

04 Mar


Originally posted by Sentinel_Seven

Is there a way to upgrade crafting material to the next tier ie. 10x Uncommon >> 1x Rare?
If not do we know if that's something we can expect in the near-ish future?

No current functionality to allow for that aside from purchasing them via coin or farming, however, will forward the suggestion through to the team :)


Originally posted by pm_me_your_drums_plz

A "great resource" would have been just to put markers in the game, but ok.

There's always room for improvement, and when it comes to waypoints, markers, and icons on the maps - they are being sent through to the team and they've acknowledged it too :)


Originally posted by halfsane

How do we know when the freeplay events are happening? Are there dates ?

If you're referring to the world events, there isn't anything in the game that tells you where they are - they do happen randomly and pop up on the map when you're in close vicinity to them.

There are some great resources that can help you find them though such as this and ...

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Originally posted by Genral_Laggs

What happened to removing whites and greens from the lv 30 drop table that was supposed to be part of the inscription update

Rather than opting to delay that update we had decided to put it out without the changes made to whites and greens as they needed more testing.


Originally posted by moak0

I'm on Xbox One.

I had to resize my screen in the settings to fit my tv. Thanks for including that. But whenever I boot up the game, the screen is un-resized. If I go into Settings, it corrects itself. Like as soon as it's on "Settings", it fixes and I don't have to go to the actual setting.

Just wasn't sure if anyone was aware of the issue.

Understood Moak0, will forward this through to the team.


Originally posted by Videu

A whopping 3 questions answered. Great idea.

These threads exist as a community initiative to allow for other players to help each other out and get the most repeated questions answered without having individual threads about them on the subreddit. I'm just putting in some answers on my own volition as I have tried to do in nearly every "Ask Your Questions" megathread these past few weeks :)


Originally posted by SunDirty

I honestly 100% think that the movement is still really slow in fort tarsis. If i could fast travel or have WAY faster movement speed id be happier

Will forward this feedback through to the team, it's a fair bit better than the beta movement - still open for improvement though!


Originally posted by DamnStraightEye

I'm playing on my xbox because my friend plays on xbox too. I want to switch to PC for better graphics, can I transfer my progress over to PC?

Whilst the team are aware of the requests for this and are still looking into possibilities around this, this is a feature that isn't currently within Anthem. Sorry Freelancer.


Originally posted by Hasn013

Done it and still locked

Understood, will write the feedback down and send it through :)


Originally posted by Bloke_on_the_Left

Can you release a comment on why xGladd was banned and what we as a community need to not do in order to avoid bans?

Or what are considered banable because it’s really unclear right now.

Nothing that I can personally say, unfortunately, that's not my area or my role to speak upon. I'll send the question through to the Community Managers once they're in the office later today so that they're aware of it :).

03 Mar


Originally posted by FISSIONMAILED-___-

Nice to see someone from EA not make a stupid statement that ends up becoming a meme for once.

Just here to help Freelancer, meme's are for the r/AnthemTheGame Discord :). I hope you have an awesome end to your weekend!


Known visual error Freelancer, restart the game and everything should be back to normality. Sorry about that!


Originally posted by BuddyBlueBomber

How many fingers is the robot holding up at the beginning of the gif, TOTALfps?

Nope, no more - that's too much. I'm out of here.


Originally posted by BuddyBlueBomber

Think again...his post was the third post in this thread. Also, this is the third month of the year, and the third day of that month.

Coincidence? I think not.

Titanfall 3 confirmed.

Now that, that is stunning. I think I need a cup of tea after reading this.


I don't know what you're talking about, Titanfall is awesome, the second one too. BT is everything.

Opinions, I guess. shrug


Originally posted by CaptainB_MANN

Thank you for the response!

You're very welcome, have a good rest of your weekend Freelancer!


Originally posted by Xghoststrike

How do I raise my freelancer loyalty? I'm playing gm1-2 with 2260 loyalty. I can't get 3000. I have no one to talk to so I have to earn expedition xp...

There are a lot of things within Anthem that increase Faction Loyalty in general, as well as Freelancer Loyalty. Things such as talking to NPCs within Fort Tarsis, finding collectibles throughout the world (mostly Arcanist/Sentinel), Freeplay events, completing contracts (Freelancer based would be Yarrow) even something as simple as exploring the world and finding undiscovered locations would contribute towards Freelancer Loyalty.


Originally posted by CaptainB_MANN

I have issues in fort tarsis where Matthias and Freelancer Jani both have dialogue options, but when I go to them the dialogue option disappears. Matthias is also still Split up into three people due to the manifold mission. This leaves me unable to talk to him.

Anyone else have these issues, is it a known bug?

It's a known bug, but I think it is only a visual bug - You may need to continue doing quests for those icons to disappear (or refresh with more dialogue).


Originally posted by lboy100

It's not even the message that's the problem, but the fact it keeps popping up every couple of minutes.

Definitely an area to improve upon, Freelancer :)


Team are aware of the feedback on this and have already stated that perhaps the messaging isn't really clear (especially as to why it is shutting down) and it could be less annoying in how it is delivered to you too. We'll continue to send that feedback through!