Ok, so with @SaIInS (using 1.2.5) you are the second person to signal such an issue, could you confirm if it’s only the restart/update messages, or all the messages (like the “Send” button does not work at all)?
What could help is if you could try the earlier versions and find which version seem to have broken the warning messages.
Since it’s 1.2.5, you get the improved error diagnostic message, what errors do you get exactly, time out, socket error, …?
Regarding firewall and router, I assume that:
Your ISP allows for port forwarding (some makes it impossible)
You’ve setup a fixed IP for the server machine (so it does not change if you reboot)
That on the router you’ve forwarded ports 7777, 7778 and 27015 in both UDP and TCP to this fixed IP
And that on the firewall you’ve given full access to the launcher (generally to troubleshoot, I shut down the firewalls completely to be 100% sure it’s not a firewall on the computers or router that blocks accesses)
Question for you people:1.1.2 is still the official version, but it has some known issues (like the crash when loading older ini files that was fixed in 1.2.3).
For Siptah I pushed many 1.2.x betas, and yesterday version 1.3.0 with support for the map selector.
So the question is: Which version do you think I should push to Official status, has anyone encountered issues with 1.3.0? With 1.2.5?
I’m having this message myself, had it for a while, did not impact my ability to connect to the server, but just to be safe I’ve asked about what it means.
Stay tuned.
The reason it took so long is that there were some bugs found here and there, some missing features in the backup category, and the dedicated server and the launcher were not agreeing on the format for some of the data strings written in the ini files… which lead me to add a new ini file specially for the Dedicated Server Launcher.
While I was at it, I gave a shot at making the .ini file tabs editable, which may or may not work very well, but as indicated, this is experimental.
1.3.0 (21 september 2020)
Added a combo selector to choose between the various maps that can be played on
Added a new “DedicatedServerLauncher.ini” file, with its own tab, for the Dedicated Server Launcher settings, to avoid conflicts with the server rewriting ini files
Moved the “Branch” and “User” settings from “ServerSettings.ini” to “DedicatedServerLauncher.ini” to avoid problems with passwords disappearing
Do you have the same numbers displayed on the bottom right of the main menu in the game client?
If the modlist.txt file is not read-only, normally it’s just a matter of removing the mod numbers from the “Mod List” field in the launcher, then Save Changes and restart.
No idea, depends of what the mods were doing, if the mods were adding building pieces, these pieces are not there anymore, so there’s a chance that the entire building collapse - and that’s also why it’s important to have automated backups so in case of major catastrophe you can revert back to a game.db that still have usable data.
Note: Perhaps the “Save Settings” could be highlighted a bit more (or have a menu option)
At the beginning there was not so many options, so this button was hard to miss, but I guess I could make it more obvious.
Another version, the focus was to help diagnose problems (there was reports of mysterious “can’t save” and “port failed”, so I added some error messages).
1.2.5 (18 september 2020)
The dedicated server launcher log files (in the /Logs subfolder) will now clearly indicate which ini file failed saving when it happens.
The backup code now also handles the “blacklist.txt” and “whitelist.txt” files
All restrictions on the maximum number of players have been removed, that does not mean your server will manage to run with 150 players, but if you want to try, you now can
Add the server PID in the title bar, can be useful to locate the process to see which port it uses in NETSTAT, or to simply kill the process
Modified the “Test Port Accessibility” to give some proper diagnostic on what did go wrong: TimedOut, could not bind the port, …
Added a new “Mods” tab, which only lists the server log lines containing mod related stuff...
Could you open your server log, and search for rcon, and things like that: “Rcon listen socket starting up using listen port 27104”, or “Rcon is ready for client connections on…”, “Rcon disabled” or even “Could not enable Rcon, no chosen Rcon password”.
We checked the code and unreal has a function that accepts True, Yes, On, 1, False, No, Off, 0 as valid values understood as booleans, and I did a check here, with my RconEnabled set to True, I do get...
Yeah, so before the EGS/FLS version, that was using the Steam online subsystem.
The new version is using the same internal servers are were used for the consoles versions, and the reason for the change is that the Steam server browsers had hard limits on the maximum numbers of servers it could handle, which is why some servers never appeared on the list.
Hopefully at some point it will all be working fine, cross fingers
I still have plans on adding an easy to use selector to choose which map to play on, but I’ve prioritized things that can help people diagnose problems more easily, so here is are the changes:
1.2.4 (17 september 2020)
Fixed an issue with the ini file parser which would not properly remove duplicate entries in the ini files
Added a new “Errors” tab, which only lists the server log lines containing the “:Error:” pattern
Added a new “Players” tab, which only lists the server log lines containing the “Join succeeded” or “ChatWindow:” patterns
Added alternative tooltip description for the log output depending on which tab is selected
The currently running map name is now displayed in the title bar
Found out that the crash reporting did not work: Neither the log file or crash dump were sent, hopefully should work now ...
Here is an intermediate version which does not have the part about the map selection, but it should properly handle the Siptah gamedatabase when doing the backups.
1.2.3 (16 september 2020)
Fixed a crash happening when trying to load older .ini files that did not have a “DedicatedServerLauncherServerAffinityMask” entry set
Changed the backup code so it can properly handle additional game database files, such as the Siptah DLC one or any additional game db created by players for their own custom maps Dedicated Server Launcher 1.2.3
I internally have a version that allows to select between Exiled Lands and Siptah with a combo-selector in the UI, but since there’s been reports of potential issues in the 1.2.x versions, I decided ...
Nope, it was by design, makes things much easier: One launcher == One game
That does not mean you can’t have multiple games on the same machine, you can have multiple folders, each folder with its own Launcher that handles one game.
The only constraint is that each launcher/game must have its own set of ports, which all need to be properly forwarded on the router.
Minor update, with a fix for the bug signaled by @FeyWarrior
1.2.2 (14 september 2020)
Added some proper quoting to allow SteamCMD to run if the Dedicated Server Launcher was installed in a folder containing spaces in the name Dedicated Server Launcher 1.2.2
Also added a small entry in the FAQ, regarding the ...