

19 Mar

    Toolguy on Forums - Thread - Direct


Yes, when the button rotate it basically means there is a SteamCMD running, it’s an easy way to see if the check timer does actually run.

Regarding why the previous version did not work… well… yes I did correctly added the “-beta testlive” to the SteamCMD command line… but I forgot to change the section of the ACF I checked for the date, so I was still looking for the value of
443030 / depots / branches / public / timeupdated
instead of
443030 / depots / branches / testlive / timeupdated

I’m going to leave this ver...

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    Toolguy on Forums - Thread - Direct


Well, thanks bearing with me… and please try that one…

    Toolguy on Forums - Thread - Direct

So, I asked a colleague who’s working on the game about what you are asking, and here is what he answered:

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    Toolguy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Ok, so I made a fix for TestLive, adding the missing “beta” flag:

  dw::String steamCmdCommandLine = m_SteamCmdExecutable;
  steamCmdCommandLine += " +login anonymous";
  steamCmdCommandLine += " +app_info_update 1";
  steamCmdCommandLine += " +app_info_print " + std::to_string(applicationId);
  steamCmdCommandLine += " -beta " + (steamBranchName.empty() ? "default" : steamBranchName);
  steamCmdCommandLine += " +quit";

Obviously I could have use the same code for the SteamCMD Update and the check, but in practice they work very differently: One has to be asynchronous and we don’t really care about what it prints out, while the checking one needs to return the actual output of the command, so ultimately there was not mu...

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18 Mar

    Toolguy on Forums - Thread - Direct


I forgot to specify the branch in use in the check, so it always find there’s an update because basically it’s checking the Live branch status toward your Test Live installed branch.

I’ll make a new version tomorrow, good thing you caught that :slight_smile:

By the way, does the Live / TestLive fea...

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    Toolguy on Forums - Thread - Direct

That was also one of my problems for testing, I had to keep old versions of the installed game and mods and kept overwriting my main folder so I could test the detection code :smiley:

    Toolguy on Forums - Thread - Direct

So, after much pain and frustration, I realized that when calling SteamCMD you get different results depending of the appcache folder content, so if you call:

steamcmd.exe +login anonymous +app_info_update 1 +app_info_print 443030 +quit

you will have different information depending of how old the appinfo.vdf content is, which is a problem when you are trying to get information about the latest version of the application. :scream:

I ended up doing some dark magic, temporarily renaming the appinfo file to something else before call SteamCMD and then reverting to the old appinfo file (when I did not do that, I somewhat got an error on restart because not all files were matching). :expressionless:...

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    Toolguy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hmm, sounds like a case of “Rubber Banding”.

Are you and your friends playing on the official servers, or are you hosting your own server?

If you are on the official servers, could you give a shot at hosting your own server and see if that fixes this particular problem? If it does, then it’s probably network related, and that could be caused by plenty of reasons (distance to the server, ISP throttling, router having issues, packet loss, …...

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17 Mar

    Toolguy on Forums - Thread - Direct

I’ve unfortunately no idea, I guess I could ask at work on Monday, but as far as I know, it’s just a default built-in feature of Unreal/Steam, not something we added.

Regarding my tool involvement in that, all I do is to transform the two checkboxes into entries in the ServerSettings.ini file:

  m_ServerSettingsIni.SetEntryBoolean("[ServerSettings]", "IsBattlEyeEnabled", m_BattlEyeEnabled);
  m_ServerSettingsIni.SetEntryBoolean("[ServerSettings]", "IsVACEnabled"     , m_ValveAnt...
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15 Mar

    Toolguy on Forums - Thread - Direct

I’ve been working on the Server update detection today, I tried first to use steamcmd’s “+app_info_update 1 +app_info_print 443030” parameters, but I got some very unreliable results…

There is a Steam Web API that can do that, but it is limited to 200 queries per period of 5 minutes max (associated to an API key), so there’s a definite risk of going over the limit, which means that we would somewhat need to get our own server caching the information. (Obviously we (Funcom) know when we push a new version to Steam, but we have zero control on WHEN the version is actually available on Steam, so we can’t really use this information.)

