

17 Apr

What type of gear would you guys want to see coming from the DZ?

- Scottie
Originally Posted by Goo-Goo-Man

Field Proficiency caches are a guaranteed 500-drop.
Well, would you look at that.

After resetting, has the vault worked properly for anyone?

- Scottie
Originally Posted by Sxcit3
IAM wondering and IAM record how many updates must be done to fix a single skill! Ubi fore massive company hire some real professionals
Could you please elaborate? What exactly are you experiencing while using the Hive?
I want to make sure of something.

- Scottie
Hey guys, want to let you all know that we're aware of this issue.
Thanks for sending in your feedback.

- Scottie
The thoughts made in this thread are pretty interesting.
I've seen threads where some players feel differently than the OP. Specifically, the P416 is one of the best ARs that I've seen other players enjoy using over all other weapons in the pool.

- Scottie

14 Apr

To anyone who has not found the Chatterbox blueprint yet, I've seen threads where players found the drop and Liberty parts on normal difficulty.

- Scottie
We have no current news on this. Please make sure to stay on the forums for further updates.

- Scottie
Heads up, make sure we are keeping the conversation on topic, constructive, and civil in the thread.
Thank you.

- Scottie
Originally Posted by DetoX-_-X
UF is my go to pvp talent since it stacks so well with other talents. I literally mow anyone down with my lmg build, even when I need to reload fillerup is so powerful with the 2 ammo shotty that u keep empty at all times.
This sound like something I'm going to have to try. LMG builds are my favorite!

- Scottie

13 Apr

Hey there! Please try to restart your game session, and possibly even the entire game, if the first suggestion doesn't work.

Is there any other players experiencing this issue?

- Scottie
Originally Posted by As1r0nimo
Every spec can carry 2 grenades at a time. Concussion and spec. Different grenades are also on different amount and they drop separately

- Scottie
Just out of curiosity, what are some of you guys' favorite side missions?

- Scottie
Originally Posted by LittlebitsDK
we need a flashlight mod to attach to our guns
This is just a gamer life hack that I do, so maybe it can help someone out: I usually change my gamma settings a bit. That usually helps me out in dark areas.

- Scottie
Originally Posted by mattrickl06
Keep trying, don't give up, god loves a tryer...
This is the type of energy I love seeing from the Division community!

- Scottie
Hey @SuperAlexr0x, welcome to the forums!
Thanks for sharing your suggestion with us.

- Scottie
Are any other players having issues upgrading their Lullaby?

- Scottie

12 Apr

To the OP, thank you for taking the time out to provide some suggestions in a constructive manner.
We always appreciate the feedback you guys give us!

- Scottie

11 Apr

Originally Posted by Carnage652
Ah, ok thanks!
Is your mask showing now?

- Scottie
What weapons is everyone currently still farming for? Has anyone found every single weapon at least once yet?

- Scottie