

20 May

    Toolguy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Regarding server crashes, please post these on the relevant parts of the forum, because:

  • Community management people don’t follow the Dedicated Server Launcher thread, it’s too long, too many messages, and I’m already there so they are (rightfully) skipping it.
  • I’m not a programmer on the Exiles team, so I don’t have more clues that you about some random crash that happened on your server, so posting here will not help.
  • It adds noise to this thread, making it difficult to everybody to find relevant information for what this thread is: How to setup your server.

I may even start deleting messages that are off topic, so please people, help me keep this thread useful :slight_smile:


15 May

    Toolguy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Ok, seems this came up again, I added this to the FAQ in the top post:

Q: The Server List does not show my Server
A: The Server List, both in Steam and in the game is using the same data, which unfortunately is not able to handle the very large number of Conan Exiles servers. The system uses some kind of priority matching to select what to show, based on how long the server has existed, been running, etc… plus some internal limits, etc… the bottom line is: It’s not because your server does not appear in the list that your serer is not working fine, using Direct Connect or a Stream Link would just work fine.

So as you did, yes Direct Connect, or a ste...

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14 May

    Toolguy on Forums - Thread - Direct

What do you mean by “Use a port checked - shows the ports as closed” ?

Reinstalled the server
Validated the server
Validated the game

Probably unnecessary, either the game is well configured or it’s not, corrupt installations happen, but in general what happens is crashes or error message, that rarely has an impact on being able to connect.

Reset my router
Changed my local IP address
Turned UPNP off and on again
Tried several different ports

It’s generally a bad strategy: These things are not random, they are all connected.

  • The set of ports matter only if you are running multiple servers on the same machine, if all...
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13 May

    Toolguy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Not sure if everybody saw the post, but a hotfix for the server stability has been released:

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    Toolguy on Forums - Thread - Direct

That’s probably doable, though the reason messages would have to be in English only (else I would have to add even more UI elements to allow for people to redefine texts, with formatting parameters, etc… that would be difficult to fit on screen.)

12 May

    Toolguy on Forums - Thread - Direct

The server is really just a different build configuration of the main game, it’s the same codebase, just running “headless”, now why it requires DX11, no idea, probably because some obscure dependency in some modules that requires something that requires something that happens to need Direct X to be initialized.

I don’t know the actual code, so all I can do is to guess :slight_smile:

11 May

    Toolguy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Could be a problem with a firewall blocking the client <-> server handshake on either the client or server.
I would suggest for testing to disable both firewalls, see if that works, then enable one, try again, then enable the second one. When that starts failing it means some rule is probably missing, in which case you have to allow ports for the application.

    Toolguy on Forums - Thread - Direct

I believe a large part of the coder team has been working during the week end to try to fix that and that a hotfix is being worked on, but for some reason it does not look like that was posted anywhere, so I poked somebody, so wait and see.

    Toolguy on Forums - Thread - Direct

I guess you must be experiencing something similar to what is described on Fourth Fatal Server Crash in 2 days - same error each time

Not much I can do on my side, I’m only maintaining the Launcher tool.

I would suggest people managing their own server to join the Admins United: Conan Discord server, where you can easily ask questions, and often quickly get suggestions on how to fix issues.

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09 May

    Toolguy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Well, I just checked, and my server (version 221148/24964) is running just fine with Pippi installed, and it did not crash when I tried to join.

But I believe there was some issues yesterday, maybe it’s fixed now?

08 May

    Toolguy on Forums - Thread - Direct

As far as I know, most of the active moders are on the “Conan Exiles Modding” discord channels, where they get informed when new versions of the game - and of the Dev Kit for mods are ready, with the list of modified assets, etc…

I’m not 100% certain, but I believe it was to fix an issue related to excessive cpu usage.

07 May

    Toolguy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Yeah, there’s been a server update today, it’s common to have mods crashing after that, need to get people publish mods that match the new version, which generally happens relatively fast.

    Toolguy on Forums - Thread - Direct

No guarantee that this information is actually working or will stay there if it does, but I was told that there was some ini file parameters controlling the gamedb backup in the game.ini file.


For what I know, the period is the number of seconds between two backups, so a very high value like 9999999.0f would basically disable it (no idea if the game would even try to save it on exit, so be careful)

There’s also a MaxPeriodicBackupsToKeep but it does not seem to be doing anything (probably some remnants of old code)

    Toolguy on Forums - Thread - Direct

I suggest you look at this previous message Conan Exiles Dedicated Server Launcher (Official Version: 1.0.45 / Beta: 1.0.46)

I don’t think Steam invites will work, because they probably use the External IP instead of the VPN internal IP.

Gaming through a VPN is a hack, it’s only a last ressort solution really.

06 May

    Toolguy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Have you setup/enabled either RCon or Discord Webhook? If not, the messages can’t be sent.

04 May

    Toolguy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Let’s summarize:

I disabled the option “Start server if not running”.

This option is only used when you start the Launcher, it has zero impact on restarts after that.
It just means that if you start the Launcher it will look if the server is running, and if not will beginning the update/start sequence.

I don’t see any valid reason of disable this option, except when you are testing stuff.

You’re right, the “minimum uptime” is 00:00:00.
I always left it like that and never had any problems with version 1.0.41.

I really think you sho...

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    Toolguy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Which invites are you talking about?
Hamachi invites?

01 May

    Toolguy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Is that with 1.0.41 or 1.0.46?

I need to check the code, but normally when a mod update is detected, the system is supposed to “fast forward” the restart by going immediately to the first restart message, then the second, then the third, then restart.

I’m not sure I understand that:

When the first 10-minute warning appears in the game, the server restarts.


When it went online, the second warning appeared, with 02 minutes left to restart. After appearing the third warning that was missing 01 minutes the server restart

Is it possible that you have not set a “minimum uptime” value, so the server restarts, and then think it needs to restart again?

30 Apr

    Toolguy on Forums - Thread - Direct

There is no possibility to install an older version of the server, you just need to have your client version up to date, which is what Steam does by default.