

22 Oct



21 Oct


Originally posted by TheWeirdAndTheWild



Looool, good call out! I have no idea if that was deliberate but that is absolutely a PogNuxia.

16 Oct


Originally posted by GilligansIslndoPeril

I had a lot of fun making this! I learned a lot. Like that video editing gives me a good outlet for my perfectionism and OCD.

If enough people enjoy this, I'll move forward with my plans to make ones for BP, Glad, Shaman, and Cent!

Also, I had to compress this a little for Reddit. Full, uncompressed resolution should be available at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SPeozFk5FAE

Edit: Youtube finished processing the full rez version.

Edit 2: Thanks for the Gold!

Keep 'em coming! This is awesome.


Not sure if this happens with other forward dodge attacks + these columns, but if this is something that can be reproduced consistently I highly recommend reporting it here: https://forhonor.ubisoft.com/bugreporter/ !

15 Oct


Thanks for writing up your thoughts! Obviously, this is not the first time I've seen this subject discussed on here.

The team's aware that there's some support behind removing Reflex Guard (or reworking -depends on the specific thread). I don't have anything to announce, but it's absolutely something we've discussed.


I'll report the issues players are experiencing with the generous tracking on this kick animation. Thanks for providing video!

13 Oct


Originally posted by Thor9616

Check u/ubiinsulin 's comment history. That's the best insight we can get as to what's being sent to the team

In terms of what I'm telling the team about community feeling on balance, it's been fairly focused on PK, Ara, and Highlander for various reasons.

09 Oct


So much detail :O

Like the work on Cent's bracer alone is absurdly good, I wouldn't have even seen the faces if I hadn't opened this in a new tab.

08 Oct


Sorry to hear this!

What platform are you playing on, and are you getting any error messages from FH or from Windows (or your console)?


Originally posted by Dark_Engineer_69

u/ubiinsulin We get 60 FPS for nextgen concoles in THIS december or december in NEXT YEAR? Also, what about 60 FPS on PS4 and Xbox One/Xbox One X?

Y4S4, so this year. Sorry for the ambiguity!

07 Oct


Originally posted by 28Shadow

Console player here. Attacks do land very often, which I agree is a good change. Moving towards prediction based defense rather than reactionary is great! Personally I like that the CCU allows everyone on console to utilize their entire kit. Part of the reason I have stayed on the platform is that characters like Zhanhu are very fun to play on console, not so much on PC where the opponent could have any number of advantages over your own setup. Before the CCU chain offense was only viable at low to mid levels of console, not everyone is using their entire chains. Being able to dodge out of said chains is great!

That being said, Highlander in particular is strange. The defensive lights (particularly the second one) are quite strong, and using their chain of light:light:heavy grants a lot of offensive pressure to the characters "defensive" stance. I'd dare say more than their actual "offensive" stance.

Besides that one instance, the perceived balance in the ga...

Read more

It is! :)

I want to mention that Highlander's light animations are something that has been brought to the dev team's attention, and we acknowledge he's definitely stronger overall post-CCU. I don't have any specific news I can provide, but obviously we're seeing the uptick in HL discussion.


Originally posted by jam2wassy

Why is Cent looking at me seductively?

He's always doing that, it's just under a mask most of the time. :)


Well, we wanted multiple things. We wanted more attacks to hit (including heavies), and less "pressing RB means my opponents gets a 40 damage QTE" instances.

In terms of actual attack speed, only Highlander's defensive lights were buffed (although 500ms is arguably an overdue standardization). Neutral lights faster than 500ms were slowed down.

And while more light attacks are going to hit and function as offense, their damage was lowered and their stamina cost was changed to 9 (in addition to the mid-chain dodges and frame advantage changes).

We are invested in improving the experience on console as much as the PC experience, and the numbers we're seeing indicate that the CCU brought PC and console closer together in terms of how often attacks are successful.

06 Oct


Originally posted by Slythecoop49

Yes there’s several videos showcasing the lack of react-ability on his defensive lights. Everyone likes his new speed and the technical mastery required to wield him, but he has the old Raider problem of his animations not making sense and sort of clipping into each new movement halfway in.

this is a good video to reference

This makes his lights barely readable and the hyper armor he gets with his follow ups just destroys any hope of recovery. He honestly does too much damage for how fast he is. Parrying will only net so much reward, and because of his animations it’s more risky to read a parry since it feels like he just need 2 heavies to kill an assassin.

Raider's a comparison point I used recently in a discussion I had with a developer, so I'm glad you think it's a comparable situation.

Appreciate the video!


He definitely got stronger after the CCU + buff, but he was regarded as fairly weak before. I wouldn't base my hero choice based on whether other people say they're broken or not, tbh.

I do want to say that we've noted the feedback on his light animations, if this is what's being referred to as broken.


Seems like your BP was attracted by the true dahknesh down there. It's simple science.

On a more serious note, I am not sure if this bug can be reproduced easily, but our Bug Reporter system is located here: https://forhonor.ubisoft.com/bugreporter/ .


Well played! Even if their 4v1 wasn't optimal, you still have to play well to properly punish it. :)


You're right, Cent should be cast in more movies.