Thank you for using the meme format Emote at least. :)
The picture is even more complicated than just "a community of two sides" though. We also have in-game d a t a, survey results, and the dev team's intuition.
When players say we made the Gryphon changes in reaction to Reddit, that was not the whole justification. He had spectacular in-game winrates and was a huge topic in our survey data as well.
Similarly, when players said we pushed the CCU live because we only care about competitive players on PC: sure we want to prevent staring contests in tourneys, but it's also a game design preference. We have recognized the need for more offense in the game since very, very early days, and it's been a dev team priority for a while.
We have a holistic approach. So do the "different communities" influence us? Yes. But we never close off a source of feedback, or pick a favorite side. We have one game and we have to make one balancing decision for the build t...
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