

03 Dec


Casual is just renamed to quick match,

Old operator prices being raised was a bug (we're working on fixing it now)

Theme park was completely reworked and its basically a new map.

Anything else?


We were fixing the operator prices and it seems like something else went wrong in the process. Team is investigating right now.


after y4.


Can you restart and see if the counter is still at 1/10?


Originally posted by UbiNoty

The new playlist guides for the rest of the modes was put on hold unfortunately: see patch notes addendum https://ubi.li/KSN0h.

We hope to have it in soon in a future update.

flair: ubi-response


The new playlist guides for the rest of the modes was put on hold unfortunately: see patch notes addendum https://ubi.li/KSN0h.

We hope to have it in soon in a future update.


Season update maintenance is happening for PS4 now.


It's a bug! Sorry about that. We're looking into it.


Originally posted by Plebius-Maximus

Is it confirmed to be a glitch?

It is a bug.


Originally posted by UbiNoty

Its a bug! We're looking into it. Thanks!

flair: ubi-response


Its a bug! We're looking into it. Thanks!

21 Nov


Originally posted by Zman1315

Where do people keep finding these? Only a few new ops have these at the bottom of their operator info screen on the webpages. I want to find them all

They're mostly available for new ops since we started creating them not too long ago, but with the love we've seen for them, we're trying to work our way back through the older operators :D


Originally posted by The_Crownless_King

It's dope and all, but the devs definitely didn't make this. They either outsourced it to someone or have an in-house designer/artist.

They're made by our team's very own mega-talented artists.

19 Nov


It's fixed on the TS and will be out with the new season!

18 Nov

13 Nov


Originally posted by NooBeeNaut

My disappointment is immeasurable, and my day is ruined



Originally posted by UbiNoty

I can confirm that it's a bug. Allowing the deployment of 2 shields next to each other introduces new complications that would be inconsistent with our current deployment system.

flair: ubi-response


I can confirm that it's a bug. Allowing the deployment of 2 shields next to each other introduces new complications that would be inconsistent with our current deployment system.