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Loving the game, but gotta say that red flash when completing a stealth takedown of a nest has me looking away every time.

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almost 3 years ago - /u/Ubi-AJ - Direct link

I’d be interested in seeing some footage of this.

If you can get that, please specify your platform and and video settings you might have enabled such as HDR. It would also be helpful if you could try to reproduce the behavior without these settings enabled and record that too, to see if it occurs the same way

almost 3 years ago - /u/Ubi-AJ - Direct link

Originally posted by famousxrobot

So I have a feeling that it may be impossible to properly visualise this unless I myself have a HDR screen.

If you watch that video on a mobile for example, are you still seeing the white effect? My monitor, is not HDR and to be honest, I'm not seeing anything out of the ordinary on my end.

I'm not saying that it's not an issue for you, but this seems a little similar to how bad the TTS Watermark seemed for users with HDR setups.

Can you turn off HDR and tell/show me if you experience the same thing?

almost 3 years ago - /u/Ubi-AJ - Direct link

Originally posted by famousxrobot

Sure, but you can see that there is a full screen “flash” of red/white (it looks red but on slower replay it might go red to white rapidly). I can try to grab a few stills from the editor to show the exact moment.

And yeah, I remember the watermark- honestly didn’t bother me because it was just a constant static image on the screen. This effect is more jarring and blinding. I guess because most monitors with “overdrive” hdr (maxing out the fps) sets it to 100% brightness… and the fact that the game itself is relatively dark and moody, the sudden, short flash is super noticeable.

OK, I can't see the effect in real time but on 0.25 speed I can see the red/white almost star shaped effect.

Is this what you're referring to?

I imagine it's not noticeable in real time without HDR, but it's probable that it's much more pronounced on a HDR monitor.

Feel free to send me any screenshots you grab.

almost 3 years ago - /u/Ubi-AJ - Direct link

Originally posted by famousxrobot

screen flash

You’re probably right about the HDR+screen brightness. I slowed it down and it definitely is more white than red. The Star effect doesn’t look too bad, it’s just that it splashed the whole screen in 90% of the nest takedowns. I noticed it doesn’t happen on 100%- it depends on the angle the nest is at; if it’s above and you jump or at your feet/crouch level, it flashes. There are a few angles that don’t produce the effect.

I can log a formal ticket if there’s something like R6fix for extraction; I understand it may or may not get reviewed/added… would just be nice to find a way to tone down the full screen flash.

I would like to add this is really the only complaint I have aside from requesting a compass added to the HUD (like siege). Other than that, an all around phenomenal job done by the team. It’s a game that had some negativity leading up to the release, but almost everyone I know that ACTUALLY tried it has had a positive experience.

Ok ya! The HDR is defo the culprit here as I've never had that happen to me playing! Your screenshot may as well be a Sower mine effect!

I'll raise the issue, there may not be anything that can be done about it (This is WAY over my head) but at least we can get it raised.