@stinger Could you give a shot at that one?
Funny how a missing “++pos” can just make a file parser get stuck on a loop…
@stinger Could you give a shot at that one?
Funny how a missing “++pos” can just make a file parser get stuck on a loop…
I can confirm there is a problem, it does happen on my home machine, but it does work fine on my work machine, not quite sure what happened there.
Going to dig a bit more…
Could you send me the content of your Logs/DedicatedServerLauncher 1.0.27.txt log files?
(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)
A quick look at the game UI code suggests that it should be doable, now, I’m not in charge of the priorities, and there’s a limited number of coders that are working on a limited number of things at the same time, so I’ve no idea if/when it’s going to be fixed.
That being said, I’ve implemented the steam connect string thing, so if you get yourself a discourse channel for...
Read moreI did a quick test, passing the steam connect url with or without the password is working fine, I sent it to my discord chan, and clicking on it did open Exiles in Steam, eventually asking for the password before launching the game if I did not correctly add the /MyServerPassword to the URL.
Not at the moment, but this has been one of the most requested features.
It’s unfortunately not trivial to implement, I tried to do it on the side but I think I’m going to ask if I can do it officially as a part of our next development sprint because it’s not something that can be done in just a couple of hours.
What would help is if some of you could describe me what would be the ideal process so the whole thing work smoothly.
Let say I manage to detect in the background that there is a new version of the server and/or mods…
Would you believe me if I told you I was asked about your question by a support guy this very morning?
I gave him the name of the person to contact in the UI team who worked on this particular UI, to see if that was just something we could easily add or not.
Basically the question is to know if the underlying code already accepts host names or if only supports IPV4 format. If the background code supports host names, it’s just a matter of fixing the UI’s “filter”, else that would require some actual code change.
tldr, th...
Read moreThat’s definitely doable.
Maybe I could save a list of the last 10 used messages, and have a combo to select them, so if there’s a bunch of message you often send, you don’t have to retype them?
Thanks for the feedback, your guess is probably as good as mine regarding what happened
It’s what @MidnightFC pointed regarding the RCon part.
It’s still useful for people using Discord: If you are on discord, you see that the server was manually restarted or stopped, so you don’t have to worry if it’s your own internet connection that failed or some other random event.
These messages were already sent in the earlier versions, all I changed was ...
Read moreI had the idea that the rcon broadcast would have time to display the players a box explaining this is not a server crash but just a manual restart or shutdown initiated by the server admin.
Read moreLast not least, I hope the delayed restart function is still on that ToDo list. I usually like to give folks some time to get to a safe place and logout even when manually shutting down the server, so it would be very nice if I had a button “restart in 10 minutes” that would automat...
Question: How fast does the SteamCMD window appear after you press Start?
Is it instant, or is there some slight delay? And is any of the window show some warning or error message?
All the versions I post here are for somebody to test that they behave without a problem.
After I get positive feedback that there’s no adverse effect, it then become the new official version and I then only I update the topic title and documentation
Another version with only a few minor changes, but all the request have been written down…
Dedicated Server Launcher 1.0.26:
Does it still crash if you disable the mods? (just for testing)
First, which version are you using of the launcher?
I’m asking, because that’s one of the things I...
Can you confirm that this only happens when using the on/off/restart ...
Read moreThat’s unfortunately a know issue, if you search on the topic you’ll see there’s a number of mentions.
It’s basically due to a problem with the way the Steam API works, our next game will use our own system to list the servers (similar to what we did for consoles), but that’s (probably) not going to happen on Exiles (at least not in the...
Read moreDepends of the context.
Basically you want the UAC high on a machine that is fully interactive, where you are going to do some web browsing, download and install applications, etc… to make sure that the popup appears when something tries to modify your machine configuration.
If you use the machine mostly as a fully automated server it should be fine without the UAC nagging you
Read moreAnother thing:
When you click start...