

26 Jul

25 Jul


Originally posted by Robot_Basilisk

It seems to be fixed! Major props for putting in hours even on the weekend for stuff like this, too.

Awesome thanks for replying!


Originally posted by Khazgrim

Immediately after this happened, I called down another Bestowing Ceremony that was actually interrupted by a social fight starting between one of the guards and the bestower himself, but when they finished nobody was downed. Instead of boarding the shuttle they all wandered off the map instead, leaving the empty shuttle behind

I do have Harmony, Won hair_women, Won hair_men, and Pick Up and Haul mods installed but they probably don't have anything to do with this.

Update: Once all of the people in the original shuttle starved, they all got kicked out of the shuttle and the Royalty empire full on declared war on me- and the people in the second shuttle who hadn't made it off of the map yet became hostile and turned around- but instead of actually attacking my colonists, they ONLY THEN ran to and boarded their shuttle.

Sound like a bug for sure. We'll fix it! Thanks for reporting and sorry that got in.


Originally posted by Squidbit

I feel like a little difficulty indicator for each meme would be helpful for letting players know what they're getting into, and making sure they understand they're not in for a perfectly balanced experience

Maybe a little blurb about it like what you have for the scenarios, off the top of my head the rich explorer start where you're solo says something along the lines of "your starting colonist will probably lack some skills, so early game will be tough"

Yes. The "impact" rating sort of does this, but it's a bit different.

I thought of showing a rating assembled from challenge setting, biome, scenario, and ideoligion. It'd take some doing to get right but it's a good idea.


Originally posted by cortanakya

Why did you nerf the mighty Thrumbo? Since "damaged" animals produce less leather a single Thrumbo now only gives something like 105 leather... I understand the change in general but the Thrumbo should have been an exception. I somehow don't feel like it makes sense for it to drop ~1 duster worth of wool seeing as it's kind of huge. It's not exactly feasible for most colonies to have a Thrumbo breeding program so it's basically just a flat nerf to Thrumbo hunting.

Leather amounts were increased overall so the damaged-target penalty should balance that out to some degree.

Also note you can tame and slaughter them.

Though TBH I can't remember exactly how much leather thrumbos gave in 1.2. Giving more would make a lot of sense though. It is kind of a special thing.


Originally posted by Ecchi-Bunny

Is it intentional that dryads of the defensive/offensive type sleep in during a night raid? Even when I make my people go into fight mode they are still sleeping.

We're gonna look into this.


Originally posted by CalculatedEffect

Does it require a certain tech level or explosive to do this? Because when I try it's all greyed out.

No, just select your pawn, draft, click attack button at the bottom, click target.


Originally posted by Robot_Basilisk

I hope so because that bug is nuts. I didn't notice the first time and suddenly got a "collapsed from exhaustion" notification and go look at the pawn and find them passed out in a massive pile of their own hair because they just stood there all day cutting and recutting their hair.

I left them there, thinking that after collapsing surely they were find now. Nope. They woke up and went right back to styling. Now i have several pawns with a mood debuff wanting to change their style but they can't. They get trapped in the endless cycle of styling every time they try.

Thanks for the note. We had a fix for this but this seemed important so I pulled that fix out of the unstable build and pushed it to default all by itself.

(The unstable build has a bunch of fixes so it needed more analysis and testing to get released safely but I thought it made sense to push this one fix to the front.)

It'd be great if you restarted Steam and let me know if it was fixed!


Looking over the whole thread, there definitely is something odd going on here that needs to be addressed. We will get on it. Sorry about that.


Sounds like a bug. Thanks for reporting and sorry this made it into the release. We will fix it.


You're right. Sorry about this. We'll fix it.


It sounds like a bug. Sorry about this. We will fix it.

24 Jul

23 Jul