

26 Feb


Originally posted by HappyPlace003

Don't know if it's rude or not, but I can plug his username in hopes he does.


Thanks I'll look at the pemmican situation.


Originally posted by hibbert0604

Didn't even think of that when I purchased the original. If I own the basegame on steam and purchase the DLC on your website, will the DLC activate on steam?

We're working on the Steam registration system for Royalty, you'll be able to activate your DRM-free version on Steam in a few days when that's ready.


Originally posted by Plu-lax

I've got one where when I murder a noble my colonists inherit their title. Are you tracking that or would you like a bug report?

A report would be useful - I'm not sure what the bug is here.

25 Feb


Originally posted by RuneLFox

Thank you for the response Tynan, I wasn't expecting a reply so soon, was fully prepared to go sleep upset but now that no longer needs to be the case! Apologies if I sounded somewhat harsh, just was a bit miffed.

I've requested access to that doc, by the way. Cheers.

But now I have your attention, muahahaha. I do have some ideas on how to solve these:

  1. If possible, don't render the 'i' if there's no description set. Sure there might be some hediffs without an 'i' which could be visually jarring, though it's not at all too different from what we had, currently because everyone's been scrambling to write new descriptions! 😉

  2. That's fair. If possible, have the descriptionHover / description show if it's short enough, if it's too long, could truncate it and allow the user to click it for more info. Full disclosure, my original point wrongly assumed that the info box didn't show any hediff stats and was just for the description. Then I ch...

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1,2,3 - kind of the same factor comes into play, which is that we can't really just not allow accessing the info card since so many places depend on it and will link it going forward. And the description can't be empty or malformed in these cases.

For the grammar thing honestly I'd just write it differently rather than trying to come up with a special case grammar replacement. As in that's the kind of solution I go for with our designs.

I think it might be best if the hover text is separate from the info card description in any case, which alleviates these issues. Hover text can use grammar symbols.

Anyway I took some notes into the doc. Cheers.


By the way - sorry. There's a bug causing this occasionally, it didn't happen in testing. Will be addressed in a hotfix soon.


I'm actively seeking modder requests around these kinds of things. We've got a Google Doc where we're collating them (you'll need to request access) with some modders adding requests already[ edit removed after access given ]

So let's talk about it, nothing's set in stone. Especially if there are easy wins to deliver, I'm all for it.

Regarding the points specifically.

  1. I'm not sure it could be optional, otherwise the info card would show nothing at all on the description. Players expect to see something here.
  2. Putting descriptions in the tooltip makes sense if they're short enough, if they're longer it would be a problem. This is something I'd have to review. But probably I'd set an optional to override if it's defined. I don't want to overload the tooltip either though. Needs to be designed carefully.
  3. Grammar symbols like this wouldn't work in the info card since it's often used without reference to any specific pawn (e.g. when you l...
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The game by itself is designed to kickstart the royalty progression quite early with an intro quest.

The issue with depending on a scenario to do this is that now the other scenarios are quasi-broken. The solution had to be something that worked with any scenario. And once that's established, the value of a new scenario didn't seem that great. It's not a bad idea at all it just wasn't the best of everything we had to work on. I suspect most people would prefer to get more quests or more psycasts, etc.


Originally posted by NotATypicalTeen

Hey, thanks for the awesome game! Having a lot of fun playing it.

Just a quick question though. My friend bought me rimworld as a gift, and helped me download it on my laptop since I'm not the most tech savvy person around. Not through steam, but the way that gave a "DRM-free personal download link". It doesn't look like my copy of rimworld has updated to 1.1 though? Top left of my screen still says 1.0.2408. How/when can I update it?

Also, can I get the royalty DLC on this version of Rimworld or not? Since, again, I don't use steam.

Hey thanks :)

You should be able to re-download and get the latest version. I updated it 24 hours ago.

You can also buy Royalty DRM-free at https://rimworldgame.com/royalty



Originally posted by MDCCCLV

I ended up with a royalty visiting me and he had a mental break and missed his shuttle. Somehow he ended up joining my colony five minutes after it started with him constantly being sad that he is living in a dirt hovel. But he can summon godlike reinforcements and can shoot pretty well.

Yeah we got another report of this. It's a bit weird and we'll probably change something in the coming hotfix.


Originally posted by Sneaky_Stinker

May be a bit of a stretch, but is there a way to do the opposite and get a drm free copy if we have it on steam?

Fraid not.