

20 Oct

In order to file a ban appeal, or with questions about your ban, you should reach out to the support team.

18 Oct

Originally Posted by LyfizMine
In my eyes that was a clear headshot.
I slowed im down to frame by frame. That was a clear headshot. Even if it was not a headshot when iq was crouched, it was when he got back up because my sighta came back down.
With kapkans gun you are saying that headshot was "inbetween" shots? This is not nomad or someone with a slow fire rate. Kapkan has a very fast fire rate.
This is a issue with the serve not registering.

How are you gonna say that that was NOT a headshot, and that say you agree that it did not register? Like we cant know BECAUSE it did not register.

This is xbox i dont kmow how to check what server im playing on.

As for the c4. Ive gotten downed liked 10 feet from a c4 while it was at the OTHE...
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Originally Posted by LyfizMine
Thank you for actually taking 60 seconds of you life to watcj the 2 videos.
Also if you slow it down on iq. THAT WAS A CLEAR HEADSHOT u blind??
You sight definitely passes over her head, but it is in-between fired rounds as she is standing back up. As I said, you definitely got shots in on her that didn't register, just not a headshot.
Originally Posted by LyfizMine
Okay, kinda sounds like a excuse to me.
You do know you can copy paste right?
If copy and pasting bothers you so much you shoukd quit your job. Ive lost time reporting this stupid glitches. You can take the time to copy paste.
I understand that these things can be frustrating, but please keep things cordial.

For the clip with IQ, it looks like your bullets danced around her head hitbox, but it does look like there was some impact, which I'd like to look into. Which datacenter is it that you are playing on?

For the C4, you can see, if you slow the clip down, Ace seems to just get out of the blast radius as it is going off... Read more
Hey Lyf, Looks like only the first was hyperlinked, if you want to fix the others up so we can see them as well, I'd appreciate it.

A reminder that killcams, whereas necesarry for ascertaining a full idea for issues, can aso at times be unreliable. This definitely looks like an instance where Mute had you dead to rights and the killcam just goofed.

I have seen the other thread you posted, and have taken it in account.
Please refrain from necro-ing old threads double check the date on the thread before comenting!

17 Oct

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Have you checked to make sure that UHD textures are disabled?
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Moving to player support!
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You can always check out the Community Discord [discord.com] to find folks!
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Which server is it that you're connecting to? Also what's the specific issue you're having? Just an inability to connect to the server?
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Interesting - I'm going to move this over to player support!
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Are you loading with DX11 or Vulkan?
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Please refrain from necro-ing old threads! double check the date of the thread before commenting on it.
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Moving to player support!
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Hey dare, have you checked on if the thread was moved to our player support forums?
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We haven't announced a date yet, but we are very excited to bring the reworked Lord to live game.
Please refrain from necro-ing old threads! Double check the date on threads before commenting on them!
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Please refrain from necro-ing old threads! Double check the original posting date before commenting on threads!

16 Oct

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A good place to connect with folks is through the R6 Community discord. [discord.com]
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Moving to player support!