

30 Apr

    Toolguy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Glad you managed to solve the problem.
On the Dedicated Server Launcher top post there’s a list of things that can cause issues:

If despite everything you still cannot get through, make sure that you do not have a firewall somewhere configured to block everything.

Generally when I try to track this type of problem:

  • I make sure that my machine is fully updated
  • Than no other software than what I need is running
  • I disable the firewall
  • I tweak the network issues until it works
  • If it works, I enable the fire...
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29 Apr

    Toolguy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Could you try what was suggested by @Manniala in his post yesterday: Conan Exiles Dedicated Server Launcher (Official Version: 1.0.45 / Beta: 1.0.46)

It seems like you are having a similar issue.

28 Apr

    Toolguy on Forums - Thread - Direct

I added a NOTE at the end of the ...

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27 Apr

    Toolguy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Am I right in assuming that both the server, your nephew and yourself are all on the same local network?

(If yes, then you did not have to open ports on the router, and the “green” lights" on the launcher are not relevant: They only mean the server can be accessed from outside your network)

Can you describe your configuration:

  • Are you using wired/wifi connection
  • How are the clients and server connected

Also, do you have interesting messages in the game server log where you can see some attempts at connecting?

24 Apr

    Toolguy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Your server version is perfectly correct, it just happens to be that your client is an old revision, which should not be a problem since Steam does the update automatically :slight_smile:

(I did a quick search online on 196231/23625 to see when this version was released, and I will assume that it was your Steam update that somewhat got broken :wink: )

23 Apr

    Toolguy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Ok, it looks like you have a quite long list of mods, including some that don’t seem to exist anymore:

Starting to check if the server and mods (880454836,1823412793,1699858371,1382381065,1159180273,1401061998,931088249,1456186728,1802389425,1794741816,1918139517,1657730588,1797359985,1938214103,1268176328,1906158454,1734383367,1795327310,1961414751,890509770,1249759891,1435629448,1928783630,1113901982,1369743238,864199675,1812564541) are up to date


[2020-04-21 23:28:50.384] [TID:13008] DATAERROR: DedicatedServerLauncher - Mod Check: Got error 5 when loading workshop page for item 1794741816 using HTTPS, trying HTTP now
[2020-04-21 23:28:51.743] [TID:13008] DATAERROR: DedicatedServerLauncher - Mod Check: The workshop page for item 1794741816 is empty

I’ve not checked each of the 26 mods, but in my experience, the more mods you put, the more chances things break (and it’s not only for Exiles, i...

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22 Apr

    Toolguy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hmm, strange.

Just to eliminate some unknown parameter, does that folder happens to have spaces in the access path?
Could you try to put the launcher in some other folder created somewhere, just to see if that work?

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21 Apr

    Toolguy on Forums - Thread - Direct

The version of the server launcher has no relation with the gamedb, actually it does not even know what a gamedb file is :slight_smile: but the tool is in charge of restarting the server, and it’s possible that for some reason the gamedb got corrupted - possibly a server crash or something - (that’s why there’s a backup feature, remember to set-it-up)

    Toolguy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Did not encounter any particular difficulty?

    Toolguy on Forums - Thread - Direct

I updated the top post with a new section about that.

If that’s not clear, or if you have issues, please tell, I’ll update accordingly :slight_smile:

    Toolguy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Here is a new version of the launcher, hopefully I fixed more things than I broke!

1.0.46 (21 April 2020)

  • Added a combobox to select between “server” and “broadcast” when sending RCon messages (Maldred)
  • Fixed a bug where the Run Script option used the wrong variable (Server Priority) to select the behavior.
  • Reordered the UI element for a more logical and nice to use tab order
    Dedicated Server Launcher 1.0.46

I had to compress a bit around the UI to insert the new combo box, so here is what it looks like:

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    Toolguy on Forums - Thread - Direct

While checking for something, I realized two things:

  • It’s been a while since I looked at the tab order of controls in the UI
  • The Script Runner selection box is not working as expected

Tab order is what makes the edit cursor move forward and backward when you use Tab or Shift+Tab, it makes it easier to navigate the UI with just the keyboard, and when tab order is broken, the cursor flies all around the UI without any apparent logic:

TabOrder1258×1400 124 KB

Both issues will be fixed in the next minor version :slight_smile:...

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    Toolguy on Forums - Thread - Direct

No change, if it did work two years ago, it should still work fine today.
The tool has new features, but it’s relatively backward compatible.

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20 Apr

    Toolguy on Forums - Thread - Direct

@PitMonk @Carlos_SLeite
I guess I could add an actual timer, if the server is still alive after three minutes, just kill the process.

Bonus question to everybody: I just realized that 1.0.45 was still marked as beta, has anyone encountered any issues with it, or is it good enough as the new official version?

    Toolguy on Forums - Thread - Direct

It’s what is supposed to happen.

Just to make sure I understand: For you, when this crash happens, the server stays alive with the main window and does not close by itself, so the server launcher can’t restart the server, so you need to do it manually.


If that’s the case, then I need to find a way to check if the server is in zombie state (like "the process is still running but it does not do anything) so I can force kill it.

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18 Apr

    Toolguy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Do you mean that the small additional windows closes, but the main server window does not actually close, the server is stuck and needs to be manually killed?

17 Apr

    Toolguy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Oh, so if I understand correctly, you don’t want your server to be running all day long, but say, only from “8 am to 8pm”, then it shuts down, and then starts again at 8am the next day?

There’s no support for that at the moment, and I’m not sure how easy it would be to hack around that.

Are there many people who are running their servers only for a few hours a day?

15 Apr

    Toolguy on Forums - Thread - Direct

I was on the Exiles team before the game launched: Exiles was the “go big or go bust” project for Funcom, so we had all hands on deck, but I mostly worked on things like crash reporting, error logging, and the early crap version of the chat system, just that I’ve not touched the Exiles code base in the last two years :slight_smile:

14 Apr

    Toolguy on Forums - Thread - Direct

I’m not on the Exiles team, and I don’t know the code, so no way I could give an estimate, but the suggestion makes sense - to me at least - :slight_smile: