

27 Feb

26 Feb


Originally posted by IFailatGaming1

Hello Tynan, this is slightly off topic with the rest of the thread, but I feel it must be said.

I truly believe that a lot of the noble requirements stiffle creativity, most specifically the clothing and room requirements, for example, if i wanted a throne room with red carpet up to the throne, i wouldn't be able to do so i don't believe, because it's not fine flooring. Similarly, i believe that it's quite silly that you seemingly need a throne room for every noble in your colony, or visitor, which doesn't really make sense.

While I'm overall enjoying the DLC, these concerns have been constantly at the back of my mind, and i hope you can put them to rest. Thank you a lot for rimworld, it has been one of the greatest games I've had the pleasure to play.

We definitely went back and forth during development re: creativity versus prescriptivism in the throneroom system.

A few notes though - if you want a red carpet in your throneroom, you can use the fine red carpet. Also, visitors don't need throne rooms (only bedrooms). If two married colonists are noble, they can share a throneroom. Not sure if the game has a clarity issue around these.

But yeah, the goal was to be as flexible as possible while also having the throneroom still look something like a throneroom (justified in the lore by legal requirements from Empire's culture).

I'm definitely open to feedback if you have a specific suggestion about how the requirements should change.