

08 Oct

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Originally posted by UbiYubble:
Originally posted by ReecesPiecesN1:
I really wanna see his elite skin mvp being dokkaebis mvp but with some russian music

That would be quite the sight.

Only if it's ... Read more
Please refrain from Necro-ing old threads! Double check the date of threads before commenting on them!
    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Moving to player support!
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Originally posted by ~Frostbite~: Now that I've brought him. Why does this fool not use a helmet, he literally get's disoriented when he smashes into a wall.

Oryx is 6'5 and close to 300lbs of raw, wallbreaking force. Frankly if I could burst through walls like that, I don't think Id wear a helmet, just based on raw intimidation factor.
Originally Posted by Squattangent0
also what time will the test servers start tomorrow?
According to this tweet looks like we are going down around 1:30, and will be back up around 2:00 EDT!
Hey Legends, It can definitely be super frustrating to be the target of a DDoS attack. Which platform is it that you're playing on?

07 Oct

    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Can anyone reproduce this issue consistently? I would love to see some modern videos of this!
    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Mr. H.U.N.K.: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uZjhF2R32kE

It's the 1st clip in the video from 0:00 up to 1:00 min in the video...

If my memory isn't mistaken it's the 4-6th time we got this kind of bug in the game, since launch. This time around seems like a vault bug, instead of a "do x y z in certain order to exploit this glitch".

Thanks for reporting this in! I went ahead and reported it back!
Originally Posted by Squattangent0
I'm currently watching the tachanka rework live stream, and I'm LOVING what i'm seeing so far. Tachanka really deserves this and you really made him shine in a whole new way. As a console player i really wish that he could just come straight to live build, however i understand that by being on test server he'll come to live build in a much better place. The only thing im confused about is how long is he going to be on test servers? I wouldn't assume it'd be the normal 3-4 weeks that a new season is usually there for seeing as he's just one character. so yea, how long will he be there?
We haven't announced anything on when he will be coming, so there... Read more
Originally Posted by NoX_LuuaTups
Hey, I have played this game for nearly 2 years. I personally think it would be time to change camera locations. Everyone knows them by heart and it would be nice if you would have to learn these locations again and it would change gameplay. Also if they are running out of operator ideas then:

An operator who has 2 drones who don't care about mute or mozzie traps.
An operator who can throw gadgets like wamai has on the walls and then it will reinforce them or someone who can reinforce the wall( when hibana breaks a wall then he can repair it. )
The camera point you make is interesting - In this idea would the cameras just make a stati... Read more
    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by t o m: Now that Tachanka Rework is over with, Ubi can now focus with the next Operator that NEEDS a rework....Clash.

Hey Tom! I know clash can be a bit annoying to deal with at times, but what makes you think she needs a rework? And also, how would you rework her?
    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by twunny phaiv:
Originally posted by UbiYubble: {-}7
what on earth does this mean and why do you keep posting it??

As posted by Urban Dictionary.[www.urbandictionary.com]
A reminder to please not necro old threads! Double check the date of threads before commenting on them!
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Originally posted by yung noob: like i said, match making having some issues for me and others rn. the game wont find matches and shows error messages when you start the q

Which error? Also what datacenter is it you are all connecting to?
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Praise be to The Lord Tachanka.
Originally Posted by DownTolFriendly
Hey there,

So recently when I was in a ranked match, I got kicked from it with the reason ''You have been permanently banned from matchmaking by FairFight'' I don't understand why but okay? Then I got another ban for 15 for toxicity? So am I now permanently banned or 15 days? On the main screen it says 15 days and not permanently.

Hey Down, this is something you can take up with our ... Read more
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Originally posted by Three Stripe Life: how would i make sure its not downloading the hd texture pack

There should be a "DLC" tab that it is under!
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Originally posted by Candreva: Ultra HD pack, you installed that too.

It's most likely this! Double check that you have it unchecked under "DLC's"!