

27 Aug

25 Aug

24 Aug

23 Aug


Originally posted by Viklove

What part of atheism do you think defines "the moral structure of the universe," or makes "predictions about the future?"

What rituals does atheism have?

Answered in the first line in my post above. You need to specify which atheist system of belief you're talking about.


Originally posted by OneWithMath

While I agree with this statement overall, the game mechanics of ideologions do not jive with the real-world concept of ideologies.

Real-world atheism is not an organized institution with set rituals and clerical hierarchy, but hypothetical RimWorld atheists would demand regular rituals, the presence of certain specialists, and have identical restrictions on diet/activities/furnishings etc.

It isn't a big deal, but more 'neutral' pawns could give good chances for conversion opportunities, anyway.

"Atheism" is a supercategory like "religion" so it wouldn't make sense to try to find specific ideoligious beliefs for "atheism" and more than it would for "religion".

However, within the vast category of 'atheists' there are many real ideoligions.

They're fuzzier on the edges than traditional religions because they're not formalized this way (usually). But if you just look they're not hard to see.

Nationalists from America or China or many other places, LGBTQ activists and social justice warriors, communists of various stripes, radical feminists, men's rights activists, transhumanists (in the Ray Kurzweil sense), rationalists (as in the rationalsphere), environmentalists and eco-fascists all exist. Individuals mix them together to fill the hole of meaning left by religion.

In these belief structures you can always find some story about the moral structure of the universe, and generally a prophecy for the future. You can always find the rituals, symb...

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22 Aug


We'll look at this, thanks.

19 Aug

18 Aug


Originally posted by doodthedud

Any plans to give actual value to the seeds themselves? As someone who is playing tribal tunnelers with human primacy, it'd be nice to be able to sell off the 7 seeds I've gained from sprout events happening on my map, even if it's just a small amount per seed. Their value right now is literally $0, which seems weird for something that must realistically be so wondrous in-world.

You're right. I'll add some value to make sense a bit, but these aren't meant to be super valuable trade items (they appear for free after all).


Yes, these are getting buffed in the next patch.

I've been collecting more balance feedback and will be dialing in various things over time. (It's better not to rush these things, I've found.)