

08 Nov


Originally posted by spirashun

Not a game dev in any sense but TFT uses the same engine, models, etc as base league, that’s why it’s considered a game mode. These other games are essentially being built from the ground up.

You nailed it. TFT basically uses ALL of the same infrastructure as League. That means you don't have to rebuild tons of stuff from scratch, and the humans working with the tools are already extremely comfortable with them. There are some downsides to the approach we used for TFT, but the upside is vastly higher dev speed (at least to start with).


Originally posted by theradol

When are you going to update The league of legends tower defense game that you released for ios back around 2010.

shhh we don't talk about that


Originally posted by [deleted]


Probably not? Too many shared assets.

At any rate, we don't currently have any plans to move it off.


Originally posted by Darkoplax

Does this count the

  • Esports team ?

  • Music team ?

  • Skins team ?

and others things like that cause if 20% is only working on the balance changes and game/champion designs then it make sense

Yes to skins and cosmetics and any engineering/design/art work on the game itself. Along with marketing (that's me!)

Music is actually its own separate part of the org. Esports is separate too, and it's VERY BIG AND EXPENSIVE.

Balance team is a small fraction of that 20%. Hundreds of people work directly on League PC, and there'll be hundreds working on it for many many years to come.


Originally posted by WarwickIs4Noobs

League of legends dead game confirmed by cacotopus himself bois pack it up

It's really important for players to understand that when we announce new games, it IS the end of the world and—further—our fans should consider any non-PC game from Riot to be a personal attack on them, their families, and their very way of life.

Thanks and GGs summoners!

07 Nov


Originally posted by hnhnh2


haHA dank maymay fellow poster UwUuuuuuu


boy i wish i could spam that "UH" during the carousel

05 Nov


Holy hell, that's sick. I'm so happy for y'all. Best of luck on your new life and future together!

01 Nov

21 Oct


Originally posted by Yuj808

i just tried this and interestingly enough uyghurs isn't filtered but uyghur is

Gonna go look into this right now. Sometimes our system bans really weird words for no good reason. That said it would be compete bullsh*t to intentionally ban the name of any ethnic group. Will update when I find out more.

UPDATE: Effective immediately this is fixed on live in all Riot Regions. We'll be spending the next few weeks triaging with our global teams to review our "disallowed words/phrases" lists and update accordingly.


Gonna go look into this right now. Sometimes our system bans really weird words for no good reason. That said it would be compete bullsh*t to intentionally ban the name of any ethnic group. Will update when I find out more.

UPDATE: Effective immediately this is fixed on live in all Riot Regions. We'll be spending the next few weeks triaging with our global teams to review our "disallowed words/phrases" lists and update accordingly.

18 Oct


Originally posted by benjiygao99

Imagine having a reddit account

Signing onto r/leagueoflegends


Then getting f**king bombarded with uwus




Originally posted by AlchyTimesThree

If you ever visit Korea we can meet up and sign each other's copies! :D


17 Oct


Originally posted by RiotBrightmoon

Awesome!!! /u/The_Cactopus has a physical copy too but yours is way cooler!



We're keeping this right in our lobby entryway now and every time I look at Voyboy riding Dark Star Cho'Gath I can't help but smile

16 Oct


Originally posted by calvinee

Yep hahahaha.

Imagine the Rioters reading at those threads looking at us complain about the lack of content for 10 year anniversary.

Then they f**king drop the biggest drop in the history of drops.

Lmao this is real talk.

15 Oct


Originally posted by RiotMoriGrl

Here it is, my magnum opus:


The sun begins to rise, its rays cutting through the morning haze. The smell of bread fills the air as bakers prepare to open their shops. Children began to wake for school. And in a courtyard in Demacia's capital city, one man in commoner's clothing practiced maneuvers with a greatsword, while another in full plate offers suggestions, adjusts his posture, demonstrates with his own weapon.

After a particularly challenging set of exercises, the smaller man lowered his sword and leaned on it, breathing hard. He wiped the sweat from his brow, and smiled at the man in plate. "Well, what do you think?"

"It may not feel this way, but your form is beginning to improve, my friend," said Garen, watching the man in front of him attentively. "Though maybe not as much as I'd expect. Have you been practicing daily?"

"I've been trying," said the smaller man, with a hint of a whine. "It's...

Read more

lol ok imma still play garen jungle tho


Originally posted by J0rdian

Instead of having all these fancy AMAs with "designers" "Engineers" cant we just have a normal AMA with /u/The_Cactopus so I can ask him what his feet smell like?

yeah guys let’s have a normal AMA with some players wait what in the f*ck


Originally posted by Duality_NA

Friendly reminder u/The_Cactopus now has an uwu flair

Be sure to uwu him whenever you see him

Edit: I spelled his reddit name wrong

Imma get u for this


Originally posted by MyNameIsLegend


we're big fans of you :)