nothing compared to how amazing you are with the Darth Maul game. Welldone sir, welldone.

21 Aug

20 Aug


Meatiest CT yet, let's do this!
Roger, Roger.

17 Aug


*Every day we edge further towards perfection.

On that note, we are only a couple of days away from the CT drop.

13 Aug


I was personally watching him stream it a couple of weeks ago and was quite enjoying the gameplay and the opinions he was putting out, I actually felt as though he had a positive outlook on the title and that it was welcomed.

Granted, there are always areas to improve upon and we will continue to do so, however if there was toxicity towards a returning player, any returning player, the only thing that will do is send them away again. We need to welcome those that are coming back to try the game once more and take that feedback in too.

As we once used to say, together brothers!