

31 Jan


Originally posted by famousxrobot

So I have a feeling that it may be impossible to properly visualise this unless I myself have a HDR screen.

If you watch that video on a mobile for example, are you still seeing the white effect? My monitor, is not HDR and to be honest, I'm not seeing anything out of the ordinary on my end.

I'm not saying that it's not an issue for you, but this seems a little similar to how bad the TTS Watermark seemed for users with HDR setups.

Can you turn off HDR and tell/show me if you experience the same thing?


Originally posted by R6_Goddess

Is there any way I could actually buy the game for my friends though? I don't see any uplay keys for this and uplay does not have a built in game gift feature like steam does.

I want to buy the game for one of my friends, but don't appear to have the option to. Any ideas?

Ubisoft Connect doesn't currently have any "gifting" functionality unfortunately. It may be a feature in the future, but that's just an assumption as I don't have visibility on these aspects.


Don’t believe everything you see on the internet…


I’d be interested in seeing some footage of this.

If you can get that, please specify your platform and and video settings you might have enabled such as HDR. It would also be helpful if you could try to reproduce the behavior without these settings enabled and record that too, to see if it occurs the same way

29 Jan


If BattleEye doesn’t get you I will see to it personally that you get banned if you use cheats. PvE, PvP. Doesn’t matter, cheaters aren’t welcome.




Originally posted by UniversalSean

If only yall knew what he was like pre-release🙄

Sean, baby listen. I’ve moved on. I think you should too! ❤️

28 Jan


Zofia is already confirmed as the first post launch Operator.

If you read the lore in the Codex carefully, you’ll also learn that Iana helped design the VR Training


Originally posted by adreychuk

Permissions granted

u/adreychuk has spoken


Nothing has changed.

27 Jan


Originally posted by RbdPanda

Just happened to me again with the launcher ability on Nomad, as soon as the AoE zone showed up I crashed out.

/u/Ubi-AJ we need a fix on this. Always happens to me in the third sub-zone too.

DM me your DxDiag and msinfo files.

In the meantime make sure ALL of your drivers are up to date.


Outbreak had a parasite that was using humans as a host.

They wiped that parasite out in Outbreak (Or so they thought)

You are fighting an evolved version of the parasite in Extraction that does not use humans as hosts. It does not mean they do not use human DNA however…


Originally posted by TheCourierFaNV

I know that all versions have the buddy pass I was just wondering if I still get the 2 buddy pass tokens to give to my friend

You own the game until you no longer have Game Pass. Ergo you have 2 Buddy Pass tokens to use


There is a Free Trial for 2 hours


Try playing on Moderate difficulty only


ALL versions of the game have the Buddy Pass including the Game Pass version.


The man’s clearly never used an XR Drone in his life!


Originally posted by Cindersash

... I'll see myself out...

Happens to the best of us! 😅


Originally posted by Cindersash

/u/Ubi-AJ , I was playing truth or consequences on critical and still got the multiple revive bug on my friend. I think I was Vigil and he was Jeagar If it matters.

Edit Please disregard this I can't read

Read the date on the post


Originally posted by So_Rexy

I think AJ really likes spores! They're the only posts he comments in!

I comments on all posts!

Spores just get special treatment!