

16 Feb


If there's a hall of fame for gameplay bugs due to incorrect interactions, it's named after Poro Fluft - you guys can't imagine the volume of tickets we've gotten due to this thing. It's conceptually simple and a nightmare to maintain. So we made this call to balance between allowing the item to stay in the game, while reducing the volume of problematic situations.

15 Feb


Originally posted by katanesselovr

Since elder dragon rewards has been fixed I wonder if Nasus' 6 star and the sun disc has been fixed as well.

That was the intent, but let us know if the 6* / sun disc still ain’t working.

12 Feb


Hey, we're also bummed about this - tl;dr, we had to do a rebuild to fix the issue and it won't be resolved until tomorrow.

Unfortunately, the issue that caused borked images this time was new, and we were unable to discover that until we were published to the live environment. It's just been an unfortunate series of events where the reason we have image generation issues in multiple patch notes have been different every time. :(

10 Jan



04 Jan


Originally posted by HungrySorbet9412

Hey! Any chance you found out how to?

They’ll be obtainable in the “glory store” that we showed a preview of in the last dev snapshot video.

16 Dec


We plan on adding all League champs to LoR eventually, yes, in the form of the Path of Champions. At this time, there are no plans to do so for PvP.

06 Dec


This meme is hilarious, but I just want to gently push back on the idea that Project K is somehow bad times for LoR.

  1. The teams share a lot of synergies and brainpower, naturally. So this just helps both games get more bang for the buck. We also expect to continue sharing things like art assets, which will help LoR even more.

  2. At the same time, the teams don’t really overlap on resources (other than design obv) because the products are so different, so there’s no material trade offs happening. Both teams have their own lane and Riot would be thrilled for both games to thrive. From the game teams’ perspective, either team succeeding means both teams are winning.

  3. Riot is always evaluating game opportunities across the spectrum - MOBA, fighting games, mobile and console platforms - this time we found something we think is super awesome in the physical gaming space, that happens to be able to leverage existing Riot stuff to jumpstart th...

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03 Nov


Originally posted by jaxen13

I wonder why. From a outside perspective they seem simpler. No need to make 3D models and scenarios.

Because 1. the old animations were run in-engine (as in, being processed and calculated in real time) as opposed to just playing a video. The running game scene for both the level up and the gameplay state itself is too much memory for low end devices. We seriously considered retrofitting the old ones too but that would have been millions of dollars and hundreds of hours of dev time.

  1. Animating in-engine requires an art team that can do its work in Unity itself and takes up engineering and tech art resources that are custom to each champion. And you don’t know ahead of time whether the idea you have is going to blow memory budgets, so there’s a lot of iteration cycles to deliver a single level up.

  2. Conversely, outsourcing a video to a vendor means we can do things in parallel and free up the gameplay engineers and artists to do other things. The video vendor makes the video and we plop it in when it’s ready. Vastly simpler on the production side AN...

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18 Oct


Hello LoR players!

We have a fun opportunity for y'all. We've been discussing our champs for next year, and we got it narrowed down to a smaller list, at which point we thought, "why don't we let the community tell us which ones they're most excited to see?"

So here we are with some polls to help determine some of the champs we'll be working on and releasing in 2025!

Poll 1 - New Constellation champs:

  • Galio (formidable yet cuddly!)
  • Nautilus (deep yet doesn'...
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Hi all - update for you. First, thanks for your patience, we know this bug sucks for you and it sucks for us on our end because it's been an absolute pain to solve for properly.

But by today, you should be able to see the quest reappear after re-logging in once so that the services can update your account.

Next week we will run a script to help those players affected by the bug so they're not set back by the loss of progression opportunity.

Lastly, we'll be having internal discussions with our support teams based on the feedback from the thread as well. Again, thanks for your patience.

14 Oct


Hi there - we're definitely looking into this. We're very sorry that you had this bad experience and we're trying to get a resolution on this as soon as possible so that your battle pass progress is not set back.

08 Oct


Hi there! We looked into this and fortunately it should be fixed when the full patch goes live tomorrow. So for now don’t tap the quest log, and apologies for the inconvenience :-/

21 Sep


We are working on it! No specific patch yet, but it’s gonna happen.

16 Sep


Originally posted by chocotaco118

Mine has kicked me out every ten minutes or so. However, I've gotten a notification saying: "Login Rewards" on the main screen that's super broken, so clearly something is going on under the hood.

Hi there, if you could DM me your Riot ID (both parts before and after the hash tag), I'd like to be able to look at your account state. Even better if you could submit a bug report and send me the bug number.

14 Sep


Originally posted by SnowflakeUsedHarden

Seems to be working on mobile now, but all debit / credit card options on PC is still missing

Thanks for the update, we will dig in further. If you haven’t done so already, please submit a bug report to help us track these things - Reddit is not a reliable method of reporting issues to us.

13 Sep


We believe we've fixed this (we saw an issue with just Malaysia), please let us know if you keep seeing this issue.

12 Sep


Originally posted by FiloTG

What about making them available in Eternal only, or in a format we can play with friends? It may be technically inviable, but if possible I think it could be huge for grassroot tournaments, or just for fun 

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I will say we are investigating methods where you can play against friends or in other "free play" modes with all cards, including path cards. We'll update you if these explorations prove successful.


Originally posted by maroq_35

Hi, could you think about adding gold relic item to battlepass? it's hard to get a new relic with 1 month cooldown in Emporium. Also is possible to put old battlepass rewards such as guardians, skins or emotes in new battlepasses? I'm going to buy new battlepass to see how it feel i got all battlepass just not spirit blossom(first one ever) and i dont mind if i get duplicate changed into wild shards or other POC currency but other players who joined to LOR thanks to POC would have a chance to get old content.

This is all great feedback - we were just talking yesterday about the possibility of gold reliquaries on the pass. Old rewards are a good idea too - we will need to find a suitable way to cover the situation when someone already owns those rewards, we don't want someone to avoid buying a pass because they already own some of the rewards, and there may be people who would rather have the wild fragments instead of the PvP reward.


Originally posted by matthieuC

Path exclusive champions. PvP won't even get the scraps :(

I would really like an explanation on why it would take a significant amount of ressources to have this champs in PvP. All the previous ones work in both: levels, decks, items and constellations are a lot of design space to change the power level

There are a lot of reasons but the biggest one is balance.

PvP design used to take 18 months for 5 champs, with an entire initiative behind it. We got that down to 12 months for 3 champs. Now, we are designing a new champ in less than 3 months with a smaller team.

A huge amount of that time and bandwidth was for balance in Standard. We see the worst outcomes for PvP in imbalanced formats. So we don’t want to release a new champ that’s not been balanced for PvP. And it takes a long time, because you’re not just balancing one card. You’re balancing the entire format (remember Azirelia?). And we don’t have the bandwidth to balance an entire format while also making our champs as fun as possible for our focus, which is Path of champions.


Originally posted by keiv777

Really good news!! 4 new champions confirmed for this year. Wonder if a dev can answer the following questions:

Would you release like a champion road map for the upcoming champions? To have a rough idea of the cadence between new champions to LoR, champions in LoR not in PoC and champions in PoC without constellations.

An estimate on which patch will extend the caps to legend and champion levels?

Overall, such amazing changes and updates to the game!!

EDIT: for clarity

A roadmap is a good idea, but while we have a strong sense of roughly which champs we want during certain periods, a lot of things change rapidly and we often have to juggle things - so any roadmap we released would quickly get outdated. Anything more than a quarter out gets subject to the realities of live ops.

The cap extensions are coming up real fast - in fact, they were intended for this release, but life happened and they were pushed back.