

29 Jul


Originally posted by JonPaul2384

I haven’t gotten to this point in 1.3 yet, but I’d have to say that starting from zero research is probably going too far (if that is how it works), considering that in every scenario you at least start out with something. Maybe keep some randomly selected low tier research, or let the player choose a few to carry over. Just as long as it’s a reset to the equivalent of a new colony, not a reset to being even farther behind than tribals.

You're right. I am planning to have research go back to more or less something like a classic crashlanded start. Zero is a bit much.


Originally posted by akjjaxx

I find that the charitable quests ? marks don't appear until the people are already leaving the map which makes it impossible for my colonists to catch up and give them the goods. You should be able to give them the items as soon as they appear on the map.

This was addressed in today's build - should be solved now.

28 Jul


Originally posted by theorial

I remember when DLC was called expansion packs, and you actually got a healthy extension to your game with new content. Nowadays all you get are small little packs of items or a handful of quests for half the cost of what an actual expansion would do. I think it was elder scrolls oblivion that had a few expansion packs that actually added new areas to explore, a bunch of quests and items, maybe a new class or race, etc. MMOs still kind of follow this rule with their expansions.

It's just sad that in nearly every aspect of your life, you are being nickel and dimed. You can't just buy something, you have to sign up for a service...

This is why we always call our expansion packs expansion packs!

It kind of annoys me that Steam forcibly labels them "DLC". This isn't a weapon skin.


I have always gone by the principle that the expansions shouldn't interfere with the core game in the slighest. Nothing should ever be visible but locked off, or unbalanced without expansion content, or even refer to expansion content.

We even use expansion-specific text patches to remove references to expansion mechanics in vanilla content. E.g. The description for the 'kind' trait is different with Ideology.


Originally posted by Xeltar

Thanks for the reply! I think it's fine for gameplay purposes to reset the research tree, lets you have something else to work on whilst still having continuity and having fully kitted out pawns and animals is a great help.

I also don't really mind harder raids since well, having valuables means you are a more attractive target but I would suggest if it's possible maybe soft capping expectations of your new colonists so they don't immediately demand stuff that's impossible to build. They were the ones who probably made the decision to sell so having high expectations and desire for rituals in a brand new place seems strange. Maybe a separate expectation category like slaves have that caps out expectations to low for some time to show the pawns are optimistic for having made a very successful colony.

I'm going to review how expectations play out here.

It would be good if I could get a savegame just after archonexus restart to inspect the game state. It'd be great if you (or anyone else reading this) could join the official dev discord and post one!


I love this.

Anima tree went really bonsai-style!


Originally posted by Sosiwatermelon

It's funny, but after a recent patch, this problem no longer appears in new colonies for me. NOW I HAVE ANOTHER BUG that randomly causes the fps to drop to 30 or lower for no goddamn reason.

Life just mocks me. Thank you for responding btw, you are one of the best developers.

We've love to hear about the new issue as well, especially if you can get it without mods! That Discord link should still work if you're willing.


Originally posted by LedVapour

These people went from crafting hi-tech armor, flatscreen TVs and advanced powerplants to "make stick to throw rock at". I even took the guy who researched everything with me. This is really demotivating.

You also lose all progress with relics....

It's worth noting that in the Crashlanded or Rich Explorer scenario, they already had all that high-tech stuff before the game started in their home planets or on the ship. They they got dropped off by a ship in a new place on this planet. Then they have the research everything. This is basically the same situations as the archonexus restart.

Not that it's exactly clear what 'research' means in this game physically anyway. It never made sense. Is it peoples' memory? That makes no sense because many of them have backstories about being scientists so they should already have the tech, plus you keep your tech if your researcher dies. Is it some kind of document or blueprint? That makes no sense because no such object exists in the world - you can migrate naked to a new map and still keep your research. In truth it's just an abstracted game mechanic, like so much else, and if you want you can pick it apart a hundred ways but there's no point because it's not harming peoples' pl...

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27 Jul


In real life, jealousy and anger over unequal treatment among poly-wives is reportedly widespread [1].

In fact, your solution of swapping out the wives nightly is basically what these people do in real life: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2006/nov/21/religion.gender

That's not to say these outcomes are universal. Human behavior is extremely diverse. But, from my research, these seem to be common patterns pretty much globally.

So some amount of struggle here was anticipated and designed-in.

That said, perhaps we need...

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We will look into this. Thank you for reporting.

Can anyone send us a savegame of this happening? We really need it to reproduce and fix the problem. Here is the easiest place: https://discord.gg/mdfgVN4W


Originally posted by CannedSmeef

Agreed, but it should be made into a unique rebuff for the sake of clarity to players. Maybe even make it a bit worse?

-6 Forbidden to sleep with lover. “I want to sleep with my lover, but my peers disallow it. If only they could understand…”

I came to the same conclusion and that's where we'll end up in the end, I think. This is more of a quick fix for now and we'll come back and refine/rebuild it later in a better form.