

21 Jan



The Community Transmission and game update is due to land next week, we'll provide a definitive date as we get closer to it.

19 Jan


Originally posted by AnonymousFordring

If what you say is true, then you have gained my trust.

I don't need your trust brother, i need your happiness. If you're happy, we're good.


Originally posted by PineappleBing

Thank you for your service! Is the update still due to arrive this next week?

The update along with the community transmission focused on what is within the update is still on course for this month. You will likely get a timeframe upon Master Ben Walke's return.


Originally posted by arm76683

Good droid!

I do love a good oil bath.


Just accept your fate and keep on smiling, cause how can you not simply stand still and grin when you see an Ovissian?!

(Usually takes a coordinated effort to take a gunner down.)


This droid has actively been cleaning the floors of the ship awaiting Master Ben Walke's return.

I had made a stop off at Oga's Cantina to pick up a fresh batch of Blue Bantha for the refrigeration unit, latest transmission assets are also waiting on the desk just how he likes it.

I am seeing on the holocomm unit that he intends to arrive back on ship on Monday.

Hopefully this droid has done a good job "holding down the fort" (whatever that means) over the past two weeks and an oil bath awaits.

Roger, Roger.


Originally posted by Street1824




Originally posted by EditingPaper6

I imagine he'll be back in a few days hopefully

Roger, Roger.

16 Jan


Originally posted by DimaJeydar

Appreciate it! :)

I’ve sent you a message.

This issue should now be fixed for you - load up the game and let me know!

If anyone else experiences this, get in touch with EA Help and they should be able to resolve it for you going forward!



Hey u/DimaJeydar appreciate the ping on this. This had appeared to have been fixed some time ago but it seems as though it hasn't retroactively fixed for those that were experiencing the issue at that time.

Could you please send me a private message with either your PSN, Gamertag or EA account name so that I could pass that along and hopefully start up the process of correcting this for you?

Note; If anyone else is experiencing this from that time period, please also send me one of the details above so I can pass it along. For your own privacy/security, please send it as a private message though! :)


I appreciate the visual instruction to assist with the story. This tale shall be remembered and told to future droideka for years to come, be proud brothers.

Roger, Roger.

15 Jan


Originally posted by OndyRen

I hope this helps, u/T0TALfps. :)

Forwarded through to the team, thanks!


Originally posted by TheRealColeD530

Hello there!

General Kenobi. You are a bold one!


A majority of us are back, with some due to return next week. Update and CT still on course for the latter half of this month, we'll provide a little update on what to expect when we can do so :)

Hope you had a wonderful holiday and new year!

14 Jan


Originally posted by SymbioticCarnage

u/T0talFPS to the fan art wall with this one!

There's a whole lot of awesome creations coming in lately, and we haven't had a community wall update since last year too. We shall see what can be done about that!

Good ping u/SymbioticCarnage, good ping.

Roger, Roger.

13 Jan


You would be able to play the game for the duration of your membership, once that goes away, so does your ability to play. This is also the case for say the Celebration Edition via membership while also owning a disc/entitlement to the base game. If your membership expires, those unlocks from the Celebration Edition would then lock themselves again.


Star Wars Battlefront II currently comes in at around 80-85Gb depending on the platform. I am unsure as to what is going on with the screenshot on the left, but you should be safe to trim that away.


Originally posted by sam8404

I've asked you at least four or five times now if you can get co-op added to fast spawn but you ignore it every time.

Thanks for downvoting me guys! That's very constructive! /s

This is something that I read about constantly, but I am in no position to say a definitive for or against it. I do continue to send through the feedback whenever I can, but that is as much as I can do, sorry.

Co-op (and Instant Action) are still fairly new modes, and we'll continue to take in as much feedback as we can around them.