If some of you have any experience in getting SteamCMD to reliably report the last change information for an application, please tell!

14 Mar

    Toolguy on Forums - Thread - Direct

It should, same thing if you click on the hourglass icon.

Does it check for new patches too?

For the server itself?
Not at the moment, but if you know of a way to check that, why not.

    Toolguy on Forums - Thread - Direct

So, today I did a second iteration on the mod update feature.

Dedicated Server Launcher 1.0.30

  • Instead of the immediate restart button, could we get another one that starts the same countdown that regular restarts do (eg. 10, 5 and 2 minute warnings). (MidnightFC)
  • Second pass implementation of the mod update check

I have to admit that the code is becoming really messy… with timers and states and asynchronous checks all over the place.
Anyway, here is what it looks like:

... Read more

13 Mar

    Toolguy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Cool, thanks to both of you for the check.

My plan is to:

  • Implement the delayed restart (was a request from @MidnightFC) option
  • Change the “Don’t auto-update Server and Mods” checkbox to a combo with three choices: “Don’t auto-update on restart / Auto-update on restart / Check for updates while running and then restart”
  • Add the check (guess I can do a check every 5 minutes)
  • First time a new mod is detected as “not up to date”, post a message in Discord and RCon saying that a mod need to be updated and that the server will restart for updates in “n” minutes (with “n” being the actual delay selected for the first warning message) - Except if we were already in the restart phase, in which case the message is not really necessary.

Does t...

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12 Mar

    Toolguy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Just for the sake of testing, you can just put “http://test” (or whatever really) and check Enable in the Discord tab, then after clicking Check you will see the result in the server launcher logs:

C:\DedicatedServerLauncher\Logs\DedicatedServerLauncher(1.0.29).2019.03.12 19.55.39-0370.txt

[2019-03-12 19:58:44.527] [TID:15892] DATAERROR: DedicatedServerLauncher - SendDiscordWebhookMessage: Failed sending the message 'Checking t...
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    Toolguy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Ok, if you want to give a shot:

Dedicated Server Launcher 1.0.29

  • The MaxPlayers parameter is now passed on the command line, should help keep it sticky
  • First pass implementation of the mod update check

The “check” button is on the top, at the right of “Don’t auto-update Server and Mods” and the information is displayed on the Discord webhook (It’s temporary, but that was practical to test).

    Toolguy on Forums - Thread - Direct

What I could do, is to release a test version that does not do the restart, but has a “Check” button that allows you to check your mods toward the Steam Workshop releases.

That would be an easy way to start verifying if my check code is working as expected.

In my current test case, I have the following mods installed: 860241645,880454836,1382120864,1386650198,1422434062

Only Pipi was up to date, when I pressed my Check button I got that:


As you can see, Pippi was not flagged as out of date, and 1422434062 has a quest...

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    Toolguy on Forums - Thread - Direct

It’s in the new version, 1.0.28 has not changed.

What you mean by ‘force installing old version’? If a server add a new mod it is installed automatic when restart.

It’s for development purpose: I need to be able to revert to an older version to make sure my tool detect new versions… when I’m all “up to date” it’s getting difficult to test.

    Toolguy on Forums - Thread - Direct

There you go!
1.0.28 is now the official version :slight_smile:

And a small sneakpeak of the new version:


It’s getting there.


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    Toolguy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Could you give me a list of the warning messages you are using, or even better, your ini files, before and after they get cleared. That would be very helpful!

If somebody else can confirm that 1.0.28 is good to go, I will push it as the new official version :slight_smile:

11 Mar

    Toolguy on Forums - Thread - Direct

The official version is still 1.0.25 because I need some people to test versions and tell me they are good for them before I mark them as official.

All the versions can be tested side by side in the same folder, so you can give a shot at 1.0.28, report your findings, and if it seems good to go, it will become the new official one.